��WOZ,FE, Mary Moore, Frankford and Solly Avs., Holmesburg, Philadelphia, Pa, Physician; b. Ijewisburg, Pa., Mar. 31, 1874; dau. Charles Spyker and Martha E. (Meixoll) Wolfe; grad. Bucknel! Univ., B.A., samma cum laude, '96; M.A. 1900; Dep't Medicine and Surgery Univ. of Mich., M.D. '89 (mem. Pi Beta Phi). Ass't physician 1899-1901, chief physician 1901-09, women's dep't, 'Norristofrn State Hospital. Gov- ernment delegate to Internat. Congress at Am- sterdam, 1907; clinical prof, of psychiatry, Wo- men's Med. Coll. of Pa., 190S. favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Mem. Montgomery Co. Med. Soc., Am. Med. A.^s'n, Am. Med. Psychological Ass'n, Philadelphia Neurological Soc, Philadel- phia Psychiatric Soc. Recreations: Walking, tennis. Mem. Bucknell Alumnse Club of Phila- delphia, Alumna Club of Univ. of Mich. Women In and Around Philadelphia, D.A.R., Philadelphia Civic Club, Philadelphia Woman Suffrage Ass'n. WOLJESKA-TINDOrPH, Helen, Yonkers, N.Y. Artist, author; b. Vienna, Austria-Hungary, Feb. 23, 1875; ed. St. Louis School of Fine Arts, 1890-96; m. Chicago, 111., July 24, 1899, Dr. Lea Tindolph; one daughter: Mary Woljeska. Oi)ened studio in St. Louis, 1896. Exhibited oil paintings in Soc. of Western Artists and St. Louis Yearly Exposition. Began to write for the Criterion, then in St. Louis, and for the St. Louis Mirror, 1897. Went to Chicago, 1SS9, to work for Herbert S. Stone and 111. Engraving Co. ; came to N.Y. City 1899; since then engaged in literary and art work for various magazines. Author: A Woman's Confessional, 1905.
WOOD, Anna May (Mrs. Court Foster Wood), 311 E. Capital St., Washington, D.C. Teacher; b. Philadelphia, Mar. 20, 1865; dau. William and Anna E. (Stotsenburg) Whiteside; ed. Philadelphia public schools, grad. Philadel- phia Normal School; m. Washington, D.C, Mar. 13, 1895, Court Foster Wood; one son: Foster Wood. Interested in foreign and home mis- sionary work; mem. Board of Managers of Methodist Home for the Aged: teacher of Young Woman's Bible Class. Recording sec. D.C. Fed. Women's Clubs. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Progressive. Mem. P.E.O. Sisterhood Chapter C, Martha Chapter Eastern Star. Rec- reation: Automobiling. Clubs: Philo Classics, Capitol Hill History. WOOD, Carolena Morris, Mt. Klsco, N.Y.
Social worker; b. Mt. Kisco, N.Y., May 21, 1871; dau. James and Emily H. (Morris) Wood;, ed. private schools; Woman's Law Class, N.Y. Univ., School of Philanthropy. Interested in all movements in the Society of Friends (Quakers); manager N.Y. Colored Orphan Asylum, Howard Colored Orphan Asylum, District Nursing Ass'n of Northern Westchester Co. and many other movements for education, missions, the benefit of the colored people, etc. Mem. of many phil- anthropic, educational and religious societies. Recreations: Country life, travel. WOOD, Edith Klmer (Mrs. Albert Norton Wood>, care Navy Department, Washington, D.C.
Author; b. Portsmouth, N.H., Sept. 24, 1871; dau. Commander Horace Elmer (U.S. Navy) and Adele (Wiley) Elmer; ed. with tutors and gov- ernesses at home and abroad and at Smith Coll., B.L. '90; m. Brooklyn Navy Yard, June 24, 1893, Albert Norton Wood, Lieut (now Capt) U.S.N. ; children: Horace Elmer (died In early childhood), Thurston Elmer, Horace Nixon Elmer, Albert Elmer. Founder, 1906, and for three years pres. Antl-'Tuberculosia League of Porto Rico (since honorary pres.). Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Coll. Equal Suffrage League. Author: Her Pro- vincial Cousin, 1893; Shoulder Straps and Sun Bonnets, 1901; The Spirit of the Service, 1903; An Oberland Chalet, 1910, and many stories and articles in newspapers and magazines. Mem. Alumnae Ass'n of Smith Coll., Coll. Settlement Ass'n, Nat Ass'n for Prevention of Tuberculosis, Navy Relief Soc, Consumers' League, Smith Coll. Club, College Woman's Club. WOOD, Edvrina, 1500 Fourth Av., Columbus, Ga. Kindergartner ; b. Barnwell Co., S.C., May 15, 1876: dau. William Jennings and Belle (Willing-
��ham) Wood; grad. grammar schools, Columbus high school and Columbus Free Kindergarten. Made supervisor of free kindergartens Oct., 1900; kindergartens added to public schools, 1906, and was made supervisor of all kindergartens, 18 in all. Also teacher of training classes. Has charge of beginners in Sunday-school. Active in club, social and philapthropic interests. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Pres. City Fed. Women's Clubs. Mem. Students' Club (literary). Civic League, Froebel Club (Kindergartners). WOOD, Ella Florence Eames (Mrs. Edward
Everett Wood Jr.), 309 Elm St., Northampton,
Born Bath, Me., Dec. 23, 1861; dau. Henry and Adelia F. (Morse) Eames; ed. Bath public schools, Smith Coll., A.B. (mem. Alpha); m. Bath, Sept. 8, 1S85, Edward En^erett Wood Jr.; children: Henry Eames, George Wight. Con- gregationalist. Mem. D.A.R., Smith Coll. Alum- ncB Ass'n. Recreations: Music, wood carving. Mem. Colonial Club (literary), Northampton Clef Club (musical). WOOD, Ethel, 48 Winchester St, Brookllne,
Lecturer, teacher; b. Grand Rapids, Mich., Feb. 18, 1879; dau. Isaac W. and Mary S. (Rus- sell) Wood; ed. private school and Grand Rapids High School, grad. '96; Smith Coll., 1898-99. Teacher; now lecturer on Children and Their Stories, and on Welsh Folk-Lore; story teller to children. Author: Dolly's Double, 1906. WOOD, Ethel Bryant Harmon (Mrs. Edward
Holton Wood), 114 Curtis St., Tufts College,
High school teacher; b. Adams, Mass., Mar. 7, 1879; dau. George Milford and Ella Adele Har- mon; ed. Tufts Coll., A.B. (mem. Phi Beta Kappa) 1900 (mem. Alpha Omicron Pi); m. Tufts Coll., Mass., Sept 27, 1906, Edward Holton Wood; one son: George Harmon Wood. Mem. of the Hillside Unlvorsaliat Church at Medford Hillside, Mass. Universalist. Recreation: Bird study.
WOOD, Florence (Mrs. William Halsey Wood),
557 W. 124th St, N.Y. City.
Born Germantown, Pa. ; dau. Alexander and Emily (Cox) Hemsley; ed. private schools, Phila- delphia, Pa. ; m. Tannersville, Greene Co., N.Y., Nov. 19, 1889, William Halsey Wood (prominent architect of N.Y.); children: Emily Hemsley, William Halsey Jr., Alexander Hemsley. Inter- ested and active in societies and activities of Protestant Episcopal Church. Favors woman suffrage.
WOOD, Frances Ann, Raymond Av., Vassar
College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
Teacher; b. Adams, Mass., 1840; dau. Resolva and Eunice Ann (Patterson) Wood; ed. public and private schools in New England. Teacher of music at Vassar Coll., 1867-70, English critic, 1870-80; librarian at Vassar C^oU., 1880-1910. Author: Earliest Years at Vassar. Unitarian.
WOOD, Frances Fisher (Mrs. William Ben- jamin Wood), 33 W. Forty-seventh St., N.Y. City.
Genealogist, architect; b. Waltham Mass.; dau. Waldo A. and Angelina (Howes) Fisher; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B., pres. of class. Com- mencement Honor (given to ten of highest stand- ing) ; m. Cleveland, O., Aug. 10, 1886, Dr. William Benjamin Wood; one son: EJric Fisher. Teacher, 1876-82; principal of school, 1882-86; pres. Vassar Alumnae Ass'n, 1886-87; trustee Barnard Coll., 1890; lecturer, 1880-95; owner of Kingwood Farm, 1890-95; Oriental art expert and dealer, 1894-1908; genealogist, 1908; architect, 1910. t'avors woman suffrage. Author: Infancy and Childhood, lec- tures; contributor to newsr^pers. Episcopalian. Free Trader. Mem. Ck>lonial Dames of N.Y., Soc. of Mayflower Descendants, Vassar Alumnaa Ass'n, Colony Club, Wednesday Afternoon Club, Ontnora Club.
WOOD, Harriet Ann, 497 E. Fifteenth St, N, Portland, Ore.
Librarian; b. Saginaw, Mich., 1871; dau. Na- than S. and Kitty (Paine) Wood; grad. Vassar Coll., B.A. '93; Chicago Univ.; N.Y. State U- brary School. Librarian, Cedar Rapids, In., 1903-