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��Topsflefd Historical Soc, Governor Thomas Dud- ley Family Ass'n, Peabody Family Ass'n, White Family Ass'n, Ramsay Family Ass'n. Recrea- tions: Painting, drawing, music, gymnastic dancing, study of birds, landscape gardening, lofig country walks. Believes in restricted suf- frage for both sexes.

WINCHESTER, Maud Tarleton (Mrs. Marshall Winchester), Richmond Hill Settlem&nt House, it Macdougal St., N.T. City. Newspaper writer and settlement worker; b. Mobile, Ala., S^pt. 29, 1S69; dau. Robert MelYln and Sallle Bernard (Lightfoot) Tarleton; ed. private schools In Baltimore, Md. ; grad. Peabody Conservatory of Music, violin dep't; m. Marshall Winchester; children: Marshall Tarleton, Mar- garet Tarleton, Anne Gordon, John Gordon. Interested in settlement work in the Italian quarter of N.Y. City; mem. Woman's Trade Union League. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. of com. 1st A»ombly dls't. Woman Suffrage Party.

WTNCEESTEB, Pearl Adair Guim (Mrs. Benja- min S. Winchester), Elm St., Concord, Mass.

Bom Grand Bids*. Dl., July 3, 1874; dau. Rev. Thomas M. Gunn (D.D., Presbyterian clergyman) and Mary CatkariHe (Waggener) Gunn; ed. Whit- man Aead. aad Coll., Walla Walla, Wash.; Smith Coll., A.B. '95 (mem. Phi Kappa Psi) ; taught piano and gymnastics. Whitman Coll., 1895-97; m. Seattle, Wash., Aug. 31, 1S97, Benja- min S. Winchester; children: Margaret, Katha- rine, Pauline, Alice. Mem. women's societies of the Congregational Church; interested in girls' club work, education— particularly religious and moral— and development of the graded Sunday- school work. Lecturer Mass. Branch Nat. Con- gress of Mothers. Author of articles in denoml- nationil papers. Six Lessons for Girls in Inter- national Graded Sunday-school Lessons, Senior Department, first year; Methods and Materials Available for Religious Instruction in the Home (in Religious Education), etc. Congregationalist. Recreations: Music, photography, walking. Mem. Oncord Women's Club, Concord Musical Club. WINDER, Corinne Pope (Mrs. Charles Sidney Winder), 9 East Eagle St., Baltimore, Md.

Interior decorator; dau. George A. and Zayde A. (Hopkins) Pops; ed. Miss Hall's School, Balti- more; m. In Rhode Island, Charles S. Winder. Became associated with C. J. Benson & Co. in interior decorating In Oct., 1910. Favors woman suffrage. WXNC80B, Margaret Farsmaii Boynton (Mrs.

Phineaa Lawrence Windsor), 764 S. Lincoln

Av., Urbaaa, 111.

Bom Locfcport, N.Y., Jan. 1, 1872; dau. Thomas Cabot ajid Martha Whipple (Harwood) BcTnton; ed. public eshool* -yi Lockport; grad. high school 1890 (valedictorian); Cornell Univ., Ph.B., '95; grad. Bcolarshlp, Cornell, 1896-97 (class poet; Phi Beta Kappa, 'S4; Sigma Xi, '96; mem.. Kappa Alpha Theta); m. Lockport, H.Y., Jan. 1, 1902, PMneas "jawrefice WindotH-; children: Margaret, b. 19C4: Mary Frances, b. 1907; EHsabeth Arnold, b 1909 Taught scisBce In NortifieW (Ma^.) Sem., 1895-96; ass't to State Entomologist of N.Y. State, Albany, Jun«, 1899-December, 1901. Writer of a few articles on nature study and science in periodicals. Mem. 111. State Acad, of Science AjaU-Tuberculosis League. Clubs: Tlnlv. Women's Club of the Univ. of 111., Music Club (Urbana, 111 ). Recreations: Tramping, picnick- ing, music. Mem. M.B. Churcti. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Twin City Auxiliary Equal Suf- frage Ass'n, 111. Equal Suffrage Ass'n. WING, Grace A. (Mrs. Henry Asa Wln«), 142

Wood St., Lewlston, Me.

