��WOODS, Roma Wheeler (Mrs. W. Houston
Woods), Sutherland, la.
Librarian; b. Perrysburg, O., Mar. 16, 1835; flau. Daniel Hclbrook and Lydia Churchill (Mar- tin) Wheeler; ed. Akron High School; m. Daven- port, la., Sept. i, 1855, W. Houston Woods; chil- dren: Houston C, Roma M. Has been librarian and cor. sec. for 38 years of Gen. N. B. Baker Library of Sutherland, la. Was mem. Sanitary and Christian Commission during Civil War. Newspaper correspondent in library, club and humanitarian lines. Mem. Internat. Sunshine Soc., Order Eastern Star, Women's Relief Corps, Uncle Remus Memorial Ass'n, State Library Ass'n, State Suffrage Ass'n, M.E. Aid Soc, Pioneer Women's Ass'n. Clubs: Monday, Music and Art, Home Culture, Sunshine Library, Wimodousls, Cheerful Workers; mem. Exec. Board Iowa Fed. Women's Club. Recreations: Ehiteriajiiing friends, planning entertainments tor children, clubs, etc. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage, chairman Eleventh Ckingress- ional District of Iowa Suffrage Clubs; edited State paper for two years; pres. local clubs for years.
WOOllSIDE, Nova Stuart, Thayer, Mo.
Teacher; b. Thomasville, Mo., July 12, 1868 dau. James Posey and Martha Ann (Bumpus) Woodside; ed. Drury Coll., Springfield, Mo. degrees in kindergarten schools of Washington D.C.; teacher's certificate for life in Mo. Mem Order of Eastern Star; organized Civic League of Thayer, Mo. Mem. United Daughters of Con- federacy at West Plains, was sponsor for the State of Missouri at Dallas, Tex.; special dele- gate to the last meeting of Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs, held in Cal. Author of small plays and arrangements for kindergartens and primary work, often reports work for local papers or magazines. Methodist. I>emocrat. Recreation: Travel. Pres. Crescite Club of Thayer, Mo., seven years; pres. of Bachelor Girls' Mystic Seven Club of Thayer, Mo. ; pres. Alexandrine Club of West Plains, Mo., four years.
WOODWARD, AdMe Mortimer, Monroe, N.Y.
Bom Rutherford, N.Y.; dau. George Evertson and E. B. D. (Mortimer) Woodward; ed. in France, Germany and Italy; Brevet Simple ana Brevet Sup6rieur from University de Paris; mem. Internat. Jury at the Internat. Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. Decorated with the Palmes Academlques by the French Government. Leader for the Woman Suffrage Party of the Seventh Assembly District, N.Y. City, 1911-12. Vice- pres. Le Lyceum, Soci6t§ des Femmes de France &, New York. Recreations: Amateur theatricals.
WOODWARD, Cora Stranahan (Mrs. Henry
Lake Woodward), Claremont, Cal.
Born Oswego Falls. N.Y., 1863; dau. Smith and Lucelia (Hugglns) Stranahan; ed. Fulton Union School, Falley Sem. (Fulton, N.Y.), Syracuse Univ., Cornell Univ. (mem. Alpha Phi); m. Os- wego Falls, 1898, Henry Lake Woodward. Ex- aminer in English, Regents' office, N.Y. City, 1904-1906; Dep't of Public Instruction, 1906-08; adviser of women, Univ. of Wis., 1906-11. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Vlce-pres,. College Equal Suffrage League when flrat organized. Unitarian. Progressive Republican.
WOODWARD, D. Luclle Field (Mrs. R. Pitcher Woodward), 713 State St., Ithaca, N.Y. Social worker; b. Auburn, N.Y., Feb. 2, 1883; dau. O. LeRoy and Amelia Catherine (Dorn) F^eld; grad. Cornell Univ., '07; m. R. Pitcher Woodward. At present at the N.J. State Village for Epileptics as research worker on the subject of heredity and eugenics; previously connected as inv->atigator on the Pittsburgh Survey, 1907-08, and with the Immigration Commission 1908-09. Unitarian. Recreations: Long walks and tramps. Favors woman suffrage.
WOODWARD, Helen D., Plattsburg, N.Y.
Former teacher; b. Plattsburg, N.X.; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '67 (the first class graduated from Vassar); A.M., Cornell Univ., '93. Prin- cipal of a private school, 1870-75; teacher at PlattsbursL N.Y., 1875-1903.
��WOODWARD, Helen E. Baldwin (Mrs. David Woodward), 655 Peachlree St., Atlanta, Ga. Born Watertown, Conn., 1855; dau. Anna P. and Caroline (Bryan) Baldwin; ed. Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1874-75; m. 1877, David Woodward; chil- dren: Clarence Crofts (deceased), Marian Eliza- beth. Episcopalian. Mem. Soc. Colonial Dames, Atlanta; D.A.R. ; pres. of the Nineteenth Cen- tury History Class; and mem. Woman's Club of Atlanta.
WOODW.4RD, Katharine Shepherd, Damarls-
cotta, Me.
College instructor; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '85. Teacher of English, Brooklyn Heights Sem., 1885-89; lecturer in English literature, Mt. Holy- oke Coll., 1889-90; teacher of English, N.Y. City, 1890-92; principal Brooklyn Heights Sem., 1892- 02; ass't principal Highcliffe Hall, Park Hill, N.Y., 1903-06; instructor in English, Smith Coll. since 1906. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnse, Smith College Alumnte Ass'n.
WOODWARD, Martha Bond (Mrs. Robert Simp- son Woodward), 1513 Sixteenth St., Washing- ton, D.C.
Born Detroit, Mich., May 24, 1851; dau. Will- iam and Eliza Seager) Bond; ed. Detroit (Mich.) High School; m. Detroit, Mar. 1, 1876, Robert Simpson Woodward; children: Robert S., Karl W., William Lysander. Interested in varioue religious, ph/ilanthropic and social axrtivitlea. Against woman suffrage. Unitarian. Mem. Twentieth Century Club, Washington Club.
WOODWARD, Nellie F. (Mrs. Joslah N. Wood- ward), The Currier, Nashua, N.H. Born Nashua, N.H. ; dau. Freeman Eastman and Susan E. (Howe) Tupper; ed. schools of Nashua, N.H.; m. Nashua, Jan. 6, 1881, Dr. Josiah N. Woodward (died Nov. 28, 1910). Mem. of Advisory Com. of the N.H. Woman Suffrage Ass'n, Matthew 'Thornton Chapter D.A.R., Wo- man's Auxiliary of Y.M.C.A., King's Daughters Benevolent Ass'n. Mem. Neiw Hampshire Feder- ation of Women's Clubs, Nashaway Woman's Club, Fortnightly Club, New Hampshire Daugh- ters of Boston. Pres. of N.H. Fed. of Women's Clubs, May, 1911-May, 1913; first vlce-pres., 1909- 11; second vice-pres., 1907-09. Served as presi- dent of Nashaway Woman's Club, 1909-11; first vice-president, 190&-09; and treasurer, 1902-04. Congregationalist.
Vauthier, Lucy Mary Woodward.
WOODWELL, Bertha Murtland (Mrs. John Woodwell), 7012 Penn Av., East End, Pitts- burgh, Pa.
Born Pittsburgh, Pa. ; dau. John M. and Mary B. (McCarroli) Murtland; ed. private school (Miss Kyle's), public school and Pittsburgh Female Coll.; m. East End, Pittsburgh, June 6, 1887, John Woodwell. Mem. Calvary Episcopal Church organizations, Protestant Home for In- curables, Twentieth Century Club, Juvenile Court Ass'n, Kingsley House Ass'n. Mem. Pittsburgh Organization Opposed to Woman Suf- frage, Esperanto Soc. of North America, Nat. Geographic Soc, Pittsburgh Golf Club, Twentletli Century Club, Civic Club, Academy of Science and Art.
WOODWORTH, Adelaide Eliza (Mrs. George G.
Woodworth), 616 E. Fifth St., Chattanooga,
Bom Mecca, Trumbull Co., C, June 11, 1844; dau. Joseph Lutljer and Eliza P. (Bldwcll) Carse; ed. public schools and Western Reserve Sem., B'armington, O.; was pres. Chautauqua Class four years, and grad. In that course; m. Mecca, O. Feb. 4, 1864, George B. Woodworth; children: Frank Halbert Woodworth, Eva Laura, George Carl Woodworth. Studied and taught elocution In former years; active In Sunday-school and church work, W.C.T.U. and Interested in all moral and philanthropic questions. Favors wo- man sulfrage. Mem. Woman Suffrage organiza- tion in Chattanooga, Tenn. Mem. Disciples of Christ or Christian. Prohibitionist. Mem. D.A.R., W.C.T.U.