��originator of public library moTement; actively- engaged at present in effort to secure a parli for the city. Chairman of Parks and School orounds Com. of Tex. Fed. Women's Clubs; chairman of Club Extension Com. of First Dist. Tex. Fed. Women's Clubs. Episcopalian. Mem. Order Eastern Star; worthy matron of Big Springs chapter two years; past grand matron Order Eastern Star of Tex., with distinction of being youngest grand matron of the Lone Star State. Recreations: Tennis and bridge. Past president of Hyoerion Club of Big Springs; president Victoria Club of Toyah (served three years); vice-pres. Mothers' Club of Toyah; was instru- mental in organizing the Cemetery Ass'n of Big Springs, and was its first pres. ; mem. Ladles' Auxiliary to the Y.W.C.A. of Big Springs; made the welcoming address to Miss Helen Gould and party, upon their visit to that institution in 1904; was at the head of the receiving Hue upon that occasion.
YOUNG, Anna Band (Mrs. Charles H. Young), 41 E. Seventieth St., N.T. City. Physician; b. Sackville, N.B., Can., 1873; dau. Silas W. and Anna (Smith) Rand; grad. nurse Worcester City Hospital, '98; Tufts Coll. Med. School, Boston, Mass., M.D. (cum laude) '05; m. Boston, Mass., 1905, Dr. Charles H. Young. Teacher in Madison Av. Presbyterian Bible School. Lecturer on hygiene and first aid to nurses. Interested in girls' clubs and settle- ment work. Presbyterian. Fellow of N.Y. Acad, of Medicine; mem. Women's Cosmopolitan Club, Rubinstein Club of N.Y., Am. Public Health Association.
YOCNG, Anne Sewell, Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass.
Born Bloomington, Wis., Jan. 1, 1871; dau. Rev. Albert Adams and Mary (Sewell) Young; ed. Carleton Coll., Northfleld, Minn., B.L. '92; M.S. '97; studied also at Univ. of Chicago, Yerkes Observatory, Williams Bay, Wis., and Columbia Univ., Ph.D. '06. Prof, of astronomy and di- rector of the John Payson Williston Observatory, Mount Holyoke College, at Hadley, Mass. Espe- cially interested in the development of laboratory methods in teaching elementary astronomy, ob- servations of variable stars, problems in photo- graphic photometry. Mem. Astronomical and Astrophysical Soc. of America, Fellow A.A.A.S.; life men. of Maria Mitchell Ass'n. Congrega- tionalist.
YOUNG, Bertha Kedzie, Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass.
College professor; b. Hackettstown, N.J. ; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '96; Radcliffe Coll., A.M. '09. Teacher in Wheaton Sem. (now college), Norton, Mass., 1896-1901; since then teacher, associate prof, and now prof, of English literature in Mount Holyoke Coll.
YOUNG, Bessy Colston (Mrs. Hugh Hampton Young), Cold Spring Lane and Charles St., Baltimore, Md.
Born Baltimore, Sept. 19, 1879; dau. Frederick M. and Clara (Campbell) Colston; granddaughter of Judge John A. Campbell of U.S. Supreme Court; ed. Baltimore; m. Catonsville, Md., June 4, 1901, Dr. Hugh Hampton Young; children: Frances Kemper, Frederick Colston, Helena Hampton. Mem. of Civic League, and on various charitable institution boards. Mem. Colonial Daracs of America, Chapter 1, and Baltimore Country Club. Episcopalian.
YOUNG, Charlotte Soutter Murdock (Mrs. An- drew Young), Hai-an-fu, Shensi, China. Physician; ed. Woman's Coll. of Baltimore, A.B. '97, A.M. '98; Woman's Med. Coll. of Balti, more, M.D. '02; m. 1907, Dr. Andrew Young. Instructor in pathology, 1902-03; ass't cUnician, Johns Hopkins Hospital Dispensary for Women, and sup't Presbyterian Deaconess' Home, Balti- more, Md., 1903-04; deaconess in Westminster Chapel, London, 1904-07. Presbyterian. YOUNG, Mrs. Ella Flagg, Hotel La Salle, Chi- cago, 111.
Superintendent of schools of Chicago; b. Buf- lalo, N.Y., Jan. 15, 1845; dau. Theodore and Jane lesley Coll., B.A. '93 (Shakespeare Soc., Welles- (Reedj Flagg; removed to Chicago In girlhood;
��grad. Chicago Normal School; Univ. of Chicago, Ph.D. 1900 (honorary LL.D., Univ. of 111., 1910); m. 1868, William Yourg. Began as teacher, 1862, in public schools; district sup't of schools, Chi- cago, 1887-99; prof, of education, Univ. of Chi- cago, 1899-1905; principal Chicago Normal School, 1905-09; since 1909 sup't of schools of Chicago. Distinguished as teacher and administrator; pros. 111. State Teachers Ass'n, 1910; pres. Nat. Educa- tion Ass'n, 1910-11; mem. 111. State Board of Education since 1888; mem. School Mistresses Club, of 111. Favors woman suffrage; mem. 111. Equal Suffrage Ass'n, Political Equality League. Author: Isolation in the School, 1901; Ethics in the School, 1902; Some Types of Modern Educa- tional Theory, 1902; Evolution and Educational iMethod, 1902 (all published by the Univ. of Chi- cago Press); Monographon Literature in Elemen- tary Schools (proceedings of Nat. Educational Soc, 1896), and many contributions to educational journals. Editor of The Educational Bi-Monthly. Honorary mem. of Chicago Club and Fortnightly Club; mem. Lake View Woman's Club, Every Day Club, Three Arts Club, Woman's City Club, Public School Art Society. YOUNG, Eugenie E. (Mrs. Edgar M. Young), 30
Wedgemere Av., Winchester, Mass.
Architect; b. Boston, Mass., July 17, 1872; dau. Joseph and Marie (Jacquelin) Givens; ed. Boston public schools; Notre Dame Acad., Lowell, Mass.; m. Boston, Sept. 27, 1892, Edgar M. Young; chil- dren: Raymond Morrison, Norman Durrell. De- slgned and built several houses In the town of Winchester, Mass. Pres. Junior Charity Club; first vice-pres. People's League; mem. Woman's Welfare Dep't Nat. Civic Federation, Mothers' Ass'n (Winchester, Mass.), Visiting Nurses' Ass'n, Woman's Alliance, Professional Woman's Club, Woman's Charity Club. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage; spe.aks occasionally for cause in public. YOUNG, Evangeline Wilson, 168 Newbury St.,
Boston, Mass.
Physician, lecturer; b. Trenton, Me.; dau. Wilson and Melita V. (Bartlett) Young; ed. Northfleld Sem., 1896, Tufts Med. School, Boston, M.D.. (cum laude) '06. Lecturer and teacher of eugenics; director of the School of Eugenics, Boston; director of School Voters' League, Bos- ton; director Am. Institute of Instruction, 1912- 13. Congregationalist. Favors woman suffrage; director Boston Equal Suffrage Ass'n for Good Government. YOUNG, Frances Speed Graham (Mrs. Leigh
Jarvis Young), temporary address, R.D.F. 6,
Ithaca, N.Y. ; permanent, 1827 Hill St., Ann
Arbor, Mich.
Born Ithaca, N.Y., May 11, 1881; dau. Henry A. and Jessie Harper (Speed) Graham; grad. Cort- land State Normal, 1904; Univ. of Mich., A.B. '09; m. Ithaca, N.Y., Dec. 21, 1912, Leigh Jarvis Young. Before marriage taught botany in high school at Pontiac, Mich. Episcopalian.
YOUNG, Gertrude Atena Hubbard (Mrs. How- ard Seth Young), 515 Blackstone St., Woon- socket, R.I.
Born Woonsocket, R.I., April 28, 1887; dau. Henry Clinton and Ruth A. (Randall) Hubbard; grad. Woonsocket High School, '04; Bradford Acad., '07; m. June 1, 1912, Howard Seth Young. Universalist Sunday-school teacher; mem. Play- room Ass'n Com.; Anti-Tolserculosis Ass'n worker; mem. Board Woonsocket Hospital Aid. Universalist. Mem. R.I. Temperance League. Recreations: Golf, tennis, swimming, dancing, opera. Mem. Woonsocket Fortnightly Club, Woonsocket Round Table Club (sec). Phi Sigma, Winnesuket Country Club.
YOUNG, Helen Btnkerd (Mrs. George Young, Jr.), Cascadllla Building, Ithaca, N.Y. Architect; b. Dayton, O., 1878; dau. Oscar W. and Emma (Brown) Binkerd; grad. Pratt Inst. High School, '95; Coll. of Architecture, Cornell Univ., B.Arch. 1900, honor Sands medal (archi- tectural design) (mem. Alpha Phi); m. Brooklyn, N.Y., 1902, George Young Jr., architect. Faculty adviser -of Girls' Athletic (Council, Sage Coll., Cornell Univ. Recreations: Tramping, sketching, bird study. Mem. Cornell Alumnae of Ithaca.