< Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu
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PENTREATH. Mrs. John William— Ida

Shotts «38

PEPPER, Mrs. George Dana Boardman—

Annie Grassle 638

PBQTJIGNOT, Mrs. George Alexis— Mary

Boland 638

PERCY, Mrs. John Crocker— Elizabeth

Sutton 638

PERIN, Mrs. George Landor— Florence

Nightingale Hobart 630

PERINE, Mrs. George Corbin- Tyler Cooke... 639

PERKINS, Mrs. Alfred B.— Mertle Aldrlch.... 640

PERKINS, Mrs. Charles A.— Angle Warren.... 639 PERKINS, Mrs. Charles Albert— Miriam

Nancy Sheldon Rogers 640

PERKINS, Mrs. Cyrus E.— Delia Poote 639

PERKINS, Mrs. Dwight H.— Lucy Pitch 640

PERKINS, Mrs. George Winslow— Florence

Tobey 639 '

PERKINS, Mrs. Roger Griswold— Edna Brush 639

PERKINS, Mrs. Samuel Elliott- Susan E. H.. 640

PERKINS. Mrs. T. H. Dudley— Alice Sullivan 639

PERKINS, Mrs. Thomas G.— Elizabeth B 639

PERRETT. Mrs. Galen J.— Antoinette

Rehmann 640

PERRINE, Mrs. Willson Hamilton— Grace

Halbert 640

PERRY. Mrs. Charles Montague— Alice Maud. 640 PERRY. Mrs. George Hough— Stella George

Stern 641

PERRY. Mrs. James DeWolf— Edith Dean

Weir 641

PERRY, Mrs. Newton— Julia B 641

PERRY, Mrs. Thomas Sergeant— Lllla Cabot.. 641 PETERS, Mrs. Edward McCiure— Eleanor

Bradley 641

PETERS, Mrs. Samuel R.— Amelia C 641

PETERSON. Mrs. Arthur Everett— Maude

Gridley 642

PETERSON, Mrs. James A.— Marie Dahle 642

PETERSON, Mrs. John A.— Mary Allda

Orsweli 642

PETICOLAS. Mrs. Alfred Brown— Marlon

Goodwin 642

PETRIE, Mrs. Hayel G.— Cordia Greer 642

PETRUNKEVITCH, Mrs. Alexander— Wanda

Hartshorn 642

PETTIBONE, Mrs. Willis E.-^Mlnnle

Mathewson 642

PETTIJOHN, Mrs. Fred L.— Grace Smith 643

PETTUS, Mrs. C. Hamlet— Frances Stevenson 643 PETTUS, Mrs. William Bacon— Sarah Lydia

DeForest 643

PETTY, Mrs. Charles— Julia DeBemlen Davis. .643 PFAFFENBBRGER, Mrs. Wilbur F.— Edith

Myers 643

PHELAN, Mrs. Joseph Warren— Florence B... 643 PHELAN, Mrs. William Daly— Florence

Lanahan 643

PHELPS, Mrs. A. S.— Gertrude Lindall 644

PHELPS. Mrs. C. E. D.— Elizabeth Steward.. 644

PHELPS. Mrs. G. Sidney— Mary Ward 644

PHELPS. Mrs. George J.— Aivernon 643

PHELPS, Mrs. Isaac King— Martha Austin.... 644 PHILBRICK. Mrs. Herbert Shaw— Grace