Writer; b. Lawrence, Mass.; dau. Frank and Elizabeth A. (Stowt^ll) Gilbert; ed. Lawrence City schools, Westbrook Sem., Portland, Me.; m. Lewlston, Me., Mar. 2S, 1893, Herjry Asa Wing, journalist (deceased); one son: Henry Carleton. Special writer for Bangor News and Commercial, Lewiston Sun, Boston H«rald; now writes Top Drawer for Portland Express. Pen-name "Ma- dame Myself." Interested in playgrounds, par- liamentary law. Favors woman suffrage. Uni- versallst. Mem. D.A.R., New England Press

��Ass'n; pres. Androscoggin Co. Literary Union; director Maine Fed, Women's Clubs. Recrea- tions: Amateur photography, walking, club. Mem. Murray Club, Twin City Club, Parliamen- tary, Parlor C-ongress, Sunshine Soc. and State Board of Charities and Ckirrections. WINKLER, Georgia Gertrude, 145 Wellington St., Stratford, Ontario, Can. Writer of stories; b. Stratford, Sept. 6, 1S83; dau. Frederick and Mary (Kelly) Winkler; ed. Stratford public and high schools. Author of short stories In Outdoor CJanada, Michigan Catholic World, Toronto Globe, Sports Afield, Irish Times, and a number of others. Mem. Protestant Church of England. Mem. Press Club. Against woman suffrage. WINN, Alice Laura Bond (Mrs. George Edward Winn), 236 Winn St., Woburn, Mass. Born Thetford, Vt., Feb. 5, 18S4; dau. Chester Freeman and Persis Wilson (Dewey) Bond; ed. Thetford Acad., Oxford Acad., Oxford, N.H. ; m. Thetford, Vt, June 17, 1896, George Edward Winn. Teacher eight years in Woburn, Mass. Mem. Woburn Woman's Club (pres. 1908-12); mem. D.A.R., Colonel Loamni Baldwin Chapter; mem. Daughters of Vt. Club, Genealogical and Historical Soc, Boston. Ck>ngregationalist. Re- publican. Mem. First Congregational Church, Woburn, Mass. Has been active in work for support of Maryville Coll., Tenn. ; interested in work of conservation. WINN, Edith Lynwood, Trinity Court, Boston,


Teacher of violin; b. Foxboro, Mass., Nov. 28, 1867; dau. Liscomb C. and Ann (Flavin) Winn; ed. Foxboro High School, lSSl-85; Framingham (Mass.) Normal School, 1885-87; studied in Berlin, 1896-99, with teachers at Royal High School, previously a pupil of Bemnard Listemann. Has taught at Holllns (Va.) Coll., Spartanburg, S.C. (Convers ColL), and In Boston. Lecturer on mu- sical topics for women's clubs, schools and Bos- ton opera houses; writer of articles in Musician, EMude, Musical Observer, and other journals. Baptist. Mem. Alumni Ass'n of Foxboro High School. Recreations: Boating, swimming. Mem. New Bngland Woman's Press Club, Professional Woman's Club (Boston). Author: Violin Talks; Child VloliniM; Etudes of Life; How to Prepare for Kreutzer; How to Study Fiorillo; How to Studj the Rode Caprices; Hand Culture, Rhythm and Notation; Representative Violin Solos; Tone Poets and Their Interpreters; The Juvenile Vio- linist; Russian Folio; Seventeenth Century Folio; Pine Toter Tales; Shadow Pictures; Se- lected Legato Exercises, etc. Interested in prob- lems of oducation; has worked in the college settlements of Pittsburgh and Boston. WINN, Llzile M. Tnmey (Mrs. Robert Hiner

Winn), 216 Maysvllle St., Mt. Sterling, Ky.

Born Bourbon Co., Ky., Dec. 10, 18S0; dau. Jesso and Mary (Ewing) Turney; ed. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '03 (mem. Tau Zeta Elpsilon) ; m. June 1, 1904, Robert H. Winn. Against woman suf- frage. WINSLOW, Clara Austin (Mrs. Guy Monroe

WInslow), 145 Woodland Road, Auburndale,


Born Orleans, Vt., June 24, 1874; dau. Judge Orlo Henry and Sophie (Joslyn) Austin; ed. St. Johnsbury Acad., class of "92; Smith Coll., A.B. '99; m. Orleans, Vt., June 10, 1903, Guy Monroe Winslow (principal of Lasell Sem.); children: Richard Austin, Marjorie, Donald James. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Mother Goose, Anno- tated for Schools (published in Scribner's), and a few short children's poems. Congregationalist. Mem. Nat. Child Labor Com., Drama League cf Boston, Consumers' League, Woman's Municipal League. Mem. Review Club of Auburndale, Col- lege Club of Boston, Daughters of Vt., Smith College .\ss'n of Boston. TATNSLOW, Ellen Augusta, 100 Monmouth St.,

Springfield, Mass.

Teacher of mathematics; b. Wtstbrook, Me., Aug. 17, 1860; dau. Stephen R. and Hannah (Hacker) Winslow: ed. Westbrook High School; grad. State Normal School, Farmington (vale- dictorian) '80; Friends School, Providence. R.I.„


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