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��Watson, D.D., and Margaret (LInd) Watson; ed. Huntingdon Acad.; McGill Univ., B.A. '95 (first class honors in natural science, and Logan gold medal), M.A. '01; m. Victoria, B.C., 1904, Henry Bsson Young, B.A., M.D., LL.D. ; children: Fyvle, Henry Esson. Author: Geography of British Columbia; Mining in Altin, B.C. Mem. Canadian Mining Inst., Institution of Mining En- gineers, University Women's Club, Women's Canadian Club, St. Andrew's Ladles' Aid, Alex- andra Club (Victoria, B.C.). Recreations: Read- ing, walking, motoring, traveling. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage.

YOUNG, Rose, 226 W. Ninety-seventh St., N.T.


Author, editor; b. Lafayette Co., Mo.; dau. Thomas G. and Henrietta (Goalder) Young; ed. by private tutors; Elizabeth AuU Sem., B.S. Literary editor for Medical Century Co.; editor University Publishing Co., 1903-07; editor Wom- an's Work and News, New York Evening Post, 1912; literary adviser for various N.Y. publishers, 1907-12. Interested in Women's Trade Union League. Books: Henderson; Sally of Missouri; Miss Nigger Stories; contributor to Century, Atlantic, Harper's Collier's, McClure's, etc. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Franchise Soc., City Federation, Women's Trade Union League, Woman Suffrage Party.

TOUNGBLOOD, Mary F. (Mrs. Fred D. Young- blood), Charlotte, R.R. No. 1, Mich. Teacher; b. Charlotte, Dec. 27, 1865; dau. W. I. and Leydia (Allen) Moyer; grad. Charlotte High School; diploma from Bay View Chautauqua; m. Charlotte, Mich., Sept. 19, 1889, Fred D. Youngblood; one daughter: Hazel I. Has lec- tured under the auspices o-f Mich. Agricultural Coll. for Women's Section of Farmers' Institutes throughout the State; Sunday-school teacher, teacher of Bible study; pres. of Eaton Co. Fed. of Women's Clubs; Grange lecturer; pres. Sun- shine Club. Editor of Grange Lecturers' Bulle- tin in Grange Forum. Mem. Order Eastern Star, Ciharlotte (Mich.) Women's Press Club. Recrea- tions: Auto-riding, reading. Congregationalist. Favors woman suffrage; chairman of Suffrage Com. for Eaton Co., Mich.

YOUNT, Ella B. (Mrs. Abram Knox Yount), 240

Pearl St., Denver, Colo.

r>ealer in real estate; b. Westmoreland, N.Y. ; dau. Hiram and Mary Delia (Richardson) Doo- Httle; ed. m public and private schools in Buf- falo, N.Y.; was a pupil under the noted Spencer In penmanship while he was an instructor in Buffalo, N.Y.; m. Hiawatha, Kan., May., 1861, Abram Knox Yount (who -was a member of the Constitutional Convention of Colorado, and was active in the woman suffrage movement). Went to Colorado, 1865, crossing the plains in a wagon- train, which was several times attacked by In- dians; witnessed many Indian atrocities and had many thrilling experiences. Was a partner in the banking house of A. K. and E. B. Yount in Fort Collins, Colo., 1873-82;' planned and built a large flouring mill in Boulder, Colo., and carried it on for several years; has been engaged in mining business for several years and has organized two or three mining companies. Now compiling a genealogy of the Richardeon and Doolittle fami- lies. Mem. Whist Club. Favors woman suf- frage (voterV, was active In securing suffrage for the women of Colorado in 1875-76; was an active supporter of woman suffrage in very early days in St. Louis, Mo., lecturing before clubs In the cause; during the progress of the Constitu- tional Convention of 1876 in Colorado gave her undivided attention to the subject, speaking whenever necessary. Baptist.

YU8T, Florence Hosmer French (Mrs. William F. Yust), 6 Thayer St., Rochester, N.T. Born Albany, N.Y.; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. 1900; m. Jan. 17, 1906, William F. Yust; two sons and one daughter. Ass't Albany Teachers' Agency, 1901-62; associate editor American Edu- cation, Albany, N.Y., 1902-03. Pres. Highland Mothers' Club, Louisville, Ky., 1911-12; mem. Political Equality Club of Rochester, N.Y.

��ZALINSKI, Agnes de Schwelnitz (Mrs. Edward

Robins Zalinski), 11 Cummings Apartments,

1st and D Sts., Salt Lake City, Utah.

