��tenmyer; ed. public schools, Martinez, Cal.; Young Ladies' Sem., Benicla, Cal.; of Mills Coll., Cal. Mem. of Contra Costa County Board of Education, 1885-91 (pres. three years); teacher In Martinez (Cal) schools, 1876-91; principal gram- mar dep't several years; principal high school course, two years; principal grammar dep't of Mills Coll. until dep't was gradually eliminated; instructor and ass't principal in the seminary dep't until It was also eliminated; now dean of Mills Coll. Active in Martinez civic work; past grand pres. of the Ass'n of Native Daugliters of the Golden West (over 15 years sec. Board of Relief); mem. Nat. Educational Ass'n, Order of Eastern Star, Mills Alumnae Ass'n, Nat. Geo- graphic Soc, Home Club, Mills Club. Mem. of the Mills College non-sectarian church. Favors woman suffrage. Progressive Republican.
WITTER, Ellen Colfai, Denver, Colo.
Lawyer; b. Denver, Colo., June 25, 1868; dau. Daniel and Clara V. (Matthews) Witter; ed. West Denver High School, Wolfe Hall, and in the law office of Daniel Witter. In 1892 was ad- mitted to practice before all U.S. Land Offices, the Commissioner of the General Land Office, Washington, D.C., and before the Sec., being at that time the only woman admitted to such prac- tice. Favors woman suffrage. Was the first woman judge of elections in Denver, Colo., the first year women voted, and was the first woman to make application for commission as notary public in State of Colo. Author: Settlers' Guide to the Entry of Public Lands. Mem. United Brethren Church. Republican. Recreations: All out-door sports. Mem. Colorado Mountain Club.
AVIXOM, Henrietta S. (Mrs. E. C. Wixom), 1
Rangeley Park, Winchester, Mass.
Born Dunkirk, N.Y., Oct. 21, 1878; dau. William C. and Henrietta C. Segebarth; ed. Dunkirk public schools, Fredonia Normal School, '01; Vassar Coll., A.B. 1900; Columbia Univ., summer 1912; m. Dunkirk, N.Y., Aug. 24, 1907, E. C. Wixom. Teacher (formerly) of German and French. Chairman of Home Economics Com. of the Fortnightly Woman's Club. State Fed. lecturer on home economics subjects. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. E^xec. Board of the Win- chester Equal Suffrage League. Congregatlon- alist. Mem. Mission Union of Congregational Church (ex-pres.); mem. New England Home Economics Ass'n, Vassar Aluaana (Boston branch). Fortnightly Club (Winchester, Mass.). Recreations: Golf, autolng. Has conducted parties In Europe.
WIXSON, Helen Marsh (Mrs. Elmer A. Wlx- Bon), 539 E. Twelfth Av., Denver, Colo. State superintendent of public instruction; b. Muscoda, Wis.; dau. Jerome Lather and Melissa Allen (Moore) Marsh; ed. in high and preparatory schools; m. 1886, Elmer A. Wi.xson of Denver, Colo. Active In civic and progressive movements of Colorado since 1890; State librarian, 1895-96; State sup't of public Instruction, 1911-12. Re- ceived degree of Master of Pedagogy from the Colorado State Teachers' College. Member of B'd of State Teachers' Coll. of Colo. Has been contributor to magazines and newspapers throughout United States and has done much platform work. Protestant. Republican. Direc- tor In Colorado Chapter D.A.R. ; mem. -Nat. Con- gress of Mothers. Mem. Denver Woman's Club, Denver Press Club, Writers' Club, Monday Literary Club.
WOERNEK, Emma Josephine, 2046 Eastern
Parkway, Louisville, Ky.
Teacher; b. Louisville, Ky., Oct. 7, 1884; dau. J. George and Louise (Noethlich) Woerner; ed. Louisville Girls' High School, Ky. State Univ., B.S. Teacher and social worker in a model min- ing camp In the Kentucky mountains for six years. Director Broadway School Social Center; mem. Central Council of Social Centers. Pres. Louisville W»man Suffrage Ass'n. Mem. the People's Forum, Nat. Geographic Soc, Ky. Equal Rights Ass'n, Recreation Com. of Child Welfare Exhibit and Conference. Recreations: Riding, tennis, basketball. Mem. Woman's Club »f Louisville, the Highland Civic Club.
��WOLCOTT, Anna Louise, Wolcott School, Four- teenth Av., Denver, Colo.
Educator; b. Providence, R.L, May 25, 1863; dau. Samuel Wolcott, D.D., and Harriet Amanda (Pope) Wolcott; sister of late U.S. Senator Ed- ward Oliver Wolcott; ed. In private schools and Wellesley Coll. Engaged In educational work; principal of Wolfe Hall, Denver, 1892-98: since 1898 principal of the Wolcott School, Denver, which she founded. Mem. Board of Regents Univ. of Colo. Mem. State Forestry Ass'n; vlce- pres. Colorado Branch of the Congress of Mothers; mem. Soc. of Colonial Dames. Mem. Artists' Club, Fortnightly Club (Denver). WOLCOTT, Grace, 292 Marlborough St., Boston,
Physician; b. Roxbury, Mass., Feb. 15, 1858; dau. John Wesley and Henrietta L. T. (Eustls) Wolcott; ed. public and private schools. Wom- an's Med. Coll. of Pa., Paris and Vienna. Con- sulting physician, Vincent Memorial Hospital. Mem. Guild of St. Luke. Favors woman suf- frage. Episcopalian. Councilor Mass. Med. Soc; mem. Boston Med. Library, Am. Med. Ass'n. Recreation: Farming. WOLCOTT, Lucy Elizabeth, 1448 Elm Av„ Long
Beach, Cal.
Soprano soloist, vocal teacher; b. Dudley, Mass. ; dau. Rev. W. H. and Rosabelle (Whitney) Wolcott; grad. Pomona Coll., B.A. Has been soloist in the Congregational, Methodist and Christian Science churches; has given recitals; now teacher in Wallis School of Dramatic Art, Gamut Club Bldg., Los Angeles. Author ol musical criticisms and sketches for newspapers and of some anecdotes in Lippincott's Magazine. Congregatlonalist. Progressive Republican. Rec- reations: Mountain climbing, sea bathing. Pres. and founder of the Woman's Music Study Cluh of Long Beach, Cal., which has for three years won the silver cup presented by the Cal. Fed. of Women's Clubs to the music club (In the federa- tion) presenting the best program of year's work. WOLCOTT, Mary Mills (Mrs. James Lestei
Wolcott), Dover, Del.
Born Dover, Del.; dau. Alexander and Sarab (Buckmaster) Goodwin; ed. In schools of Dover; m. James Lester Wolcott; children: four sons and one daughter; three sons living. Active In club work and chairman of Com. on Legislation of Delaware Stats Fed. of Women's Clubs. WOLI", Emma, 2876 Washington St., San Fran- cisco, Cal.
Author; b. San Francisco, June 15, 1865; dau. Simon and Annette (Levy) Wolf; ed. grammar, high and normal schools of San Francisco! Books: Other Things Being Equal; A Prodigal In Love; Joy of Lite; Heirs of Yesterday, and short stories In the magazines. Jewish religion. Re- publican. Favors woman suffrage. WOLFE, Clara Snell (Mrs. Albert Benedict
Wolfe), 35 N. Park St.. Oberlln, O.
Born Milledgeville, 111., May 9, 1S74; dau. Francis Adam and Ellen Rosamond (Campbell) Rosamond; grad. Milledgeville (111.) High School, '91; 111. State Normal Univ., '98; Oberlln Coll., A.B. '09; m. Milledgeville, 111., Sept. 6, 1906, Albert Benedict Wolfe. Prin. high school, Dun- dee, 111., 1898-99; critic teacher. III. State Normal Univ., 1900-01; critic teacher, Eastern 111. State Normal School, Charleston, 111., 1901-06; lecturer In teachers' institutes, 1905-09. Corr. sec. Ohio Fed. Women's Clubs; recording sec. Ohio Woman Suffrage Ass'n; mem. College Equal Suffrage League; organizer Woman Suffrage Party In Cleveland, Ohio; speaker and organizer In Ohio suffrage campaign of 1912. WOLFE, Florence Rockafellar (Mrs. Frank
Wolfe), 3003 Elm Av., Zlon City, 111.
Born New Trenton, Ind., Oct. 10, 1862; dau. Charles Wesley and Lurretia (Adair) Rocka- fellar; ed. in common schools. Central Normal Coll., 1884; m. Oct. 1, 1891, Frank Wolfe; chil- dren: Wilbur Lester, Lloyd, Charles Lawrence. Taught In common school; also taught sten- ography. Long and actively engaged In religious, social and philanthropic Interests of places of residence. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Chris- tian Catholic Church. Pres Zlon City Woman's Club.