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��YABROS, Kachelle S. (Mrs. Victor S. Yarros). Hull House, Chicago, 111.

Physician; b. in Russia, 1869; preliminary edu- cation in Russia; grad. Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa '93- m. 1894, Victor S. Yarros. Professor of obstetries. College of Physicians and Surgeons. Chairman social hygiene General Fed. of Wom- en's Clubs; pres. West Side branch of Chicago Med. Soc. Interested in social hygiene and va- rious economic movements. Favors woman suf- frage, ilem. Chicago Woman's Club, Woman s City Club.

XATES, Elizabetli Upham, 20S Butler Av^ Providence, R.I.

Lecturer; b. Bristol, Me.; dau. Alexander and l*is (Thompson) Yates; special student at Rad- <:liffe Coll. and Brown Univ. Favors woman suf- frage- pres. Rhode Island Woman Sufirage Ass'n'; chairman of Com. on Presidential Suf- frage of Nat. Am. Woman Suffrage Ass'n. Con- gregationalist. Mem. Consumers' League, R.I. Woman's Club. Descendant of Thomas Cogswell Upham, prof, of mental and moral philosophy in Bowdoin Coll., Maine. Specially interested In philosophy, social and religious. Lecturer on woman suffrage and Biblical literature. Was missionary in Pekin, China, five years; lectures on travels and social reforms. YATES, Jennie Meriwether (Mrs. William James Tates), Alpine, Tex.

Born Goliad, Tex., Sept. 14, 1870; dau. George W. and Fannie (Peak) Meriwether; ed. Goliad Coll., Texas Normal; m. Nov. 31, 189S, William James Yates. Pres. Alpine Study Club and Co.=!- mos Art Club of Corpus Christ!, Texas; Mothers' Club of Alpine, Texas. Episcopalian. Mem. ■Order of Eastern Star (Masonic). TATES, Katherine Merritte (Mrs. Ralph T, Yates), Moana Hotel, Honolulu, H.I. Writer; b. Drumbo, Ont., Can.; dau. Peter M. .and Julia P. (Turner) Schneider; ed. Marietta, O.; m. Covington, Ky., Ralph T. Yates. Inter- ested in the cause of Christian Science, and in ihe past, present and future of the Hawaiian Islands. Books: On the Way There; At the Door; Through the Woods; By the Wayside; Cheery and the Chum; Along the Trail. Chris- tian Scientist. Mem. League of Am. Penwomen. Recreations: Tramping, mountain climbing, out- door sports.

YAW, Ellen Beach (Mrs. Vere Goldthwaite), Covina, Cal.

Singer; b. at Boston, Erie County, N.Y.^ .daughter of Ambrose Spencer and Mary J. (Beach) Yaw; of Revolutionary ancestry; studied singing in Boston, New York and Paris, 1893; m. Boston, Mass., March, 1907, Vere Goldthwaite (now deceased). Resident of California since 1892; .Bung in churches and local concerts as child; first .professional appearance was at Minneapolis, Minn. 1894; sang in Southern States, 1894-95; London debut, 1895; N.Y. debut at Carnegie Hall, January, 1896. Has sung chiefly in Europe since 1897; singing in Vndon, Paris, Naples, Nice, Jlome and other British and Continental cities. Famous for voice of excellent quality and the ilghest range ever recorded, spanning four oc- taves to E altlssimo. Popularly known in Cali- fornia as "Lark Ellen," which name, in her honor, has been given to a public school, to an Avenue and to a station of the Pacific Electric Railway at Covina, and to a Newsboys' Home; has a home and orange grove on the outskirts of that place. Composer of "California," a State

Bong, words and music, and several other songs.

YAWGEK, Beta A. VVhitbeck (Mrs. John Fran- cis Yawger), 808 West End Av., N.Y. City. Born Coeymans, N.Y., Jan. 12, 1864; dau. David Turner and Elizabeth (Sherman) Whitbeck; ed. Albany Female Acad.; Packer Collegiate Inst; m. John Francis Yawger; one daughter: Mrs. Louis Whiting Gay. Interested in Industrial and social conditions, civics, household economics, public service, food sanitation, protection and progression of the American people through Re- publican policies. Favors woman suffrage. Epis- copalian. Republican. Mem. Betsy Fort Chapter Alumnae Ass'n, Nat. Soc. D.A.R., Soc. Ckilonial JDaughters of 17th Century, George Washington

��Headquarters Ass'n, Nat. Soc. New England Women, Nat. Soc. Daughters of the Empire State, Nat. Soc. Patriotic Women, Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs, N.Y. State Fed. Women's Clubs, N.Y. City Fed. Women's Clubs, Post Parliament, Minerva, Health Protection Soc., N.Y. State Wo- man's Republican Ass'n, Woman's Republican Club of N.Y. City, Associated Clubs of Do- mestic Science, Women's Civic Forum, Little Mothers' Aid Ass'n, Internal, Pure Milk League, Theatre Club, Incorporated. YEATEB, Lanra Jameson, Warrensburg, Mo.

Teacher; b. Georgetown, Mo.; dau. John J. and Sarah J. (Ellis) Yeater; ed. Wellesley Coll., A.B., A.M. 1900. Teacher in grammar and high school, 1886-96; head of classical dep't in War- rensburg State Normal School, Mo., 1900. First beneficiary of Helen Gould scholarship at Welles- ley Coll.; organizer and manager of Y.W.C.A. (school) Book Store and Girls' Dormitory; local manager for Coburn Players. Favors woman suffrage, mem. of State Propaganda Com. YEAZELIi, Cornelia Sarah Campbell (Mrs. Har- ry Akin Yeazell), San Carlos Av., Sausallto, Cal.

Born in California; ed. Miss Murison's School, San Francisco, Cal.; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '02; m. 1906, Harry Akin Yeazell. Director of the California branch of the Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae.

YENDES, Lucy A., 154 East 175th St. (office 3

E. 14th St.), N.Y. City.

Author; b. Champion, Jefferson Co., N.Y. ; dau. Peter Bouck and Sylvia B. (Stoddard) Yendes; ed. Oswego (N.Y.) Normal School, Hun- gerford Collegiate Inst., Adams, N.Y. Taught in schools, all grades, for six years, and nine years as principal; after that in journalism as correspondent and editor of newspapers and magazines. Lecturer to clubs and societies. Author: Pedagogical and General Helps; Pres- ton Papers; Miss Preston's Leaven; Snap Shots With an Old Maid's Kodak; Life Studies From Mother Goose; Health Culture Reader Series; Joint author (with W. F. A. Brown): Enter- tainments for Every Occasion. Also writer of a play. The New Man. Mem. Methodist Episco- pal Church.

YEO, Mary Emma, 1719 E. Colorado St., Pasa- dena, Cal.

Bom "Sherwood's Industry," near Easton, Md.; dau. Samuel Sherwood and Susanna (Dun- can) Yeo; ed. Friends Select School of Easton, Md. ; Easton High School, Easton, Md.; Swarth- more Coll., B.S. '94. Engaged as society and club reporter of a daily; proofreader of another daily. Sunday-school teacher and librarian; State sec. Young People's branch W.C.T.U., 1904-08, State W.C.T.U.; reporter to Union Sig- nal (nat. and world's organ), 1908-10; nat. pro- moter Kara Smart Missionary Fund of W.C.T.U., 1908-09; State W.C.T.U. sup't press dep't, 1910- 12; pres. Redlands (Cal.) Young People's branch of W.C.T.U. and later pres. of Pasadena Y.P.B. to 1912. Favors woman suffrage; worked for suffrage amendmeLt in Cal. in various ways throughout campaign of 1912, when amendment carried. Author of verses and sketches, which have appeared in local newspapers or secular periodicals. Mem. Religious Soc. of Friends. Prohibitionist voter. Active mem. Pasadena Audubon Soc; sec. Pasadena Young Friends Ass'n, 1910-11; active mem. Pasadena Amateur Astronomical and Scientific Soc. P.ecreations: Walking, tennis, horseback riding, nature, moun- tain climbing. Pres. Flower Mission Soc. of Swarthmore Coll.; life mem. Somerville Literary Soc, Swarthmore Coll.; mem. Swarthmore Ck)ll. Alumni Ass'n.

YEOMANS, Amelia I>e Sneor (Mrs. Augustus A- Yeomansj, 836 Third Av., West, Calgary, Al- berta, Can.

Physician; b. Quebec, Can.; dau. Peter and Barbara (Dawson) Le Sueur; ed. private schools In Montreal, Quebec and Toronto; took high posi- tion, winning prizes, certificates, etc. ; grad. Med. Dep't, Univ. of Mich., M.D. '83; m. Quebec, Oct, 1860, Augustus A. Yeomans, M.D.; children:


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