Act V., Sc. 1
Thief. Sir, we have found him out: the party is
In prison.
Tamoren. How, in prison?
Thief. For certain, sir.
It seems young Samorat and he
Were those that fought the duel t'other day,10
And left our Torcular so wounded there.
For his supposed death was Samorat taken;
Which when this youth had found,
He did attempt to free him, scaling the wall
By night; but, finding it impossible,15
Next morning did present himself into
The hands of justice, imagining his death,
That did the fact, an equal sacrifice.
Tamoren. Brave Orsabrin!
Thief. Not knowing that the greedy law asks more,20
And doth proscribe the accessory as well
As principal.
Tamoren. Just so, i' th' nick! i' th' very nick of time!
Peridor. He's troubled.
Tamoren. It will be excellent.25
Be all in soldiers' habits straight. Where's Torcular?
Thief. Forthcoming, sir.
Tamoren. How are his wounds? Will they endure the air?
Under your gaberdines wear pistols all.
Peridor. What does he mean ?30
Tamoren. Give me my other habit and my sword.
I' th' least suspected way haste after me.
Thief. All?
Tamoren. All but Peridor. I will abroad.
My broken hopes and suff'rings shall have now
Some cure.35
Fortune, spite of herself, shall be my friend,
And either shall redress, or give them end.
[Exeunt all but Peridor
Peridor. I've found it out: he does intend to fetch
This stranger back, and give him Reginella:
Or else—no, no, it must be that: his anger40
And the search declare it—the secret of the prison-house
Shall out, I swear. I'll set all first on fire;
For middle ways to such an end are dull.[Exit