��Research, London, etc. Author: The Proposal, ^a Dialogue. 1880; Affinities, a Play, 1896. Mem. Ladies' Automobile Club, Ladies' Athenaeum Club, Manor House Club. Favors woman suf- frage.
WOODIN, Gertrude Lee, U.S. Geological Survey Library, Washington, D.C.
Librarian; b. Concord, N.H. ; dau. Simeon Fos- ter and Sarah (Utiey) Woodin; grad. Wellesley Coll., BA.; studied at N.Y. State Library School, Altvany, N.Y., 1899-1900; mem. T. Z. B. (Wellesley). Cataloguer at Holyoke (Mass.) Public Library, branch libraries of U.S. Dep't of Agriculture, Library of Congress; head cata- loguer in U.S. Bureau of Education and in U.S. Geological Survey. Mem. First Congregational Church. Stamp-saving collector for poor of Associated Charities of Washington. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Mem. Dist. of Columbia Library Ass'n. Recreations: Walk- ing, studying birds, bicycling.
WOODIN, Mary Kastman, 36 Florentine Gar- dens, Springfield, Mass.
Teacher; b. Foochow, China; dau. Rev. Simon F. and Sarah (Utley) Woodin; ed. Wellesley Coll., B.S. '90. Taught Latin the past five years In Western Coll. for Women, Oxford, 0., 1906-13, studying for M.A., 1913-14, in Univ. of 111. In- terested in foreign missions, especially China. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Mem. Agora (student literary society of Western Coll.), Woman's Club (Oxford, O.), Classical Ass'n of Middle West and South. Recreation: Tennis. Mem. Suffrage Club (Western College).
WOODMAN, Alice Kezia (Mrs. Edgar Sumner
Woodm>n1, Weat Medway, Mass.
Journalist; b. East Medway, Mass., Aug. 19, 1873; dau. John Adams and Francesca' (Boyd) Richardson; ed. Medway High School and Kin- dergarten Training School; m. June 27, 1894, Ed- gar Sumner Woodman; children: Winifred K., Marjori?. Worked on various newspapers as edi- torial, reportorlal and special writer, 20 years. Teacher in kindergartens four and one-half years. Dramatic coach. Church worker along various lines. Assists high school seniors each yeai to raise funds for a Washington trip (chaperoned class of 1911). Favors woman suffrage. Congre- gationalist. Mem. Village Improvement Soc. Recreations: Out-door life, camp life, tennis, rowing. Mem. Quinshipaug Woman's Club, New England Woman's Press Ass'n, Medway Wo- man's Club (has held ofBce in all).
WOODM.VN, Marie S. Montagrue (Mrs. J. M.
Woodman), San Leandro, Cal.
Retired school principal; grad. Rockford (111.) Sem. (now college), '58; m. June 5, 1861, Rev. J, M. Woodman, clergyman, author (died Dec. 27, 1903); two daughters (deceased) and one son, a civil engineer. Teacher 1858-1899; with hus- band went from Neiw Jersey to California by the Panama route in 1862, and in June, 1863, estab- lished the Chico (Cal.) Acad., of which he was principal and she vice-principal until 1896, when they sold out and removed to San Leandro. Mem. W.C.T.U., in which has been very active as State vice-pres.. State organizer and lecturer. Has made many long vacation trips to the East, during which she often lectured and occupied pulpits en route. Has contributed to newspapers and magazines. Congregationalist (was sup't of Sunday-school for 30 years). WOODMAN, Olivia J. C. (Mrs. J. J. Woodman),
Paw Paw, Mich.
Minister; b. Gains, Orleans Co., N.Y. ; dau. Seymour and Jane (Brown) Carpenter; ed. (academic course), Lansing (Mich.) Acad.; m. Lansing, Mich., Nov. 7, 1896, Hon. J. J. Wood- man. Was teacher for several years; ordained and held several pastorates (Unlversallst). Lec- turer on educational, moral and political sub- jects. Interested in temperance, child labor, municipal improvements and conservation of natural resources. Pres. County Equal Suf- frage organization. Universalist. Mem. Grange, Order Eastern Star, Ladies of the Maccabees, Woman's Relief Corps. Mem. Coterie (Paw PaTv), Van Buren Co. Federated Clubs, Mich. State Federation, Equal Suffrage State Ass'n.
��WOODROW, Nancy Mann Waddel (Mrs. Jamei Wilson Woodrow), Daniel Appleton & Co., N.Y. City.
