��WOOLSTON, Florence Guy (Mrs. Howard B. Woolston), home 431 W. 121st St.. office 30 E. Thirty-fourth St.. N.Y. City. Editor, writer; b. N.Y., Apr.. 1881; dau. Ernest B. and Cordelia (Clark) Guy; ed. Newton. Mass.; Boston, special student in sociology at Columbia Univ.; m. 1904, Howard B. Woolston. Teacher o^ kindergarten in social settlement; associate head worker Goodrich Social Settlement, Cleve- land; fellow Russell Sage Foundation; special writer on social problems; later in fiction. Has held various offices in philanthropic and social work; spent year as fellow in Bureau of Social Research, Russell Sage Foundation; prepared investigations for Child Welfare Exhibit. N.Y. City. Interest in several social conditions led to suffrage work, to which which she is devoting her entire time, both as editor of th9 N.Y. magazine and as a worker. Interested in social work, working women, specially Interested in factory workers and their organizations. Has contributed articles to The Survey, Women's Era, Technical World Magazine, fiction to Hamp- ton's and the Red Book. Mem. Woman's Trade Union League, Consumers' League, Social Set- tlement Ass'n Collectivist Soc, Intercollegiate Socialist See, Woman's Suffrage Party, Wheelock Kindergarten Alumnas. Recreation: Walking. Unitarian. Socialist. Editor of The Woman Voter, official organ of the Woman Suffrage Party. N.Y. ; has served on committees at con- ferences on suffrage.
WOOLVEBTON, Corinne Klbbe (Mrs. Roy Woolverton), Osage, Iowa. Born Fairwater, Wis.; dau. Orlando and Cor- nelia (Plocker) Kibbe; ed. Pittsburgh, Pa.; m. Brandon, Wis., Dec. 30. 1901. Roy Woolverton; children: Leila, Cornelia. Sec. and treas. of Am. Soc. of Curio Collectors; editor and publisher of The Curio Collector. Mom. Iowa State Audubon Soc, Nat. Geographic Soc., Am. Woman's League, D.A.R., Shakespearan Club, Osage Nat- uralist Club. Organ Club of M.E. Church. Rec- reations: Music, art, motoring, nature study. Favors woman suffrage.
WOOSTEB, Lizzie E., 2457 Prairie Av., Chi- cago, 111.
Educational Instructor, author; b. Ohio. July 24. 1870; dau. Charles C. and Nannie (Cullom) Wooster; ed. Kansias and Chicago; grad. Normal Univ.; State Normal Training School, Kansas; Cook Co. Training School, Chicago; North- western Law School, Chicago. Manager of Wooster & Co. Publishing Co. Interested in children's and public libraries. Author: Reading Chart, 1S96; Reading Cards, 1896: Number Cards, 1896; Primer, 1899; Arithmetics (three-book series), 1900; Primary Speaker, 1900; Arithmetics (two-book series), 1902; Primary Industrial Read- ing Chart, 1904; Word Cards and Number Cards, 1904; Wooster Readers (five-book series), 1907. Mem. Literary Club, State societies. Press Club. Recreations: Walking, riding, driving, swimming. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage. Republi- can (progressive).