Elizabeth Mathews C44

PHILBRICK, Mrs. Shirley S.— Helen Fitch.... 644

PHILLIPS, Mrs. J. H.— Minnie Holman 645

PHILLIPS. Mrs. John C— Florence Hall 645

PHILLIPS. Mrs. Wilbur C— Elsie LaGrange

Cole 645

PHILOON, Mrs. Everett L.— Mary A...., 645

PHILP, Mrs. Robert R.— Mary Roberts 645

PHINNEY, Mrs. Charles Merton— Ethel

Warner 645

PHINNEY, Mrs. Lorenzo Nash— Jessie

W^ood ward 646

PHIPPS, Mrs. William Hamilton— Mary

Elizabeth 646

PIATT, Mrs. John James- Sarah Morgan

Bryan 646

PICKETT, Mrs. George Edward— LaSalle

Corbell 646

PICKLER, Mrs. John A.— Alice M. A 646

PICKRELL, Mrs. J. N.— Maude Ingram 646

PIERCE, Mrs. Charles C— Mary Rosetta

Fitch 647

PIERCE. Mrs. Charles Taylor— Caroline Low.. 646

PIERCE, Mrs. David— Flora McDonald 646

PIERCE. Mrs. Josiah— Ulrica Dahlgren 647

PIERCE. Mr.-J. Ralph W.— Florence K 646

PIERS, Mrs. Harry— Constance Fairbanks 647

PIERSOL, Mrs. George A.— Florence Lnkens. . 647

PIERSON, Mrs. Henry R.— Fanny Eaton 647

PILLSBURY, Mrs. Charles Stinson— Nelle

Pendleton Winston 643

^•INCKNEY, Mrs. Thomas— Camilla Scott 648


PINE, Mrs. Frank Woodworth— Mabel Edna

Durand 641

PINGREE, Mrs. Frederick J.— Harriet

Cummings Blake (48

PINKHAM. Mrs. Walter S.— Isabelle Foote.... 641

PIETROWSKI, Mrs. Stanislaus— Helena 641

PISTOLE, Mrs. S. W.— Martha Harris 6tt

PITTMAN, Mrs. Williamson Haeklns— Hannah

Daviess C4S

PITTS. Mrs. Henry Sullivan— Kate Isabel Du

Val «43

PIUTTL Mrs. Max— Anna Adams 649

PLANTZ, Mrs. Samuel— Myra Goodwin 649

PLATT, Mrs. Francis Wheeler— Alice

Wadsworth 649

PLATT. Mrs. Joseph a— Elsie Hawley 649

PLATTENBURG. Mrs. George H.— Jessie

Thatcher 649

PLIMPTON. Mrs. Albert— Helen Louisa

Sheppard fiso

PLIMPTON. Mrs. George Arthur-Jenny

Faulkner 6S0

PLIMPTON, Mrs. George L.— Etta Ferry 660

PLUM, Mrs. Harry Grant— Margaret

Budlngton 650

PLUMMER, Mrs. George W.— Mary Redfleld.. S50 PLUMMER. Mrs. Stanley— Cora Elisabeth

Burbank 650

PLUMPTRE, Mrs. Henry Pemberton—

Adelaide Mary Wynne 650

POAGE, Mrs. Thomas Hoage— Josephine K 651

POENSGEN, Mrs. Carl Edward— Llllie

Elizabeth MuJler 661

POGUE, Mrs. Samuel Franklin— Mabel Wood.. 651

POINIER, Mrs. Edwin W.— Lela M. Peet 651

POIiK, Mrs. Anderson— Christine Stevens 651

POLK. Mrs. William Julius— Sarah Chambers. 651

POLLARD, Mrs. Albert Abner— Grace Putnam 651

POLLARD, Mrs. Milton— Zi'.la Hopkins 651

POLLEY, Mrs. Daniel C— Lenore Vance 651

POLLOCK, Mrs. Channing— Anna Marble 651

PONTIN, Mrs. Henry Morris— Marie Juliette

Everett gsj

POOLE, Mrs. Allen A. P.— Fanny Huntington

Runnells gsj

POOR, Mrs. Charles Henry— Cornelia

Longstreet 653

POOR, Mrs. Clarence Henry— Mary Adelaide.'. 65J

POPE, Mrs. Paul R.— Elfrieda Hochbaum 651

POPE, Mrs. Seth Ellis— Florence Peltier 63S

POPPEN, Mrs. Emanuel— Anna Trebel 659

PORRITT, Mrs. Edward— Annie Gertrude 65J

PORTER, Mrs. Albert Brown— Therese Study. 65S PORTER, Mrs. Charles Allen— Margaret

Cochran Dewar gM

PORTER, Mrs. Charles B.— Georgia PuVsifer" 654 PORTER, Mrs. Charles R.— Melissa Patterson. 655

PORTER, Mrs. Ellas Hull— Josephine Perry... 654 PORTER, Mrs. Frank Chambsrlln— Delia

Lyman 554

PORTER, Mrs. George M.— Georgia Whidden! 654

PORTER. Mrs. J. Benton— Helen Talbot 654

PORTER, Mrs. J. N.— Ella Caruthers '.' 654

PORTER, Mrs. James Foster— Ruth

Wadsworth Furness 655

PORTER, Mrs. Jasper William— Clara

Chamberlain 55^

PORTER, Mrs. Melvln Park— Marion' Otis'!"'.' 6E5 PORTER, Mrs. Robert Brastow— Kate Inland

Lincoln cka

PORTER. Mrs. Valentine Mott— Sus'aii'

Crelghton g^

POST, Mrs. Louis Freeland— Alice Thacher.... 655

POST, Mrs. M. Haynard— Mary Tanner.... 655

POST, Mrs. Philip Sidney-Janet Grelg " 655

POSTS, Mrs. George S.— Jennie May..... 655 POTTER, Mrs. Alexandei^Florence

Danprerfleld gcg

POTTER, Mrs. Anson A.-Janet 'Gregor.'.'." V 656

POTTE.R, Mrs. Arthur Devens— Mary Pratt 657

POTTER. Mrs. E. B.-Marlon Craig.... bct POTTER. Mrs. Elmer Cariton— Anna Louise"

Arnold «gg

POTTRR, Mrs. George W.— Rii'th' Nellis;;'" " ' 657

POTTER, Mrs. James Brown— Cora Urquhart 658

POTTBR. Mrs. L. A.-Lucy I. Johnson 656 POTTER, Mrs. Nathaniel Bowdltch— Mary

Sargen t j™

POTTER, Mrs. WllMam Walkei^Isabella "

Abbe gg.

POUCHBR, Mrs. Barent Ge«rKe— Florence

Lihcinda Holbrook jct

POWTKIvL. Mrs. A. J.— Alma ■We^ste^'.'.'.'.'.'. ©J POWELL, Mrs. Ambrose Vincent- Hannah

BcUe Clark 15J

POWKLIj, Mrs. Isaac N.— Lonie Gertrude!."!'! 6£9

POWELL. Mrs. Lyman P.— Gertrude Wllaoa,. 65S


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