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��settlement work, five years In Sunday-school, for ten years mem. of Oakland Y.W.C.A., also Berkeley Associated Charities, Nurses' Settle- ment. San Francisco; College Settlement, N.Y. City; Fablola Hospital, Oakland. Author of Trans- lation of Compayr^'s Moral and Intellectual De- velopment of the Child (Internat. Education Series). Mom. Fortnightly Club of San Fran- cisco, Claremont Country Club. Presbyterian. Republican. Favors woman suffrage; mem. College EJqual Suffrage League, San Francisco, also Civic Center. WTLSON, Mary Driver Holcomb (Mrs. John M.

Wilson, New Castle, Del.

Born New Castle, Del.; dau. B. T. Holcomb and E. M. (Driver) Holcomb; ed In the Misses Hebbs' private school in Wilmington, Del. ; m. New Castle, June 23, 1898, John M. Wilson. Interested in Nat. Soc. U.S. Daughters of 1812, of which has been State pres. for past six years, now also 4th vice-pres. of Nat. Soc. ; State sec. D.A.R. last two years. Episcopalian. Mem. Immanuel Church, Nerw Castle, one of the oldest churches in America (built 1689). Descendant of Thomas Holcomb (settled in Conn., 1630), of two chief justices of Colonial times and four other Colonial ancestors of great prominence. WILSON, Mary Isabel (Mrs. R. J. Wilson),

Lifton Villa, Shaughnessy Heights, Vancouver,


Born Tillsonburg, Ont, ; dau. John and Cather- ine (Mackay) Northway; ed. Toronto Univ., B.A. '98 (first honors in physics, gold medalist; fel- low Bryn Mawr; grad. specialist Ontario School of Pedagogy; m. Toronto, June 1, 1904 Rev. R. J. Wilson; children: John Robertson Mackay, Mary Isabel Northway, Catherine Nancy Jean. Mem. University Women's Club; director Y.W.C.A. ; mem. Musical Club; director Victorian Order of Nurses; mem. Canadian Club of Vancouver; ac- tive in religious and philanthropic work. Pres- byterian. Author: The Vibration of a Rod in a Liquid. WILSON, Mary W. (Mrs. W. R. Wilson), 415

S. Twelfth St., New Castle, Ind.

Born Belvidere, N.C., Jan. 9, 1849; dau. Joslah T. and Elizabeth (Wilson) White; ed. Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind.; m. Richmond, Ind., June 24, 1884, W. R. Wilson; one daughter: Irene. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Friends Church. Progressive in politics. Mem. Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc. and King's Daughters. Mem. Woman's Club. WILSON, Alaude Stuart FiUmore (Mrs. W.

Henry WJlson), 3129 Rhodes Av., Chicago, 111.

Born Champaign, 111., July 28, 1869; dau. Franklin B. and Mary Eliza (Stewart) Fillmore; grad. high school, Monticello, Minn., 1888; m. Fort Smith Ark., June 6, 1894, Dr. W. Henry Wilson; children: Imogen Ewett, Elizabeth Fill- more. Mem. Chicago Literary Score for 12 years (pres. 1911-13) ; club affiliated with State and General Federation of Women's Clubs. WILSON, Winifred Warren (Mrs. George Ar- thur Wilson), 805 Comstock Av., Syracuse,


Born Cambridge, Mass., 1870; dau. William Fairfield and Harriet Cornelia (Merrick) Warren; grad. Boston Univ., A.B. '91 (Phi Beta Kappa); A.M. '94; Bryn Mawr Coll., Ph.D. '98; fellow In Latin, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1893-94, and fellow by courtesy in Latin, 1894-96; holder of the Mary E. Garrett European fellowship and student in clas- sical philology at Univs. of Munich and Berlin, 189G-97. Instructor in Latin, Vassar Coll., 1897- 1902. Contributor to philological journals. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa Soc, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnaa. WILSON, Zillah E. (Mrs. William H. Wilson),

Aberdeen, S.Dak.

Instructor in Normal School; dau. Charles Cheney and Sarah F. (MacPherson) Drew: New England parentage; grad. from High School, Charles City, Iowa; Minn. State Normal Schoor, Mankato, Minn., and the Univ. of Chicago, Ph.B. ; m. Wiiliaui H. Wil-son; one son. Traveled exten.sively at home and abroad; now {IBVi) serving her eleventh year in the Northern Noi- mal and Industrial School of Aberdeen, S.Uak.

