[Act III., Sc. 4
The bold so far, but still it tastes o' th' rash.
Why, let it taste! it tastes of love too; and5
To all actions 't gives a pretty relish, that
Enter Raguelin
Rag. My lord?
Bren. O, here!
Rag. 'Sfoot, y'are upon our sentries;
Move on this hand.[Exeunt
Enter again Brennoralt and Raguelin
Bren. Where are we now?
Rag. Entering part of the fort:
Your lordship must be wet a little.[Exeunt10
They enter again
Bren. Why,
Are there here no guards?
Rag. There needs none: you presently
Must pass a place, where one's an army in
Defence, it is so steep and strait.
Bren. 'Tis well.
Rag. These are the steps of danger. Look to your way,15
My lord.
Bren. I do not find such difficulty.
Wait me hereabouts.[Exit Raguelin
Enter Francelia, as in a bed, asleep; Brennoralt draws the curtains
So misers look upon their gold, which, while
They joy to see, they fear to lose; the pleasure20
O' the sight scarce equalling the jealousy
Of being dispossess'd by others.
Her face is like the Milky Way i' th' sky,
A meeting of gentle lights without name.
Shall this fresh ornament of the world, this precious
Loveliness pass, with other common things,
Amongst the wastes of time? What pity 'twere!
Fran. [waking] Bless me!
Is it a vision, or Brennoralt?30
Bren. Brennoralt, lady.
Fran. Brennoralt? innocence guard me!
What is't you have done, my lord?
Bren. Alas! I were