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��Lilian B., Annie, Florence G., Charlotte A., Mar- tha Isabella. Pioneer woman doctor In Winnipeg, Manitoba; practised there 16 years; specialized on women and children. Pres. Girls' Friendly Soc. ; director Humane Soc; vice-pres. Dominion W.C.T.U.; grand sec. and grand organizer and lecturer for the Manitoba Royal Templars of Temperance; lecturer on social subjects, espe- cially equal suffrage; honorary president of W.C.T.U. in Calgary. Favors woman suffrage; organized the Manitoba Equal Suffrage Club (pres. 10 years); hon. pres. Ottawa Equal Suf- frage Ass'n, giving addresses now and then on suffrage for the W.C.T.U. Has written several leaflets: Mothers and the Suffrage; Warning Words, Chains; was on the editorial staff of the Dally Herald of Calgary for almost two years. Mem. Church of England. YEOMANS, Lilian Barbara, Calgary, Alberta,


Physician and surgeon; b. Madoc, Ont., Can., June 23, 1861; dau. Augustus A_ Yeomans (sur- geon U.S. Army) and Amelia (Le Sueur) Yeo- mans, M.D.; ed. Ottawa Ladles' Coll., Ottawa, Ont.; high school, Newport, Ky. ; Acad, of Visita- tion of St. Louis, Mo.; tutors, etc.; Toronto School of Medicine; Univ. of Mich., M.D. '82. Mem. Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons of Mani- toba, 1882. Formerly practised at Winnipeg, Man., now at Calgary. Interested In evangelistic and mission work (non-denominational). YEOStANS, Mabel Ford, Oxford, N.Y.

Teacher of English; b. Preston, N.Y., May 6, 1884; dau. Rector Stephen and Anna Eliza (Ford) Yeoman's; ed. Oxford Acad., class salutatory, editor in chief of school paper, gold medal for elocution, Cnrneil scholarship; Cornell Univ., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '86; memorial speaker, Woodford orator, class essayist (mem. After- math Soc). Engaged as teacher of English from graduation until June, 1912, when resigned posi- tion as head of dep't of English and elocution, Columbia High School of South Orange, N.J., to enter political work. Delegate from Chenango Co. to N.Y. State Convention of the Nat. Pro- gressive Party. Interested in amateur dramatics. Favors woman suffrage. Pres. Woman Suffrage Club of Oxford, N.Y. Universalist. Mem. After- nath Alumni Ass'n of N.Y., Woman's Missionary Soc. (Universalist), State Suffrage Ass'n, Wom- an's Suffrage Club of Oxford. Mem. of State Com. National Progreesive Party (woman repre- flenting Sixth Judicial Dist.). Campaign speaker. YERKES, Ada Watterson (Mrs. Robert M.

Terkes), 3 Fuller PI., Cambridge, Mass.

Born Cleveland, O. ; dau. Robert F. and Carrie T. (Norton) Watterson; ed. Cleveland High School; Barnard Coll., A.B. '98; Columbia Univ., A.M. 1900 (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta); m. Twi- light Park, N.Y., 1905, Robert M. Yerkes; chil- dren: Roberta Watterson, David Norton. Ass't In botany and zoology, Barnard Coll., 1899-1902; tutor In biology, Teachers' Coll., Columbia Univ.. 1902-05. Author of various papers on botany and animal behavior. Presbyterian. Mem. Associate Alumnae of Barnard Coll., Women's Educational and Industrial Union, Women's Auxiliary to Mass. Civil Service Reform Ass'n, Nat. Child Labor Com., Nature Study Soc, Barnard Bo- tanical Club.

YEXaiAN, Laura Blatchford, 326 Broadway,

Tottenvllle, Staten Island, N.Y.

Real estate agent; b. Newark, N.J., Aug. 30, 1872; dau Hubbard Rively and Sarah Virginia (Jollne) Yetman; ed. public school, Tottenvllle, N.Y. Has had 22 years of experience in her lather's real estate office. Favors woman suf- frage. Mem. Philemon Literary and Historical Soc; charter mem. Richmond Co. Chapter D.A R Methodist.

YOCUM, May Turner (Mrs. A. Duncan Yocum),

Ridley Park, Pa.

Born Chester, Pa., July 5, 1872; dau. Richard E. and Rachel R. (Burke) Turner; ed. Chester High School; m. Chester, Pa., July 7, 1891, Dr. A. Duncan Yocum (University of Pa.); one son: A. Duncan Yocum Jr. Interested In education; as chairman of Education In the Pa. State Federa- tion, organized the State Educational Alliance In

��1510; chairman of Education In Pa. In the Dep't of School Patrons of the National Educational Ass'n; also cor. sec. of State Educational Al- liance In Pa. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Suf- frage Ass'n of Ridley Park. Methodist. Mem. Woman's CInb, Ridley Park, Pa.; Faculty Tea Club, University of Pa.; Civic Club, Ridley Park, Pa. YOKK, Alice Margaret Mag^on (Mrs. Ervtne

Denlson York), 180 Franklin PI., Flushing.


Physician; b. New Orleans, La., June 10, 1857; dau. Noel and Mary Anna (McCarton) Magnon; ed. Third Prestiyterian Parochial School and Peabody Normal Sem. of New Orleans, La.; George Washington Univ., Med. Coll. (Washing- ton, D.C.), M.D. '93; m. June 20, 1887, Ervlne Denlson York; children: Everett Magnon, b. Oct. 15, 1888; WlULard Denison, b. Oct. 18, 1894; Cyn- thia Magnon, b. Mar. 3, 1898. Has written several essays such as: Diet for Young Children; Alco- hol In Relation to Stomach and Liver; Medical Education for Women. Mem. Soc. for Sanitary and Moral Prophylaxis; vice-pres. Woman's Medical Ass'n of N.Y. City, Queens-Nassau Med. Soc. (Board of Censors), Am. Med. Ass'n (Public Health Education Com.), Minerva Club of N.Y. City (Legislative Com.), Dixie Club of N.Y. City, Good Citizenship League of Flushing, N.Y. Con- gregationalftt; active in Women's Church Soc. of Congregational Church of Flushing, N.Y. Favors woman suffrage; mem. of the Press Cam. and Exec. Board of the Equal Franchise Ass'n of Flushing, N.Y. Progressive. YOST, Lenna I^owe (Mrs. Ellis A. Yost), 56

Driveway, Morgantown, W. Va.

Born Basnett, W.Va., Jan. 25, 1878; dau. Jona- than and Colum'bia (Basnett) Lowe; ed. W.Va. Wesleyan Sem. and Ohio Northern Univ. ; m. Bjisnett, W.Va., Sept. 26, 1899, Ellis A. Yost; one son: Leland Lowe, b. Aug. 29, 1902. State pres. W.C.T.U.; led in the campaign In which the W.C.T.U., combining with other temperance organizations and agencies, carried to victory the prohibitory amendment to the State Constitution of W.Va. Interested in playgrounds. Favors woman suffrage; mem. W.Va. Equal Suffrage Ass'n (chairman Legislative Com.). Mem. Meth- odist Elpiscopal Church, D.A.R^ Recreations: Boating, tennis, baseball, fishing. Mem. Wom- an's Clut), Travelers' Club, Mothers' Club and Civic Club, Housewives' League (all of Morgan- town, W.Va.).

YOUMAA'S, Iva Catherine, State Board of

Health, Jacksonville, Fla.

Physician; b. in South Carolina, Dec. 21, 1878; dau. Albert P. and Mary (Rouse) Youmans; ed. Brunson (S.C.) graded school; Converse Coll. (S.C), A.B. '97; grad. as nurse from S. R. Smith Infirmary (N.Y.), '03; Johns Hopkins Med. School, M.D. '09 (mem. Zeta Phi Fraternity). Ass't bacteriologist. State Board of Health, Jacksonville, Fla. Favors woman suffrage. Missionary Baptist.

YOUMANS, Theodora Winton (Mrs. Henry Mott

Youmans), Waukesha, Wis.

Newspaper editor; b. Dodge Co., Wis., Feb. 1, 1863; dau. Theodore S. and Emily A. (Tlllson) Winton; grad. Carroll Coll., Waukesha, Wis., with first honors; m. Jan. 26, 1889, Henry Mott Youmans. Assistant editor The Waukesha Free- man (husband's paper) for 20 years. Mem. Board Regents of Normal Schools of Wis. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Chairman Press Com. and mem. Advisory Board Political Equality League of Wis. ; officer Waukesha Co. Equal Suffrage Soc. Progressive Republican. Mem. Soc. of Mayflower Descendants in Wis.: pres. Wis. State Fed. Women's Clubs. Was one of two women members of Wis. Board of Managers of St. Louis World's Fair; mem. Waukesha Co. Historical Soc.

YOUNG, Agnes Van Gie«on (Mrs. John Ben-

nlng Monk Young), Toyah, Tex.

Born N.Y. City; dau. Virginius and Mary Isa- bella Van Gleson; ed. Weatherford College; m. Big Springs, Tex., 1889, John Benning Monk Young. Interested especially in educational lines; donor of medal to high school of ToyaJu


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