��Pres. of South Dakota FederaUon of Women's Clubs; mem. of State Free Library Commission. Mem. D.A.R. ; regent of MacPherson Chapter, Aberdeen; mem. of League of Am. Pen Women. Writer of educational articles. Bprlscopaliau. Pres. Le Cercle Frangaise, Aberdeen. Ardent advocate of equal franchise.

WILTBERGER, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. Hugh Roland Wlltberger), 1831 N. Fourth St., Co- lumbus, O.

Teacher of apt; b. Columbia, S.C, Mar. 18, 1858; dau. Benjamin Hugh and Mary E. C. (Roach) Brady; ed. Columbia (S.C.) College for Girls; m. 1877, Hugh Roland Wiltberger; chil- dren: Edwardin, b. Oct. 22, 1878; Roland, b. Jan. 26, 1881; Virginia Brady, b. Jan. 9, 1889; Percy B. b. Feb. 4, 1892: Laurabelle, b. Sept. 17, 1896. Teacher In Methodist Female Coll., Colum- bia, S.C, in ornamental branches; taught In Hinton, W.Va., in art, and In Columbus, O. Interested and active in religious and social work. Mem. Indianapolis Sewing Circle, R. E. Lea Chapter, Daughters of Confederacy; pres. Lec- ture ClxLh; Tice-pres. of (3olumbus City Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1912-13. Elpiscopalian. Against woman suffragB. WUjTSE, Sara Eliza, West Roxbury, Mass.

Writer; b. Bums, Mich., 1849; dau. Henry and Mary Ann (Hugglns) Wiltse; ed. public schools of Mich, and special courses In the Garland and Weston Kindergarten Normal School in Boston Univ. Author: The Brave Baby and Other Stories; Folk-lore Stories and Proverbs; Kinder- garten Stories and Morning Talks; Myths and Mother- Plays; The Place of Story in Early Education. Edited editions of "Grimm's Fairy Tales" and of Victor Hugo's "Jean Valjean." Contributor to vario«8 publications on kinder- garten subjects, and to Am. Journal of Psy- chology.

WTNANS, Elizabeth Sweet (Mrs. J. A. WInans), Edgecllff Way, Cornell Heights, Ithaca, N.T. Born Unadilla, N.Y., Apr. 26, 1874; dau. Josbua J. and Emmeline G. (Allen) Sweet; ed. Vassar Coll., three years; Cornell Univ., two and one-half years, A.B. 1900; A.M. '02; since grad- uation has continued study of Greek economics and psychology; m. 1899, J. A. Winans, Cornell Univ. Four years teacher in Intermediate dep't of Sunday-school; Interested in settlement work, but especially Sunday-school. Mem. M.E. Church, W.C.T.U., Home Missionary Soc, Foreign Mis- sionary Soc. Recreations: Music, piano, pipe organ, walking. Mem. Cornell Alumnse Club, Women's Club of Ithaca (one year pres.). Campus Club, Golf Club (Ithaca).

WTNCHELL, F. Mabel, City Library, Manches- ter, N.H.

Librarian; b. Boston, Mass.; dau. Rensselaer and Harriet Newell (Brooks) Winchell; ed. Bos- ton public schools, Amherst Coll. Library School. Engaged as teacher until 1S94; a.ss't in Forbes Library, Northampton, Mass., 1894-1901; librarian of City Library, Manchester. N.H., since Jan. 1, 1902. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n, N.H. Library Ass'n, Mass. Library Club, N.Y. Library Ass'n.

WINCHESTER/ Fanny Bamsay Wilder (Mrs.

Wilbur Fiske Winchester), 2051 N. Illinois St.,

Indianapolis, Ind.

Bom Newark, 0.; dau. Charles Peabody and Bloise (Walker) Wilder; ed. Indianapolis public schools, St. Mary's Acad., Somerset, O., and private tutors at home; m. Indianapolis, Ind., June 10, 1879, Wilbur F^ske Winchester; one son, b. Jan. 6 (died Jan. 9), l.SSi. Author: Thomas Walker of Rhode Island and One Line of His Descendajits; The Ancestors and De- scendants of Philip Schoff. Episcopalian. Ex- pres. of the Indiana Soc. Colonial Dames; State chairman Order of Descendants of Colonial Governors; associate councilor for State of In- diana of the Oder of the Grown in America; life mem. Daughters of Founders and Patriots; ex-historian of the first chapter of the D.A.R. organized in Indiana; State pres. of the Nat. Soc. U.S. Daughters of War of 1812, and founder of that society in Indiana; county regent of the Nat. Soc. U.S. Daughters War of 1812 for Marion Co., the Philip Schoff Chapter; mem.


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