WOKKMAN, Fanny BuUock (Mrs. W. Hunter Workman), care of Brown, Shipley Co., 123 Pall Mall, London, England. Explorer; b. Worcester, Mass.; dau. Alexander Hamilton and Elvira (Hazard) Bullock; ed. in Germany and France; has many medals and hon- ors f.om scientific and geographical societies for Himalayan exploring work; m. W. Hunter Work- man, M.D.; one daughter: Gladys McRobert (lives in Scotland). Mountain climber and ex- plorer. Made extensive bicycle tour, with hus- band, in principal European countries and Al- geria, afterward going to the Himalayan Moun- tains, where, in 1899, she made the record first ascents for a woman, Mt. Bullock Workman, 19,450 feet, Mt. D. 41 to height of 20,700 feet, Kozer Gunge, 21,000 feet; then, with husband, explored the Chogo Lungma glacier (30 miles long) and the Hoh Lumba, Alchori and Sosbon glaciers, all in the northern part of Balistan, climbing snow peaks to the height of 21,500 and 22,568 feet. In 1906 went with husband to Kashmir, making the first exploration of the Nun Kun range In Suru, reaching height of 2i.30O feeL which Is the world's highest record
��for a woman in mountaineering; In 1908 explored Hispar Pass, descending by the 40-mile Blafo Glacier into Baltistan. In 1911 explored and mapped several large glaciers in another section of the Himalayas, Khondokoro, Chogo Lisa, Dong Dong, Kondus and Masherbrum, then made ascent of the Bilaphon Glacier, crossed Saltoro Pass (18,000 feet high), and descended to Siachen Glacier, the largest and longest on Asiatic continent, making exploration of Its upper half, and made th« first ascent of a 21,000- foot snow peak in Eastern Karakorana. In 1912 led expedition to Siachen glacier, which was sur- veyed from end to end, 47 miles; discovered and visited water-shed between Chinese Turkestan and the Indus River at 21,000 feet; discovered and crossed new snow pass between Siachen and Kondus glaciers; made first ascent of Lawiz Peak, 21,000 feet. Joint author: Up in the Ice World of Himalaya; Algerian Memories; The Call of the Snowy Hispar; Peak and Glaciers of Nun Kun; Ice- Bound Heights of the Mustagh, etc. Lecturer before geographical societies and Alpine clubs in Europe and America. Fellow Royal Scot- Ish Geographical Soc; charter mem. Am. Alpine Club; mem. Am. Geographical Soc. (N.Y. City), Brooklyn Inst. Arts and Sciences, Appalachian Mountain Club (hon. mem.). Received from President Loubet of France honor of Offlcier de '"Instruction Publlque, 1904; from Italy decora- tion of Golden Eagle; awarded gold medal of Club Alpln Francaise. Favors woman suffrage.
WOBTHINGTON, Harriet Elizabeth, Forest
Park University. St. Louis, Mo.
Teacher; b. Kirkwood, Mo., Feb. 25, 1884; dau James Kennedy and Hattie E. (Sneed) Worth- ington; ed. North Side High School, Denver Colo., 1903; Forest Park Univ., St. Louis, 1905 (in music); Cornell Univ., 1905-06; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '08; In Germany and French univer- sities, Munich, Freiburg, Besangon, 1909-11 Taught In high school. Polo, HI.; at Forest Park Univ St. Louis, 1911-12. Grad. student In Dep't of History at Washington Univ., St Louis Mem. College Club of St. Louis. Presbyterian Favors woman suffrage.
WOBTHINGTON, Laura Katiierine Madison
(Mrs. E. L. Worthington), Maysvllle. Ky.
Born Hannan's Landing, Gallia Co., O., Mar 6 1865; dau. Dr. William Franklin and Matilda c' (Graham) Hannan; ed. Gallia Acad., Gallipolis O.; Wesleyan Coll., Cincinnati, O. ; Coll. of Mu- sic. Cincinnati; m. Gallia Co., Aug. 3, 1898 Hon E. L. Worthington, lawyer, ex-State Senator- one daughter: Leslie Katherine. Interested in child welfare and humane work, civic improve- ment, stage reform. Colonial and Revolutionary history, genealogy, archaeology, etc. Lineal de- scendant, through father of the families through which came James Madison, Zachary Taylor Patrick Henry and John M. Dickinson, signer of the Declaration of Independence; maternal an- cestors: Col. John Willson, Staunton, Va., mem House of Burgesses for 27 years; Col. William Shepherd of toe Revolution, Dr. Graham (after- ward Col. William Graham), one of the first presi- dents of Liberty Hall (from which was developed Washington and Lee Univ.). and other prominent Colonial and Revolutionary ancestors. Mem Christian Church, Christian Women's Board of Missions, W.C.T.U., D.A.R. Second vice-pres Maysville Woman's Club. Recreations: Music' walking, driving. '
WBEN, Aroy, 129 Columbia Heights (office, 215
Montague St.), Brooklyn, N.Y.
Attorney at law; b. Brooklyn, Dec. 8, 1872; dau. William Cuthbert and Urania Esther (Carhart) Wren; ed. Brooklyn High School, Brooklyn Law School, LL.B. Admitted to bar and since engaged in practice. Organist First Reformed Church, Astoria, L.I. ; cor. sec Kings Co. Woman Suffrage Ass'n. Progressive in politics. Mem. Brooklyn Law School Alumnae Ass'n (pres.). Women Law- yers' Club, Hungry Club, Woman's Press Club. WRIGHT, Delia Smith (Mrs. Robert C. Wright)
1870 E. Alder St., Portland. Greg.
Bom Boone, Iowa; dau. Allan and Adelaide N (Butler) Smith; grad. Wellesley Coll., B.S. '94: