< Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu
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SMITH, Mrs. Edward Laban— Elisabeth

Howell 756

SMITH, Mrs. E(3ward Percy— Margaret Cary . . 761

SMITH, Mrs. Ernest Ellsworth— Lillian Church 760

SMITH. Mrs. Everett— Mary Frances Dibble... 762

SMITH, Mrs. F. Carl— Isabel E 759

SMITH, Mrs. Fayette— Mary Prudence Wells.. 763

SMITH, Mrs. Frank L— Adeline Avery 754

SMITH, Mrs. Frank Sullivan— Clara Alzlna

Hapgood Higgins 755

SMITH, Mrs. Fred Norton— Louise Porter 761

SMITH, Mrs. George Clinton— Eva Munson.... 757

SMITH, Mrs. George Milton— Katharine Ware. 760

SMITH, Mrs. George Otis— Grace Coburn 758

SMITH, Mrs. George Wilson— Emma Adella

Flint 756

SMITH, Mrs. Glenn D.— Louie Myers 761

SMITH, Mrs. Henry Ashley— Mary Emmons... 762 SMITH, Mrs. Henry Hadley— Jane Luella

Dowd 759

SMITH, Mrs. Henry Leavltt— Jane Noyes 759

SMITH, Mrs. Herbert Knox— Gertrude E.

Dietrich 758

SMITH. Mrs. Horace Edwin— Jeanle Oliver

Davidson 759

SMITH, Mrs. Horace W.— Ida Spooner 759

SMITH, Mrs. Hugh Montgomery— Annie

Morrill 754

SMITH, Mrs. Huntington— Anna Harris 754

SMITH, Mrs. Ira L.— Aurine Williams 754

SMITH, Mrs. J. Ernest— Josephine Tatnall 760

SMITH, Mrs. J. Stanley— Annie Shaw 754

SMITH, Mrs. James Ravenel— Mabell Shlpple

Clarke 761

SMITH, Mrs. I-aban E.— Elizabeth Laban 756

SMITH, Mrs. Malcolm— Ida B. Wise 759

SMITH, Mrs. Malcolm F.— Lurenda Beverly... 761 SMITH, Mrs. Malcolm Howard— Mary Emma

Colby 762

SMITH, Mrs. Ruel P.— Ellen Cyr 756

SMITH, Mrs. Rutledge— Graeme McGregor 758

SMITH. Mrs. Sabin— Julia Holmes 760

SMITH, Mrs. Samuel P.— Annie E 754

SMITH, Mrs. Sheridan I.— Clara Eastman 755

SMITH, Mrs. Sidney— Lura Eugenie Brown 761

SMITH, Mrs. Thomas Jefferson- Elise Bennett 756

SMITH, Mrs. Wesley Linford- Louise Allen.... 761

SMITH, Mrs. William H.— Collie Jackson 755

SMITH, Mrs. William Hemans — Margaret

Nichols 762

SMITH, Mrs. William M.— Harriet Lummis.... 7.'8

SMITH. Mrs. William Roy— Marlon Parris . . . . 762 SMITH, Mrs. Winthrop Davenport— Mary

Virginia Agate 763

SJIITIIERS, Mrs. Christopher D.— Mary

Brink lev 764

SMITH 13RS, Mrs. John— Kate Elolse Brett 764

SMYTH, Mrs. Henry Lloyd— Margarita

Pumpelly 764

SMYTH, Mrs. W. C— Sydney Armstrong 55

SNEAD, Mrs. Harry Valrln — Louise Hammond

Willis 764

SXIOATH, Mrs. Samuel B.— Laura Stephenson. 764

SNKDEKER, Mrs. Charles H.— Caroline Dale 765

SNIOLL, Mrs. Millard F.-Nellie C 765

SNOW, Mrs. Marshall S.— Ellen Frances

Jewell 765

SNOW, Mrs. William Brackett— Elinor

Kimball Bruce 763

SNOW. Mrs. William C — .\gne9 Kun6 765

SNOW, Mrs. William C— ICrva Goodwin 765

SNOWDEN, Mrs. Clifford-Madeline Gaston... 765

SNYDKR, Mrs. Charles Earl— Eva Smith 765

SNYD1'"R, Mrs. Clarence— Mary J. Dunlap 766

SNYDER, Mrs. DeWitt— Sibyl Thurston 766

SNYTjER, Mrs. Rolx-rt William— Grace Lesta. 766

SNYDICR, Mrs. W. H.— Emma Morrill 765

SNYDER, Mrs. William H.— Kate Anor Oosad 766

SOLOMON. Mrs. Henry— Hannah G 766

SOMKUVILLE, Mrs. Charles William— Ethel

HIaokmore 766

SOMMIORS, Mrs. Eklgar Paul— Katharine

Hipyins 766

SCiMMERS, Mrs. William A.— May A. C 766

SOTHERN, Mrs. Edward H.— Julia Marlowe.. 541 SOUTHERLANO, Mrs. Augustus P.— Susan

George 707

SOUTHWORTH, Mrs. Edward Fr?.nKlln—

Gertrude Van Duyn 707

SOITTIIWORTH, Mrs. Franklin Chester- Alice

Berry 767

SOUTHWORTH, Mrs. Winthrop M. -Inez M.

