The fault is hers that made me go astray;
He needs must wander that hath lost his way:20
Guiltless I am; she doth this change provoke,
And made that charcoal, which to her was oak,
And as a looking-glass from the aspect,
Whilst it is whole, doth but one face reflect;
But, being crackt or broken, there are grown25
Many less faces, where there was but one;
So love unto my heart did first prefer
Her image, and there placed none but her;
But, since 'twas broke and martyr'd by her scorn,
Many less faces in her place are born.30
Leaning her head upon my breast,
There on love's bed she lay to rest;
My panting heart rock'd her asleep,
My heedful eyes the watch did keep;
Then, love by me being harbour'd there,5
(No hope to be his harbinger)
Desire his rival kept the door;
For this of him I begg'd no more,
But that, our mistress to entertain,
Some pretty fancy he would frame,10
And represent it in a dream,
Of which myself should give the theme.
Then first these thoughts I bid him show,
Which only he and I did know,
Arrayed in duty and respect,15
And not in fancies that reflect:
Then those of value next present,
Approv'd by all the world's consent;
But, to distinguish mine asunder,
Apparrell'd they must be in wonder.20
Such a device then I would have,
As service, not reward, should crave,
Attir'd in spotless innocence,
Not self-respect, nor no pretence:
Then such a faith I would have shown,25
As heretofore was never known,
Cloth'd with a constant clear intent,
Professing always as it meant: