��m. March, 1913, Robert C. Wright (la-wyer). Favors woman suffrage. Democrat. Mem. Port- land Wellesley Club. WRIGHT, Elizabeth Washburn (Mrs. Hamilton
Wright) , 1215 Nineteenth St., Washington,
D.C. ; and Topside, Norlands, Ivivermore, Me.
Bom Minneapolis; dau. William Drew Wash- burn (U.S. Senator) and Elizabeth (Muzzy) Wash- burn; ed. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.; Ogontz, Pa., and abroad; m. Minneapolis, Nov. 22, 1899, Hamilton Wright; children: Rosalind, Hamilton Washburn, William Washburn, Barbara, Leslie Livermore. Interested in Woman's Welfare. Favors woman suffrage. Writer of sketches and articles on China and the Far East, published in North American Review, Atlantic, Scribner's, Harper's, etc. Recreation: Travel. Mem. Chevy Chase Club. Lived for some years and traveled exten- sively in the Far East. WRIGHT, Ellen C, Wilmington. O.
Teacher; b. Hillsiboro, Highland Co., O., Nov. I, 1845; dau. Joseph and Lydia (Cowgill) Wright; ed. Wilmington Coll., A.B. '75, A.M. '89. Prof, of Larin, Wilmington Coll., 1875-88, 1S89-1913; grad. student Bryn Mawr Coll.. 1888-89; librarian and teacher of Latin, 1913. Favors woman suf- frage. Mem. Friends Church. Taught 40 years in one school; helped in the temperance reform in the days of the crusade. WRIGHT, Eiva Aimis, 420 Union National
Bank, Houston, Tex.
Physician; b. Hillsdale, Indiana Co., Pa., Mar. 20, 1868; dau. Jefferson and Nancy J. (Dunlap) Wright; ed. Valparaiso Univ., B.S. '94; North- western Univ., M.D. ; post-grad, course' Univ. of Edinburgh, 1910; short clinic courses, Vienna. Berlin and London, in pediatrics, 1910. Prof, embryology. Northwestern Univ. Woman's Med. Coll., Bince 1902. Chairman of Sanitation Com.. Lake Forest, 111., 1911; pres. Houston Anti- Tuberculosis League and founder of the Tubercu- losis Free Dispensary; mem. legislative commit- tees of Juvenile Protective Ass'n and Woman's Club; director Texas State Anti-Tuberculosis Ass'n; interested in public health, sanitation and civic problems generally. Has written many articles on Infant Feeding, Gastro-Enteritis, The Problem of Feeble-Mindedness, Eclampsia of the Ne^ Born. Mem. Harris Co. Med. Soc, Tex. Btate Med. Soc., Am. Med. Ass'n; pres. 111. Ass'n in Texas; mem. Woman's Club of Houston; pres. Lake Forest Woman's Club for seven years. Recreations: Raising oranges, figs, etc., on ranch »t La Porte, Tex.; motoring. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Texas Woman's Political Union. WRIGHT, Emma Palmer White (Mrs. Thomas
Gregory Wright), 2310 Highland Av., Auburn,
Cincinnati, O.
Born Cincinnati, 0., Feb. 10, 1876; dau. An- drew Jackson and Lucy (Kelsall) White; ed. Bartholomew's English and Classical School of Cincinnati; m. Cincinnati, June 1, 1905, Thomas Gregory Wright; 'children: Gregory, Lucy, Jack- Bon. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Recreations: Photography, rowing, boating. Pres. Perigrlnators' Club. WRIGHT, Grace Stevens (Mrs. John L. Wright),
22 Circuit Av., Newton Highlands, Mass.
Born Boston, Mass., Aug. 2, 1868, dau. Horace p. and Caroline E. (Spencer) Stevens; ed. Smith Coll., A.B. '93; m. Chelsea, Mass., Aug. 30, 1898, John L. Wright; one daughter: Wynna Wright, interested in Christian Science work. Christian Scientist. Favors woman suffrage.
tVRIGHT, Harriet Lawson (Mrs. J. E. Wright),
Bl Orange Av., K. Oakland, Cal.
Born Galena, 111., June 22, 1866; dau. George Coates and Mary A. (Adams) La-wson; ed. Nevada City, Nevada Co., Cal. and Oakland High School; m. San Francisco, Sept. 15, 1887,, Rev. John Elbert Wright, children: Elbert, Ern- est Marion, George Ross, Carol Willard. Active in religious and philanthropic work; pres. East Oakland Dennison Club. Mem. W.C.T.U., Order of Eastern Star, Woman's Foreign Missionary Boc, Home Missionary Soc. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Favors woman suffrage. Re- publican; mem. Suffrage Club in Yreka, Cal.
��WRIGHT, Harriett G. R. (Mrs. Henry Wright),.
3347 Moncrief Place, Denver, Colo.
Born Columbus, Wis. ; dau. Rev. Cyrua B. Rosencrans (Presbyterian minister) and Phoebe (Reeve) Rosencrans; ed. Rockford (111.) Female Sem. (now college); m. Henry Wright; four sons. After graduation taught for a time in Rockford (111.) Sem., and elsewhere until marriage, after which went to Colorado, living first at Boulder and since then at Denver. Has been active in literary, poliiical, philanthropic and club work. Elected mem. Twelfth General Assembly of Colorado, 1899, serving two years; for four and one-half years mem. Board of Control of the State Industrial School for G'rls. Active in Equal Suffrage matters; director Colo. Equal Suf- frage Ass'n: pres. Woman's Club of Denver; mem. Woman's Press Ass'n. Has contributed many ai-ticles to papers on suffrage matters, and written sketches and stories. Congregationalist. WRIGHT, Hattie Haw (Mrs. Herbert P.
Wright), 211 Garfield Av., Kansas City, Mo.
Born Ottumwa, la., July 2, 1866; dau. George- and Annie M. (Henry) Haw; ed. Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 111., 1888 (mem. Delta Gamnaa); m. Ottumwa, la., Oct. 22, 1890, Herbert P. Wright; children: Herbert E., Annie Lillian. Has been interested in philanthropic, charity and educational work. Pres. Kindergarten Finance Club of the Institutional Church (settlement) and second vice-pres. of Swope Settlement Has been pre«. of Kansas City Athenaeum (a depart- ment club), largest club in Missouri, and one of the organizers of Pan-Hellenic Ass'n of Kansas City. Methodist. Delegate to biennial of 1910 in Cincinnati and of 1912 in San Francisco of Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs (mem. Com. of Rules and Regulations at San Francisco, 1912). WRIGHT, Helen Gertrude, Toulon, III.
Born Toulon, 111., July 22, 1884; dau. William Wilberforce and Mary (Hopkins) Wright; ed. Toulon Acad.; Wellesley Coll., 1902-03; Univ. of 111., B.A. '07 (Alpha Chi Omega, Phi DelU Pal). Since 1908 devoted time to the study of art (painting); pupil of the Art InBt. of Chicago; nat. sec. Alpha Chi Omega Sorority, 1908. Con- gregationallst. Against woman suffrage. WRIGHT, Helen Smith (Mrs. Charles Hewitt
Wright), 148 Bartlett Av., Pittsfleld, Mass.
Author; b. Washington, D.C, Feb. 9, 1874; dau. Rear Admiral David Smith atid Sarah (Saunders) Smith; ed. Paris, France, and Cor- coran Art School, Washington, D.C; m. Wash- ington, D.C, Oct. 20, 1898, Charles Hewitt Wright; one son; Charles Ashley Wright, b. Mar. 2, 1906. Author: Old-Time Recipes, 1909; The Great White North, 1910; The New England Cook Book, 1912. Mem. D.A.R., American Red Cross, National Geographic Soc., Wednesday Morning Club. Episcopalian. Recreations: Motoring, walking, the theater, music.
WRIGHT, Jennie (Mrs. Just Wright >, Assump- tion, 111.
Born Kerwick, Cumberland, England; dau. Isaac and Elizabeth (Wood) Cartnell; ed. N.Y. City, Shelby and Moultrie Go. schools; m. Rural Township, Shelby Co., Dec. 4, 1873, Just Wrlglit; children: Roy, Carl. Taught four years In Shelby Co. schools. Interested in Presbyterian Church since 1868; one of the organizers of Junior Civic League. Mem. Order Eastern Star; associate matron of Tacusah Lodge, 1911-12; mem. and chairman Civic Dep't, Assumption Woman's Cluib (pres. 1910-12). Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage.
WRIGHT, Joanna Maynard (Mrs. Selden Stuart Wright), 910 Lombard St., San Francisco, Cal. Born Richmond, Va., May 26, 1830; dau. Oliver Abbott and Ann Aylette (Brooke) Shaw; ed. In private schools of Philadelphia; m. Lexington, Holmes Co., Miss., Oct. 15, 1846, Selden Stuart Wright (died Feb. 26, 1893); children: Mary Stuart, Robert Walker, Selden Stuart, Ann Aylette Brooke, George Thomas, Sarah Maynard, Eliza Shaw, Page Braxton, Ralph Klrkham, Roberta Lee, William Hammond, Brooke May- nard. Organizer and pres. of Nat. Soc. of Col- onial Dames of America resident in the State of California; chairman of the Order of Descendant*