Sou th worth 767

SFAKFORD, Mrs. Joseph H.— Emily Hazard

Dakln.. 767

6PAHR, Mrs. Charles BarzlUal- Jflau Gurney

Fine 767


SPALDING, Mrs. Ely Parker— Elizabeth Hill.. 768 SPALDING, Mrs. Volney Morgan— Effie

Almira Southworth 767

SPANG LER, Mrs. Alpheus M.— Lena

Margaret Norton 768

SPARLING, Mrs. George A.— Edna McKenzle 768

SPAIILDING, Mrs. Arthur E.— Elsie Myers.... 768 SPAULDING, Mrs. Frank Ellsworth— Mary

Elizabeth Trow 769

SPAULDING, Mrs. Gale— Francesca dl Maria

Palmer 769

SPEAR, Mrs. Franklin B., Jr.— Rachel Cooper 769

SPF.ER, Mrs. Carl W.— Theodora Armstrong . 769

SPENCE, Mrs. C. J.— Fannie 769

SPENCER, Mrs. Albert— Margaret Smith

Henry 770

SPENCER, Mrs. Charles H.— Mary Acheson... 770 SPENCER, Mrs. Edwards— Emily Meredith

Read 770

SPENCER, Mrs. George A.— Gertrude

Longworth 770

SPENCER, Mrs. H. N.— Elizabeth Dwlght 770

SPENCER, Mrs. Lorlllard— Mary R 770

SPENCER, Mrs. Richard Franklin— Lilian

Graham 770

SPENCER, Mrs. William Henry— Anna Garlin 769

SPICER- SIMPSON, Mrs. Theodore— Margaret. 770

SPITZER, Mrs. Sherman Clark— Nellie Tefft.. 770 SPOFFORD, Mrs. Richard S.— Harriet

Prescott 771

SPOONER, Mrs. Charles Horace — Inez Grant

Davis 771

SPOONER, Mrs. Henry T.— Florence

Garrettson 771

SPRAGGE, Mrs. Arthur G. M.— Ellen

Elizabeth 771

SPRAGUE, Mrs. Henry Harrison— Charlotte... 771

SPRAGUE, Mrs. Randolph A.— Ella M 771

SPRAGUE-SMITH, Mrs. Charles— Isabelle

Dwlght 771

SPRAY, Mrs. Samuel J.— Ruth Hinshaw 772

SPRINGER, Mrs. John Franklin— Carlie

McClure 772

SPRINGER, Mrs. Ruter W.— Gertrude Lynch. 772

SQUIRE, Mrs. William N.— Carrie Ransom.... 772 SQUIRE-POTTER, Mrs. Francis Boardman—

Frances 772

SQUIRES, Mrs. George Clarke— Mary Smyth.. 772

STAFFORD, Mrs. H. Ernest— Maude Humes.. 772 STAGE, Mrs. Charles Willard— Miriam

Gertrude Kerruish 772

STAGG, Mrs. Amos Alonzo— Stella Robertson 772 STANARD, Mrs. William Glover— Mary Mann

Page Newton 773

STANDIFER, Mrs. J. E.— Sarah Blanche 773

STANDT, Mrs. Louis C— Ruth Wells 773

STANFORD, Mrs. Henry— Laura Burt 150

STANIAR, Mrs. William— Ethel Ball 773

STANLEY, Mrs. Elisha— Caroline Abbot 773

STANLEY, Mrs. Otis M.— Emma E 773

STANLEY, Mrs. Rolof Benckert— Alice Dana

Knox 773

STANNARD, Mrs. James Howard— Margaret J. 773 STANWOOD, Mrs. Edward Babson— Cornelia

McKlnne 774

STANWOOD, Mrs. Thaddeus P.— Louise

Brock way 77-1

ST.A.PLES. Mrs. Edmund M.— Bernice Dunning 774

STARK, Mrs. Albert P.— Mary 774

STARKWEATHER, Mrs. Jacob Flint— Amelia

Minerva 774

STARR, Mrs. Frederick William— Emma

Blanche TilUnghast 774

STARR, Mrs. John G.— Clara Ellene 774

STARRETT, Mrs. Samuel B.— Emma L 775

STARRETT, Mrs. William Aiken— Helen Ekln 775 STARRING, Mrs. Mason Brayman— Helen

Swing 775

STEADWELL, Mrs. B. S.— Clara Oswald 775

STEARNS, Mrs. Charles A.— Anna E 775

STEARNS. Mrs. Frederick Kimball— Helen

Elizabeth Sweet 775

STEARNS, Mrs. George Frederic— Nellie

George 775

STEBBINS, Mrs. Edward Fltzellyn— Frances

Russell Palmer 77s

STEBBINS, Mrs. Roderick— Edith Endlcott.... 776

STECKER, Mrs. Charles H.— Mary Bates 776

STEEDMAN, Mrs. George Fox— Carrie

Howard 776

STEEDMAN, Mrs. J. Harrison— Virginia

Chase 776

STEELE, Mrs. Charles W.— Alice Bradbury... 776

STEELE, Mrs. Claude Luman— Leda Crawford 776

STEELE, Mrs. John H.— Annie Follansbee 776

STEELE, Mrs. Walter W.— Katharyn Albanl.. 776

STEELMAN, Mrs. Mathias— Fannie Lawrence 777


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