Act V., Sc. 4]
Enter Guard, Orsames, Philan, Courtiers, Orithie, Semanthe
Iol. Ari. Ha, ha, ha! how they look now!
Zir. Death! what's this?
Ther. Betray'd again!
All th' ease our fortune gives our miseries145
Is hope; and that, still proving false, grows part of it.
King. From whence this guard?
Ari. Why, sir, I did corrupt,
While we were his prisoners, one of his own
To raise the court.
Shallow souls, that thought we could not countermine!150
Come, sir, y'are in good posture to despatch them.
King. Lay hold upon his instrument. Fond man!
Dost think I am in love with villainy?
All the service they can do me here is but
To let these see the right I do them now155
Is unconstrain'd. Then thus I do proceed:
Upon the place Zorannes lost his life
I vow to build a tomb; and on that tomb
I vow to pay three whole years' penitence.
If in that time I find that heaven and you160
Can pardon, I shall find again the way
To live amongst you.
Ther. Sir, be not
So cruel to yourself: this is an age.
King. 'Tis now irrevocable. Thy father's lands165
I give thee back again, and his commands,
And, with them, leave to wear the tiara
That man there has abus'd. To you, Orbella,
Who, it seems, are foul as well as I,
I do prescribe the self-same physic I170
Do take myself; but in another place,
And for a longer time—Diana's nunnery.
Orb. Above my hopes.[Aside
King. [To Ari.] For you, who still have been
The ready instrument of all my cruelties,
And there have cancell'd all the bonds of brother,175
Perpetual banishment! Nor should
This line expire, shall thy right have a place.
Ari. Hell and furies![Exit
King. [To Zir.] Thy crimes deserve no less; yet, 'cause
Thou wert Heaven's instrument to save my life,180