Act V., Sc. 2]
With pleasure, believing I had been your martyr.
Iph. She looks pale! Francelia!135
Fran. I cannot stay:
A hasty summons hurries me away,
And—gives—no[She dies
Iph. She's gone,
She's gone! Life, like a dial's hand, hath stol'n140
From the fair figure, ere it was perceiv'd.
[A noise within. Enter Soldiers. She thinks them Almerin
What will become of me? Too late, too late
Y'are come: you may persuade wild birds, that wing
The air, into a cage, as soon as call
Her wand'ring spirits back.145
Those are strange faces: there's a horror in them;
And, if I stay, I shall be taken for
The murtherer. O, in what straits they move,
That wander 'twixt death, fears, and hopes of love![Exit150
Scene III
Enter Brennoralt, Grainevert, Soldiers
Bren. Forbear, upon your lives,
The place! There dwells Divinity within it.
All else the castle holds is lawful prize,
Your valour's wages: this I claim as mine.
Guard you the door.5
Grd. Coronel, shall you use all the women yourself?
Bren. Away! 'tis unseasonable.[They retire: he draws the curtain
Awake, fair saint, and bless thy poor idolater.
Ha! pale? And cold? And dead ?
The sweetest guest fled—murdered, by heaven!10
The purple streams not dry yet!
Some villain has broke in before me,
Robb'd all my hopes; but I will find him out,
And kick his soul to hell. I'll do't.
[Dragging out Iphigene] Speak!
Iph. What should I say?15
Bren. Speak, or by all
Iph. Alas! I do confess