Scene I
Enter Ziriff, Pasithas, and Guard: he places 'em and Exit. A state set out
Enter Ziriff, Iolas, Ariaspes
Iol. A glorious night!
Ari. Pray heav'n it prove so! Are we not there yet?
Zir. 'Tis about this hollow.[They enter the cave
Ari. How now! what region are we got into,
Th' inheritance of night!5
Have we not mistaken a turning, Ziriff,
And stepp'd into the confines of
Some melancholy devil's territory?
Iol. Sure, 'tis a part of the first Chaos, that would
Not suffer any change.10
Zir. No matter, sir: 'tis as proper for our purpose,
As the lobby for the waiting-woman's.
Stay you here; I'll move a little backward;
And so we shall be sure to put him past
Retreat. You know the word, if it be the prince?15
[Ziriff goes to the door of the cave
Enter King
Zir. Here, sir, follow me: all's quiet yet.
King. Is he not come then?
Zir. No.
King. Where's Ariaspes?
Zir. Waiting within.
Iol. I do not like this waiting,
Nor this fellow's leaving of us.