Educated Moravian Day School, Bethlehem, Pa.; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '99; graduate scholar in German and Teutonic philology, 1899-1900, A.M. 1900; Univ. of Leipzig, 1901-02; fellow in Teutonic philology, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1902-03; m. 1908, Edward Robins Zalinski. Teacher of German in Portland (Ort.) School, 1900-01; in Bryn Mawr School, Baltimore, Md., 1903-08. ZEHBING, Blanche, Wells College, Aurora, N.Y.

Professor of Biblical literature and Semitic history; b. Miamiaburg, 0., April 24, 1867; dau. Lewis Henry and Elizabeth (Geibbart) Zehring; ed. Ohio Wesleyan Univ., B.S. '90; Yale Univ., Ph.D. '97. Prof, in Woman's Coll., Columbia, S.C, 1897-98; prof, of philosophy and New Testa- ment, National Training School, Washington, D.C., 1899-1903; prof. Biblical literature and Semitic history in Wells Coll., Aurora, N.Y., since 1904; studied in Germany, 1903-04. De- voted to field work in Palestine and Egypt under supervision of Univ. of Chicago, 1908-09; lecturer on Biblical and missionary subjects. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnee, D.A.R., Religious Educa- tional Ass'n, Soc. of Biblical Literature and Exegesis. Recreations: Golf, walking, horseback riding. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Fa- vors woman suffrage. ZEIGLEB, Flora Bamford (Mrs. Edgar Henry

Zeigler), 155 Summit Av., Hagerstown, Md.

Born Cambridge, O., 1858; dau. Robert Coleman and Margaret (Hyatt) Bamford; ed. Del Mar Coll., Hagerstown, Md. (College Alumnae Ass'n) ; m. Hagerstown, 1874, Edgar Henry Zeigler; one son: Robert Edgar Zeigler. Pres. for 22 years of the largest circle of King's Daughters known; pres. of Current Events Club; pres. Tuberculosis Soc; pres. Alumnae Ass'n; teacher of adult Bible class for women. Mem. Missionary Soc. Methodist. ZEISLEB, Fannie Bloomfleld (Mrs. Slgmund

Zelsler), 6749 Woodlawn Av., Chicago 111.

Concert pianist; b. Bielitz, Austrian Silesia; dau. Solomon and Bertha (Jaeger) Bloomfleld; ed. in Chicago, 1878-1883, and in Vienna, Austria; m. Chicago, Oct. 18, 1885, Sigmund Zelsler; chil- dren: Leonard Bloomfleld, Paul Bloomfleld, Ernest Bloomfleld. Played in principal American cities since 1883, with interruptions for European tours, 1893-95, 1898-1902, 1912, playing in London, Paris, Berlin, Vienna, (Copenhagen, MUnich, Ham- burg, Bremen, Pesth, Geneva, Leipsig, Dresden, Hanover and other cities of Germany, Switzer- land, Austria. Honorary mem. Alpha Chi Omega, Chicago Woman's Club, Chicago North Side Art Club, St. Paul Schubert Club, Warren (Pa.) Philomel Club, Chicago Woman's Aid, Chi- cago Amateur Musical Club, Peoria Woman's Club, Sacramento Saturday Club, Burlington (la.) Musical Club, Chicago Book and Play Club. Regular mem. Chicago Ass'n of Jewish Women, Women's City Club of Chicago. Jewish. Favors woman suffrage.

ZEKIND, Bertha Nelson (Mrs. Edward Cama- han Zekind), South Kaukauna, Wis. Born Lansing, la., April 30, 1870; dau. Lars Martin and Geni (Aslagson) Nelson; ed. La Crosse (Wis.) High School; m. Milwaukee, Wis., July 27, 1892, Ed'ward Carnahan Zekind; chil- dren: Elliot Edward, Grace Caroline, Ruth Helen. Teacher La Crosse public schools, 1888- 92. Pres. Drama Club of Milwaukee, 1910-12. Chairman Drama Dep't Milwaukee Playground Ass'n and Social Recreation, 1910-11. Mem. School Alliance; chairman Art and Drama Dep't of Wis. Fed. Women's Clubs; pres. Ladies' Aid Soc. of Congregational Church. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Mem. Milwaukee Art Ass'n, Wis. Dramatic Soc, Drama League of America, Kaukauna Woman's Club.

ZELLER, Alice Bryant (Mrs. J. C. Zeller), 608

N. Spragrue Av., Tacoma, Wash.

Bom Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 16, 1871; dau. Col. John E. and Bmma F. (Spaulding) Bryant; ed. U.S. Grant Univ., Athens, Tenn., Ph. B., '91;


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