Author; b. Chillicothe, Ohio; dau. Dr. William Waddel and Jane (McCoy) Waddel; prlvaieiy educated; m. Chillicothe, Ohio, Aug. 4, 1897, Dr. James Wilson Woodrow. Began newspaper work as ass't editor of the Chillicothe (Ohio) Dally News, 1896-97; came to New York, 1900. Con- tributor to principal magazines, under pen- name of "Mrs. Wilson Woodrow." Author: The Bird of Time, 1907; The New Missloner, 1907; The Silver Butterfly, 1909; The Beauty, 1910; Sally Salt, 1912; Black Pearl, 1912. WOODRUFF, Anna Florence (Mrs. Clinton Rogers Woodruff), 2219 Spruce St., Philadel- phia, Pa,
Born Lancaster, Pa.; dau. Henry Grant and Martha (Flora) Miller; ed. Lancaster and Phila- delphia schools; m. Feb. 12, 1890, Clinton Rogers Woodruff; children: Anna Florence Woodruff, b. Oct. 17, 1892. Mem. School Board since 1902; pres. Eighth Ward Board two years; treas. Cushman Club, also one of the founders. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Pa. Woman Suflraga Ass'n, St. Martha's Auxiliary. Episcopalian. Recreation: Tennis. Mem. Civic Club, New Cen- tury Club, Cushman Club.
WOODRUFF, Anne Helena, 643 Grace St., Chicago, III.
Born St. Davids, Ont., C!an. ; dau. William Henry and Mary D. (Secord) Woodruff; ed. pub- lic school, v/ith two terms at Brockport State Normal School (academic). Author: Betty and Bob (juvenile book); Three Boys and a Girl; The Pond in the Marshy Meadow. Has written much for Sunday-school publications and home magazines, two articles St. Nicholas, and hymns. Presbyterian.
WOODRUFF, Caroline 8., 9 Church St., St. Johnsbury, Vt.
Principal of grammar school; b. West Burke, Vt., July 15, 1866; dau. George W. and Octavia (Bemis) Woodruff; ed. St. Johnsbury Acad. Pres. Vt. State Women Teachers Club, 1910-12; chair- man Board of Managers Vt. Teachers Retirement Fund Ass'n, 1910 — . Interested in all social ques- tions, especially those pertaining to child welfare. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Pro- gressive. Vt. State chairman of General Fed. of Women's Clubs, educational dep't. WOODRUFF, Ellen E. Hamilton (Mrs. Frank E. Woodruff), Brunswick, Me. Born Rochester, Vt., Nov. 14, 1853; dau. Dr. Henry W. and Eliza (Graves) Hamilton; ed. Univ. of Vt., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '75; A.M. '78 (class of 1875 was the first in Univ. of Vt. to which women were admitted); m. Athens, Greece, Jan. 11, 1883, Prof. Frank E. Woodruff; children: Dr. John Hamilton, Robert Thomson, Edith Salome. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Kappa Alpha Theta.
WOODRUFF, Helen Smith (Mrs. Lewis B, Woodruff), 749 West End Av., N.Y. City; sum- mer. Ash Grove, Litchfield, Conn. Author; b. in Selma, Alabama; daughter of Oscar E. and Emma (West) Smith; ed. Gard- ner's School, N.Y. City; Temple School, N.Y. (?ity; m. Birmingham, Ala., June 18, 1904, Lewi* B. Woodruff. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Miss Beauty; Pyxie's Pal Stories; Cherub's Love Charm; also short stories in various magazines.
WOODRUFF, Jane Scott (Mrs. Frank L. Wood- ruff), "Edgewood," Jackson, Tenn. Born Marion, Ala.; dau. Preston B. Scott, M.D., and Jane (Campbell) Scott; ed. Louisville, Ky. ; Geneva, Switzerland; Paris, France; m. Louisville, Ky., June 12, 1900, Frank L. Wood- ruff (deceased). Interested in social service; appointed by Mayor of Atlanta, Ga., chairman of Com. for Woman's Club to Investigate condi- tions surrounding women and children In In- dustry; chairman for Georgia of Red Cross Christmas seals; now chairman Southern League Women's Nat. Wilson and Marshall Organiza- tion; pres. Madison Co. (Tenn.) Women's Aux- iliary, Southern Commercial Congress. Favors Woman suffrage. Author: The Little Christmaa