��m. Mt. Vernon, N.Y., Jan. 1, 1895, J. C. Zeller; ■children: Miriam, Dorothy Raymond, Margaret Rachel, Caroline, Letitla. Mem. Parent-Teach- ers' Ass'n; corr. sec. President Council of Ta- coma, Officers' Council of Parent-Teachers' Ass'n; mem. Arequipa Literary Club, D.A.R., Order Eastern Star. Recreations: Reading, visit- ing friends. M«m. Methodist Episcopal Church. Republican. ZrERDEN, Alicia M., Dubois, Pa. (business, 914
Union Trust Bldg., Washington, D.C.).
Financial secretary of American Civic Ass'n, Washington, D.C.; b. Williamsport, Pa., Aug. 4, 1874; dau. Nicholas and Rebecca Seeley (Spofford) Zlerden; ed. Bucknell Univ., B.S. 1900. Teacher Ave years; assistant in Educational and Social Economy Exhibit, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, N.Y., also at the Charleston (S.C.) Expo- sition; in charge of Pa. Educational Exhibit at the World's Fair, St. Louis, Mo.; established Division of Education and Social Economy of the Pa. State Museum, Harrisburg, Pa. ; established the Free Loan Collection of Lantern Slides of geography and travel, history, literature, science, useful and fine arts for free educational use in the State of Pa. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage.
ZEEGFELD, Mrs. Florence — see Held, Anna.
ZIMMELE, Margaret Scully (Mrs. Harry B. Zlmmele), 17?8 Massachusetts Av., Washing- ton, D.C.
Born Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 1, 1872; dau. John S. and Mary E. (Negley) Scully; ed. Pa. Coll. for Women, Pittsburgh School of Design and by private instruction; m. (1st) 1897, George R. Waters; (2d) 1905, Harry B. Zlmmele (died 1905); one daughter: Harryette M. Zimm«le, b. 1905. Life mem. Y.W.C.A.; Interested in Mothers' Con- gress and other social, philanthropic and re- ligious movements. Mem. Sec. of Washington Artists, Washington Soc. of FMne Arts, Associated Artists of Pittsburgh. Recreation: Painting. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage.
ZIMMER, Grace E. (Mrs. Charles E. ZImmer), Box 1084, Edgewood St., Houston, Tex. Born JoMet, 111., May 10, 1871; dau. Major H. P. and Lucy A. (Warren) Nicholson; ed. Kansas public schools and Sallna Normal Univ.; m. May 10, 1894, Charles H. Zimmer; one daughter: Lucy M., b. Dec. 16, 1900. Interested In Mothers' Con- gress; writes for the periodicals of that organiza- tion; chairman of Press Com. Texas Congress of Mothers. Has written many articles along re- ligious lines and has edited a dep't for the chll- ilren !n one of the Baptist papers of Texas. Mem. D.A.R,, Texas Woman's Press Ass'n; chair- man of Press Cam. of that ass'n; leader of the Junior Baptist Young People's Union of her church. Mem. Ladles' Reading Club, Woman's Glut), Houston Pen Women, Mothers' Club. Baptist Favora woman suffrage.
��ZIMMERMAN, Angeline Tmeedall (Mrs. Georga
Zimmerman;, 424 Blrehard Av., Fremont, O.
Born Monroeville, O., Nov. 17, 1861; dau. James and Jane (Reed) Truesdall; ed. Oberlln, O. ; Hillsdale, Mich.; m. Monroeville, July 3, 1884, George Zimmerman, M.D. ; children: Ruth, Grace, Helen. Formerly chairman, now vice-chairman Civic Dep't Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs; chair- man Civic Dep't Ohio Fed. of Women's Clubs; pres. City Fed. of Fremont, O. ; pres. Huron Presbyterial Soc; regent Col. George Croghan Chapter D.A.R. Favors woman suffrage. Pres- byterian. Mem. Nat. Municipal League, Am. Civic Ass'n, W.C.T.U., Humane Soc.; a director Advisory Board American City Magazine, Nat. Good Roads Ass'n. Recreation: Cross country walking. Mem. Cosmopolitan Club, Matinee Mu- sicale Club; pres. City Federation since its organization ten years ago. ZIMMERMAN, Lolu Ethel Wylie (Mrs. S. A.
Zimmerman), Cor. Euclid and Eighth Av.,
Valley City, N.Dak.
Born Alexandria, Minn.; dau. Joseph McClung and Elizabeth Wylie; ed. Drayton High School and Hamline Univ., Ph.B.; studied for masters degree one year at Chicago Univ. ; specialized In sociology, 1905-06, In Chicago Training School (mem. Alpha Phi); m. Drayton, N.Dak., June, 1908, S. A. Zimmerman, M.D. Worked along lines of newsboys' clubs and Investigation of conditions about Chicago Univ. Settlement and HuU House, 1905-07. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. Mem. W.C.T.U., Woman's Homo Missionary Soc, Foreign Missionary Soc, Ladles' Aid. Recreations: Golf, tennis. Mem. Cheyenne Study Club (pres.). Civic League of Valley City, N.Dak. (rec. sec); rec. sec. for N.Dak. State Federation. ZIMMERMANN, Marie, 15 Gramercy Park, N.Y.
Jeweler, metal worker and designer; b. Brook- lyn, N.Y. ; daughter of John and Marie (Zimmer- mann) Zlmmermann; ed. Packer Collegiate Inst. B'avors woman sutfrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Nat. Arts Club, N.Y. City. ZURCHER, Editli Slayton Howard (Mrs. James
Drummond Zurcher), Roseburg, Ore.
Born Prineville, Ore., Mar. 17, 1880; dau. Joseph William and Adeline (Slayton) Howard; ed. public schools of Prineville; Prineville P*rl- vate Acad.; Oregon Agricultural Coll., B.S. (mem. Pierian Literary Soc); m. Corvallis, Ore., May 20, 1903, James Drummond Zurcher; chil- dren: Adaline Letetia, b. 1905; James Howard, b. 1907; Robert I^arwrence, b. 1912. Has assisted In plantlBg roses over her city; established sanitary drinking fountain; active In charity work. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Mem. Order of the Eastern Star, Ladles' Auxiliary to Roseburg Commercial Club, 1895; Mental Culture Club; second vice-pres. Oregon State Fed. Women's Clubs.