and Sarah (Metxell) Shorkley; grad. Bucknell Inst., '02; Bucknell Univ., A.B. '05 (mem. Delta Delta Delta); m. Lewisburg, Pa, July 29, 1909, George R. Bliss (patent lawyer); one son: Henry Harmon Bliss. Now living, for benefit of husband's health, on a poultry farm, which they have named "Novova." Baptist.
BLOCK, Anita C. (Mrs. S. John Block), 65 Hamilton Terrace, N.Y. City.
Associate editor; b. N.Y. City, Aug. 22, 1882; ed. private school, N.Y. City; Barnard Coll., grad. B.A. '03; m. N.Y. City, June 4, 1907, S. John Block (lawyer and well-known Socialist). Was teacher in a New York private school. Active mem. Socialist Party. Favors woman suffrage. Associate editor of Socialist daily paper, the New York Call; edits Sunday page for women, also writes several editorial articles weekly. Mem. Socialist Press Club, Women's Trade Union League, Am. Soc. Med. Sociology, Intercollegiate Socialist Soc. Recreations: Dancing, walking, rowing, swimming, music, art, theatre. Has been delegate to city and State conventions of the Socialist Party. Lectures on Socialism and all allied subjects before women's clubs, suffrage societies, dinner clubs, etc.
BLOCK, Elizabeth Orme (Mrs. Francis C. Block), 16 Kimball St., Atlanta, Ga.
Born Atlanta, Ga.; dau. Francis Hodgson and Ellen Vail (Woodward) Orme; ed. public schools of Atlanta and Edgeworth School, Baltimore, Md.; m. Francis Cockran Block (deceased); one daughter: Margaret Douglas Block. Mem. Colonial Dames, D.A.R., Every Saturday Club. Episcopalian.
BLODGETT, Katharine Frances (Mrs. Kinsley Blodgett), 1016 Main St., Worcester, Mass.
Born Boston, Sept. 4, 1880; dau. George Abner and Emma W. (Bancroft) Littlefield; ed. public schools of Newport and Providence, and Brown Univ., A.B. '02 (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta); m. Providence, June 27, 1910, Rev. Kinsley Blodgett. Teacher in Sunday-school. Episcopalian. Recreation: Music. Mem. Current Topics Club (sec.) Against woman suffrage.
BLODGETT, Mabel Fuller (Mrs. Edward E. Blodgett), Redgables, West Newton, Mass.
Author; b. Bangor, Me., April 18, 1869; dau. Ransom Burritt and Mary Louise (White) Fuller; ed. Acad. Sacre Cceur, Elmhurst, Providence, R.I.; m. Boston, Mass., Nov. 17, 1891, Edward Everett Blodgett; children: Robert Fuller, Ruth Hartwell, Richard Ashley, Dorothy. Author: The Aspen Shade; At the Queen's Mercy; Fairy Tales; The Giant's Ruby; When Christmas Came Too Early. Roman Catholic. Mem. Mayflower Club and Mayflower Descendants.
BLODGETT, Minnie Cumnock (Mrs. John Wood Blodgett), 401 Cherry St., Grand Rapids, Mich.
Born Lowell, Mass.; dau. Alexander G. and Frances F. (Ross) Cumnock; ed. public schools, Lowell, Mass.; Vassar Coll., A.B. '84; m. Lowell, Mass., Jan. 16, 1895, John Wood Blodgett; children: Katherine Cumnock, John Wood. Pres. of the D. A. Blodgett Home for Children; interested in the child-welfare work of the city. Mem. Women's University Club, Ladies' Literary Club, Fortnightly Club, Art Ass'n. Congregationalist.
BLOOM, Bessie Luella Kutcher (Mrs. Jesse Stewart Bloom), 55 N. Park St., East Orange, N.J.
Born East Orange, N.J., 1880; ed. in schools of East Orange; Vassar Coll., A.B. '01; m. East Orange, N.J., Aug. 26, 1908, Jesse Stewart Bloom; children: Roger Langdon, Lois Gilbert, Clifford Stewart. Engaged in teaching and office work in Morristown, N.J.; Newark, N.J., and Brooklyn, N.Y., 1901-05; sec. Y.W.C.A. of Brooklyn, 1905-08. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church.
BLOOMSTEIN, Elizabeth Lee, 521 Fifth Av., South, Nashville, Tenn.
Teacher; b. Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 8, 1859; dau. Jacob and Esther M. (Radzin) Bloomstein; ed. private school, normal school, Univ. of Nashville, A.M.; grad, student of Univs. of Wis. and Chicago. Professor of history (European), Peabody Normal School, for thirty-five years; now librarian of George Peabody Coll. Library. Has lectured for many years, particularly on history and history of art; has been active in civic work as mem. of South Nashville Fed. of Women, as well as other clubs. Against woman suffrage. Has written for newspapers. Jewish religion. Pres. Magazine Circle, which has endowed a scholarship for the George Peabody Coll. for Teachers, to be known as the Magazine Circle Scholarship; has been a delegate twice to the Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs of the U.S. and on the educational program in 1900 at Milwaukee. Vice-pres. Tennessee Woman's Historical Ass'n; mem. Tenn. Press Woman and Authors' Club, Am. Historical Ass'n, Ladies' Hermitage Ass'n (which cares for home of Andrew Jackson), United Daughters of the Confederacy, Nashville Art Ass'n, Peabody Woman's Club, Centennial Club, etc.
BLOUNT, Alma, Ypsilanti, Mich.
Teacher; b. Byron, Ill., Nov. 29, 1866; dau. Joseph Blount, M.D., and Mary Putman (Green) Blount; grad. Wheaton (Ill.) Coll., A.B. '90; Cornell Univ., Ph.D. '96; scholar in English philology, 1894-95; fellow in English philology, 1895-96; student at Radcliffe Coll., 1898-99; held European fellowship of Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, 1904-05. Earlier years of teaching were spent in various schools; now ass't prof. of English in the State Normal School at Ypsilanti, Mich. Author: Language Lessons for Intermediate Grades, 1912; An Elementary Grammar, Composition for Grammar Grades, 1913. Mem. D.A.R., Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, National Council of Teachers of English. Interested in investigations in mediaeval romance, and has partially completed a Complete Onomasticon of the Mediaeval Legends of the Arthurian Cycle. Pending its completion and publication the MS. is kept in the fireproof vaults of the Harvard Library, where it may be consulted by scholars interested. Favors woman suffrage.
BLOUNT, Anna Ellsworth (Mrs. Ralph Earle Blount), 124 South Oak Park Av., Oak Park, Ill.
Physician, lecturer; b. Oregon, Wis., Jan. 18, 1872; dau. H. G. and Amelia (Barnhisel) Ellsworth; grad. Univ. of Wis., class of '92; Northwestern Univ., Woman's Med. School, M.D. '97; Germany, 1904; Cook Co. Hospital interne, 1897; m. Chicago, 1893, Ralph Earle Blount; children: Walter, Earle, Ruth. Passed competitive exam., 1897, for Cook Co. Hospital; studied abroad, 1902-04. Frequent lecturer on social hygiene, equal suffrage, eugenics and kindred subjects. Formerly vice-pres. Ill. Equal Suffrage Ass'n, now chairman of Literature Com. Author of magazine articles, leaflets and addresses. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n, Chicago Med. Soc, Ill. Equal Suffrage Ass'n, Chicago Political Equality League, Am. Eugenics Soc. Recreation: Travel. Mem. Chicago Woman's Club, Nineteenth Century Club (Oak Park, Ill.), Woman's Med. Club.
BLOUNT, Marie Ross (Mrs. Henry F. Blount), 218 Sunset Av., Evansville, Ind.
Born Mt. Vernon, Ind., July 10, 1881; dau. Robert Neal and Emily (Lichtenberg) Ross; ed. public schools of Evansville, Ind., later private schools and Cincinnati Conservatory of Music; m. Evansville, Ind., Nov. 4, 1905, Henry F. Blount Jr.; children: Henry F., b. Sept, 25, 1906; Robert E., b. Nov 20, 1908. After completing musical education did accompanying and sole work on the piano in concert professionally for several years, later taught music. Leader in social musical circles and mem. of musical societies in Evansville and Washington, D.C. Interested in civics and municipal reforms—especially health and education. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage.
BLOW, Alziere Kennerly (Mrs. William T. Blow), 6712 Michigan Av., St. Louis, Mo.
Born Jefferson Barracks, Mo., Dec. 29. 1866; dau. Wm. F. and Abbie (Kennerly) Haines; is a soldier's daughter of Colonial lineage; ed. in High School, Acad, of Sacred Heart and Washington Univ., St. Louis; m. Nov. 19, 1898, Dr.