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��'83, and one year post-grad, work there; Bryn Mawr Coll., 1887-89; Mt. Holyoke Coll., B.L. '96; A.B. '99. Has taught from age of 17, chiefly in public anc? high schools, but was for three years preceptress and head of normal dep't lu Oak Grove Sem., Vassalboro, Me.; since 1896 teacher of mathematics In Central High School of Spring- field, Mass. Several years field sec. of Teacher Training in Friends' Sunday-schools of New England. Has had several normal classes in the Sunday-schools of the Methodist church she has attended in past 16 years. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. New England Yearly Meeting of Friends. Mem. W.C.T.U., Y.W.C.A., Mathe- matical Ass'n of New England, Mase. Teachers Ass'n, Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc, Ep- worth League, World's Purity Federation, Springfield E^ual Suffrage League. Recreations: Camping, boating, horseback riding, tennis, gardening driving, tramping, reading, lectures. Mem. Springfield Teachers Club. Has been county and local sup't of purity for W.C.T.U. ; active in temperance work in four States.

WINSLOW, Helen Maria, Shirley, Mass.

Elditor, author, publisher; b. Westfleld, Vt. ; dau. Don Avery and Mary Salome (Newton) Winslow; ed. Vt, Acad, and State Normal schools, with special studies In languages and literature in Boston. Began work on Boston papers; dra- matic editor The Beacon, 1891-97; editor Woman's Club B^p'U Boston Transcript, 1893-98. Editor Woman's Club Dep't of the Delineator, 1897- 1905, and again 1912 — . Editor and publisher The Club Woman, 1897-1904; publisher Official Register of Women's Clubs in America since 18?7. Was commissioner from Mass. to the Cotton States Exposition of Atlanta, 1893. Director of Board of Trustees Frances WiUard Hospital, Bedford, Mass.; State regent of Mass. D.A R., two years, 1901-02. Founder of New Eaglanrt Women's Press Ass'n and of the Boston Authors' Club. Author: Salome Sheppard, Reformer, 1893; Concerning Cats, 1900; Concerning Polly, 1902; Literary Boston of To-day, 1902; The Woman of To-morrow, 1905; The President of Quex, 1906; Peggy at Spinster Farm, 1908; A Woman for Mayor, 1910; The Pleasuring of Susan Smith, 1912; At the Sign of the Town Pump, 1913; also collaborated with Frances Willard in Occupa- tions for Women, and with Marie Wright in Pic- turesque Mexico. Congregationalist. Mem. Nat. Soc. of Colonial Dames of America, D.A.R. ; also lecturer before many women's clubs and societies; contributor to various magazines. Mem. Boston Authors' Club, New England Women's Press Ass'n, the Ex-Club of Boston, Pioneer Workers, the Lyceum Club of England, Professional Wom- an's Club, N.y. Woman's Press Club, the Daughters of Vt., Roxburghe Club, Altrurian Club, etc.

WTNSOR, Bessie L., 5203 Brooklyn Av., Seattle,


Bora Port Austin, Mich.; dau. Richard and Martha (Turner) Winsor; ed. public school. Port Austin, Mich.; Univ. of Washingrton. Organizer and pres. organization of young women, who are principally professional women. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian (see. of Board of Trustees of church). Mem. D.A.R. Mem. Woman's Tuesday Club of Seattle; sec. of Washington State Federation (formerly rec. sec. 1904-06); chairman of Club Extension Com. of Seattle Fed. Was first rec. sec. of Seattle Fed. of Women's Clubs.

WINSTON, Annie Steger, 2607 Hanover Av.,

Richmond, Va.

Writer; b. Richmond, Va. ; dau. Chas. Henry and Nannie (Steger) Winston. Author: Memoirs of a Child; also stories in Century, Atlantic, ScrlbniT's, Harper's Weekly, Harper's Bazaar. Outlook, Lippincott. Mem. Woman's Club of Richmond.

mXTER, Alice Bea<-li (MVs. Charles Allan Winter) 53 E. p'ifty-iilnth St., N.Y. City. Artist; b. Green Ridge. Mo., 1S77; dau. Edgar Rice and Frances (White) Beach; ed. St. Louis Bch.iol of Fine Arts, l!^92-98; Art Students' League of N.Y., 1901; m. St. Louis, Mo., 1904, Charles Allan Winter. Work: Paintlnes and Illustrations

��of child life, appearing In current oxhlbUlons of paintings and In numerous magazines. Mem. Nat. Socialist Party. Favors woman sutlrage; mem. Woman's Art Club of N.Y. WINTKR, Alice Vivian Amea (Mrs. Thomas Gerald Winter), 418 Groveland Av., Minneap- olis, Minn.

