��tenant Governor of Mass.) and Mary Ann (Hun- toon) Knight; ed. Charlier Inst, N.Y. ; Miss Por- ter's School, Farmington, Conn. ; music studies under B. J. Lang, Karl Klauser, J. H. Cornell, Henrj Holden Huse; m. 1879, Charles Greenleaf Wood of Boston; one son: Charles Greenleaf Wood 3d (died 1884). Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Equal Franchise Soc., N.Y. City. Has written about fifty songs for various voices. In- cluding Ashes of Roses, Thy Name, Song of Solo- mon, Songs of Sleep, etc. Recreation. Traveling. Mem. Women's Cosmopolitan Club (N.Y.), On- teora Club (Catsklll Mountains). Spent nine years in Mexico; has often visited West Indies, Europe, EgjT>t. WOOD, Bnth Gouldingr, Northampton, Mass.
Professor of mathematics; b. Pawtucket, R.I., Jan. 29, 1875; dau. S. Eugene and Kate B. (Pond) Wood; ed. Pawtucket High School; Smith Coll., B.Ii. '98; Yale Univ., Ph.D. '01; studied In Got- tlngen, 1908-09. Instructor in mathematics, Mt Holyoke Coll., 1901-02; Smith, 1902-09; now prof, of mathematics. Smith Coll. Mem. Am. Mathe- matical Ass'n. WOODBEKBT, Ethel Morton, 56 Parsons St.,
West Newton, Mass.
Inventory work; b. Amherst, N.H., Dec. 29, 1875; dau. Horace E. and Isabella (Larcom) Woodberry; ed. Newton High School; Smith Coll.; A.B. '98; Harvard Summer School, '03. Interested in church and Sunday-school work. Children's Missionary Soc, class in English for Italians. Against woman suffrage. Congrega- tionalist.
WOODBEBBY, Bosa, 428 Peachtree St., At- lanta, Ga,
Educator; b. Williston, S.C. ; daughter of Stratford Benjamin and Victoria (Cocroft) Wood- berry; ed. Lucy Cobb Inst, and Univ. of Ga. Principal Miss Woodberry's School for Girls, Atlanta, Ga., and teacher of physical sciences. State parliamentarian of Ga. Fed. of Women's Clubs and the Atlanta Daughters of the Con- federacy; sec. Women's Auxiliary of the Diocese of Atlanta. Episcopalian. Takes parties of her girls for European travel. Mem. Atlanta Wo- man's Club. Pioneer leader in Georgia club work and writes for various State and general publications. Leader in church missionary work. Has held office in the State organizations of various societies.
WOODBBIDGE, Cora Adams (Mrs. Samuel Bradford V/oodbrldge), 73 Stanley St., In- gram, Allegheny Co., Pa.
Born Warren, Mass., Dec. 19, 18S0; dau. James Henry and Nellie F. Adams; ed. Wellesley Coll., A.B. '03; m. Warren, Mass., June 22, 1910, Samuel Bradford Woodbridge (Princeton, '04). Teacher, 1903-04, Ames School, Dedham, Mass.; 1904-06, East St. School, New Britan, Conn.; 1906-09, Noah Webster School, Hartford, Conn. Interested in missions and mem. of Young Wo- men's Missionary Soc. of First Presbyterian Church of Ingram, Pa. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Mem. Wellesley Coll. Club of Pittsburgh.
WOODBBLDGE, HeJena Belle Adams (Mrs. Frederick James Eugene Woodbridge), Mont- rose, Westchester Co., N.T. Bom Cincinnati, C, Feb. 23 1869; dau. Alfred L. and Ada (Arven) Adams; ed. Cincinnati public schools; Oak Grove School, Amherst, Mass.; Smith Coll., A.B. '92; m. Chicago, June 25, 1895, Frederick James Eugene Woodbridge (Johnsonian prof, philosophy and dean of the Graduate Schools of Columbia Univ.); children: Frederick James, John Arven, Donald Bingham, Helena. Mem. Stonywold Ass'n (Tuberculosis Sanitarium), Manhattan Trade School, Consum- ers' League, Seamen's Church Inst., District Nursing Ass'n of Northern Westchester Co. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Smith Alumnae Ass'n, Smith Students' Aid Soc, Women's Uuiversity Glub and Smith College Club (N.Y. City).
WOODBCBY, Mabel Blanche 616 Fourth St.,
Redlands, Cal.