Bom Albany, N.Y., Nov. 28, 1865; dau. Rev. Charles G. and Julia Frances (Baker) Ames; ed. Wellesley, B.A. '96; M.A. '89 (mem. Shakespeare Soc); m. Jun« 25, 1892, Thomas Gerald Winter; children: Charles Gilbert, b. 1893; Edith Ames, b. 1896. Teacher Mrs. Qutncy Shaw's School, 1890-92. Pres. Minneapolis Kindergarten Ass'n: mfm. Visiting Nurse Ass'n; pres. Minneepollc Woman's Club; mem. Minn, (jhild Labor Com- mission; mem. Mlnneajwlls Playground Com., College Women's Club; sec. The Hostesses. Au- thor: The Prize to the Hardy; Jewel Weed; mag- azine short stories. Unitarian. WINTER, EUzabeth CampbeU (Mrs. William Winter), New Brighton, Staten Island, N.Y. ; winter — Mentone, Calif.

Writer; b. Ederllne, Loch A'we, Scotland, Dec. 19, 1841; dau. John and Jessie (Tulloch) Camp- bell; ed. Model School and Normal School, Toronto, Ont. ; m, Dec. 8, 1860, William Winter, the eminent dramatic critic; children: Percy, b. Nov. 16, 1861; Arthur, b. Apr. 5, 1872 (died Jan. 24, 1886); Louis Victor, b. July 17, 1873 (died Feb. 17, 1905); William Jefferson, b. Nov. 11, 1878; Viola Winter Stilson, b. July 13, 1881. Autho^: The Spanish Treasure; A Girl's First Love; The Curse of Dangerfield; Hawthorn Lodge; The Mistress of the Grange, and hundreds of short stories and sketches under maiden name of E;iJzabeth Canipbell, aleo Elizabeth C. Winter, and under noms de plume of "Elsie Snowe," "Blanche Myrtle," "Isabel Castelar," etc. Favors woman suffrage (not militant). Repub- lican. Recreations: Gardening, cultivating orange ranch and caring for her grandchildren. Mem. Redlands Contemporary Club.

WTNTEB, Rosetta Lewis Helms (Mrs. Charles Winter), 115 Lee Av., Brooklyn, N.Y. Born Mar. 11, 1833; dau. Uriah and Amy (Whitney) Helms; grad. Rutgers Female Inst., '53; Brooklyn Normal School, '67; Woman's Law Class of N.Y. Univ., '02; m. Brooklyn, N.Y., Mar. 22, 1866, Charles Winter. Charter mem. Chiropean Club; mem. D.A.R. (Fort Green chap- ter), Nat. Soc. NeTv England Women, Nat. Soc. Patriotic Women of America; mem. Nat. Geo- graphic Soc.; vlce-prea. Rutgers College Alumna Ass'n.

WINTER, S. Elizabeth, Inwood Sanitarium, Conshohocken, Pa.

Physician; b. Greenville, East Tenn.; dau. Marion and Malinda (Kelley) Winter; ed. Mary- ville (Tenn.) Coll.; Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., M.D. Established first sanitarium for nervoua and mental diseases, for women only. In the State of Pa. conducted along scientific lines, 1898. Connected with the MiraJ Hospital at Mlra], In the Marathl country of South and West India In 1892, being the first woman surgeon in that terri- tory. Physician to the woman's dep't for the insane In the Friends Asylum at Frankford, Pa. Organized fir.st training school for nurses In that institution. Author of numerous medical briefs, chiefly treating of nervous diseases and treatment of the insane in U.S. Presbyterian. Mem. Philadelphia Co. Med. Soc., Am. Med. Ass'n, Philadelphia Neurological Soc, Pa. State Med. Soc. Opposed to woman suffrage. WINTERBOTHAM, Lydia Sharp (Mrs. Thomas Wlnterbotham), 1105 W. Johnson St., Madi- son, Wis.

Born London, England, July 14, 1845; dau. Ediward and Ann Eliza (Watkinson) S'harp; grad. Univ. of Wis.. '65 (mem. Castalla Drbating Soc); m. Madison. Wis.. Nov. 28, 1871. Thomas Wlnter- botham; children: Ada, b. 1873; Edward, b 1875- Frederick, b. 1876; Rose, .b. 1879; Ralph, b". 1887.' School teacher before marriage. Mem. Woman's Auxiliary, Madison Woman's Club, Woman's Col- legiate Club, University of Wisconsin Alumnaj. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem Order Eastern Star, Wlmodaughis and Mystic Shrine societies.


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