Teacher; b. Concord, Vt., Oct. 30, 1869; dau. Joseph Emerson and Martha (Barker) Woodbury;
��grad. Chelsea (Mass.) High School, '88; Welles- ley Coll., B.A. '93, M.A. '04; fellow in psychology, Wellesley, 1903-04; summer sessions Univ. of Cal., 1906 and 1912. Taught in high school, Holllston, Mass.. 1893-1903; assistant in psychology, Welles- ley, 1903-04; instructor In Wheaton Sem., Norton, Mass., 1904-05; classical dep't, high school. Red- lands, Cal., 1905-12. Interested In Juvenile Pro- tective Ass'n work. Favors woman suffrage. Author of pamphlets: Outline of a Course In Greek and Roman Literature for Secondary Schools; article in Classical Journal: The Clas- sics In English; An Outline of a Course in GreeJs Culture. Congregatdonalist. Progressive Repub- lican. Mem. Southern Cal. Classical Conference; pres. 1913-14 Southern Cal. branch of Ass'n ot Collegiate Alumnse; mem. Schoolwomen's Tima to Time Club of Southern Cal. WOODBUBT, Marcia Oakes, 194 Clarendon St., Bost )n, Mass.
Artist; b. South Berwick, Maine, June 20, 1865; dau. Abner and Susan M. (Bennett) Wood- bury; ed. in schools of South Berwick, Maine; student In art of Lasar, Paris. Awarded gold medal, Atlanta Exposition, 1895; also medala from the Mechanics' Ass'n, Boston; prize of Boston Art Club; also exhibited at Paris Expo- sition and Nashville Exposition (hon. mention). Mem. Boston Water Color Club, New York Water Color Club.
WOODFOED, Laura Moore (Mrs. Isaac Newton Woodford), 2636 Garfield St., Lincoln, Neb. Born Gustavus, 0., June 7 1838; dau. Anson and Lucia (Meacham) Moore; ed. in schools, both public and private, at Brighton, la. ; one year In Female Sem. in Fairfield, la.; m. Brighton, la.. Mar. 20, 1861, Isaac Newton Woodford; children: Arthur Moore, Emma Eliza, Helen L., Henry Lane. Active in church, club and social affairs. Eligible to D.A.R., but not a member. Origi- nator and mem. Zetetic Club of Weeping Water, Neb. (first woman's club in Nebraska, organized Jan. 14, 1889). Congregationalist. Favors woman suffrage.
WOODHULL, Agnes Patton (Mrs. Schuyler Col- fax Woodhull), 2015 Stevens Av., Minneapolis, Minn.
Born Philadelphia, Sept. 13, 1877; dau. John Woodbridge and Mary (Blackiston) Patton; ed. Friends Select School, Miss Hill's School for Girls of Philadelphia; Smith OoU., L.B. '01; m. Quogue, L.I., June 24, 1905, Schuyler Colfax Woodhull; children: Agnes Patton, b. Sept. 26, 1907; Caroline Vroom, b. July 29, 1909; Helen Hepburn, b. Aug. 24, 1912. Interested in mis- sions; one of vice-presidents of Minneapolis Home Mission Presbyterial Soc Presbyterian. Mem. Westminster Guild Missionary Soc; mem. local branch of Y.W.C.A. Recreations: Tennis, golf, walking, sailing. Mem. Lafayette Club (Mianetonka Beach), Woman's Club, Tuesday Morning Club (literary).
WOODHULL, Marianna, Bates College. Lewis- ton, Me.
Professor of fine arts and dean of women. Bates Coll. ; b. Cominack, N.Y. ; dau. John Alpheus and Joanna (Brown) Woodhull; ed. Smith Coll., B.A.; Oxford, England, and Colum- bia Univ. (Alpha Soc, Smith). Mem. the Wo- man's Municipal League of N.Y., Civic League, Barnard Club; pres. Smith College Club, N.Y., four years; mem. Art and Literature Union, Lewlston and Auburn, Me. Favors woman suf- frage. Author: The Epic of Paradise Lost; twelve essays. Episcopalian. Recreations: Walk- ing, climbing, boating.
WOODHULL, Zulu Maud, Norton's Park. Bre- don's Norton, near Tewksbury, Worcester- shire, England.
Author; b. New York; dau. Dr. Canning Wood- hull and Victoria (Claflin) Woodhull (now Mrs. John Biddulph Martin, q. v.); ed. in Nbt? YorK, Paris and London, In schools and by private tutors. Interested In humanitarian problems and in social questions. Co-foimder, with her mother, Mrs. Martin, In the founding of the Woman's International Agricultural Ass'n. As- sociate editor of The Humanitarian. Mem. Institut Psychologique, Paris; Soc. for Physical