��riding, golf. Mem. Washington Club, Order Eastern Star, P.E.O. fraternity; chatelaine of a cabinet officer's home for 16 years, since Secretary Wilson entered Cabinet in 1897. Wri.SOX, GeneTieve, 39 E. Thirty-flrst St., N.Y. City.
Social worker; b. in Missouri; dau. Col. Ben- jamin H. and Olive Agnes (Powell) Wilson; ed. public schools, Denver Colo., private schools in Germany and Switzerland, Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ. and N.Y. School of Philanthropy. Red Cross nurse in Spanish-American War. Director, Inspection Dep't, Tuberculosis Com. State Charities Aid Ass'n, N.Y. City, and with Tuberculosis Com. of Charily Organization Soc, N.Y. City. Resident Warren Goddard Settlement, N.Y. City (volunteer worker). Mem. Political Equality Soc. and Equal Franchise League. Episcopalian. irlem. Teachers Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. School of Philanthropy Alumna Ass'n, Caroline Country Club for Social Workers, Hartsdale, N.Y. Favors woman suffrage. WILSON, Grace Margaret, 9 34 Grand Av., To- ledo, O.
Journalist; b. Cincinnati, O., Mar. 8, 1875; dau. Robert Bruce and Isabella (Gould) Wilson; great niece of Tappan Akerman, U.S. Attorney-General during Grant's first administration; niece of Jeremiah M. Wilson, former Congressman and prominent lawyer of Washington, D.C. ; ed. Woodward High School, Cincinnati (won Sinton silver medal for second best general scholarship), 1S91. Engaged in newspaper work in Toledo since 1901, on staff of Toledo News-Bee and Times. Author: An Easter Lily (poem); Mir- rored Stars (volume of short poems), and numerous stories and poems in various maga- zines. Waterway Tales, published annually in Detroit. Mem. Toledo Writers' Club, Woman's Educational Club, Toledo Shakespeare Ass'n. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage. WrLSON, Helen Hcpekirk (Mrs. William Wil- son), see Hopekirk, Helen. WILSON, Juanita Raddant (Mrs. Arthur Star- key Wilson), 140 Wadsworth Av., N.Y. City. Bom Stettin, Germany, Oct. 10, 1881; dau. Emil Franz and Marie (Hermez) Raddant; ed. London, EJngland, and Morris High School, N.Y. City; m. Dec. 24, 1904, Br. Arthur Starkey Wilson. Mem. Y.W.C.A. Children's Hospital, Little Mothers' Aid Ass'n, City Federation Hotel for Working Women. Episcopalian. Recrea- tions: Golf, tennis, boating, skating, swim- ming. Mem. West End Woman's Republican Ass'n, Woman's Health Protective Ass'n, City Federation of Women's Club, Granite State Dramatic Soc. Interested in Progressive Party, but against woman suffrage.
WILSON, Kate DeNormandie (Mrs. George H, Wilson), 313 Sixth Av., Pittsburgh, Pa. Manager Carnegie Music Hall and Art Soc. of Pittsburgh; b. Brooklyn, Conn; dau. Rev. C. J. DeNormandie (Unitarian minister) and Myra B. (Stetson) DeNormandie; ed. high school, acad- emy (valedictorian) and finishing school, Green- field, Mass.; m. Brooklyn, Conn., May 27 1877, George H. Wilson; children: Katharine DeNor- Mandie, Robert M., Margaret, Amy, Dorothea B. Mem. Civic Club of Pittsburgh. Interested in vacation school work. Juvenile Court and wo- men's clubs. Pres. Woman's Club of Sewickley Valley, 1899-1900. Author: Biographical Sketch of Dolly Witter. Unitarian. Recreations: Mu- sic, nature study, gardening. Husband was manager of Chicago Orchestra with Theodore Thomas, and sec. Dep't of Music, World's Colum- bian Exposition of Pittsburgh Orchestra for 12 years.
WILSON, Katharine S. J. (Mrs. Augustine J. Wilson), 618 W. 13Sth St., N.T. City. Bom Liverpool, England; dau.. John and Ann (Starkey) Pepper; ed. in priViite schools in Eng- land; m. Liverpool, England, July G, 1875, Augustine J. Wilson; children: Arthur Starkey, Randolph, Colclough, Beatrice, St. Leger, Ger- trude, Pallisser. Came to U. S. in July, 1875; since then resident in N.Y. (Jity. Favors woman sufTrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire; mem. N.Y. City Fed.
��Women's Clubs, Woman's Health Protective Ass'n, Theatre Club, West End Woman's Re- publican Ass'n, Harmony Club. WILSON, Lucy James (Mrs. Huntington Wil- son), 160S K St., N.W., Washington, D.C. Born St. James, Phelps Co., Mo., Sept. 13, ISSO; dau. Thomas and Octavia (Bowles) James; ed. in private schools; m. Baltimore, Apr. 30, 1904, Huntington Wilson (former Ass't Sec. of State of U.S.); engaged in propaganda of eugenics. Advocates woman suffrage. Mem. Am. Ass'n for Study of Prevention of Infant Mortal- ity, Am. Ass'n for Labor Legislation, Nat. Child Labor Com., Am. Red Cross, Am. Breeders' Ass'n, Nat. American Woman Suffrage Ass'n, Woman's Welfare Dep't of Nat Civic Fed. ; Con- sumers' League of D.C; hon. vice-pres. Soc. for Social Hygiene of D.C, and Aero Club of Wash- ington.
WILSON, Lucy Langdon Williams (Mrs. Will- lam Powell Wilson), 640 N. Thirty-second St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Teacher; b. St. Albans, Vt., Aug. IS, 1864; dau. Samuel and Lucy (Crampton) Williams; ed. Univ. of Pa. (Ph.D. '97); also Harvard, Cor- nell and Univ. of Chicago; m. Philadelphia, July 17, 1S94, William Powell Wilson; one son: David Hawhurst Wilson. Head of Dep't of Geography and Nature Study, Philadelphia Nor- mal School, since 1S93. Principal Evening High School for Women, Philadelphia, since 1904. Favor.s woman suffrage. Life mem. Pa. Suf- frage Soc. Author of various manuals and textbooks on nature study, U.S. history, picture study and domestic science; also numerous articles in educational magazines; Climate and Man in Peru (Bulletin of Geog. Soc. of Philadel- phia); Geography Visualizia (Burlington, Vt.). Recreation: Traveling. Mem. College Club, Teachers Club, Geog. Club.
WILSON, Margaret Adelaide, 798 Hancock St., Portland, Oregon.
Writer; b. Portland, Ore.; ed. in Portland Acad, and at Bryn Mawr Coll., 1897-1900, holding the Bryn Mawr Matriculation scholarship for the Western States, 1897-98. Writer of short stories, verse, etc., for several magazines since 1906. WILSON, Margaret O'Connor (Mrs. Arthur McDermotte Wilson), 410 Peachtree St., At- lanta, Ga.
Born in Hall Co., Ga. ; dau. Patrick and Eliza- beth (Thompson) O'Connor; ed. private schools in Atlanta; m. .4.tlanta, Dec. 14, 1875, Arthur McDermotte Wilson; children: Arthur McDer- motte Wilson, Jr., Willie O'Connor Wilson (de- ceased). Twelve years pres. of the Gulf States Y.W.C.A. (territory, Fla., Ga., Ala., Miss., La.); now mem. Exec. Com. Atlanta Y.W.C.A. Four years mem. Nat. Board of Y.W.C.A., two years Regent Atlanta Chapter D.A.R. ; two years pres. D.A. Confederacy and Atlanta Chapter; since 1909 pres. Uncle Remus Memorial Ass'n. Writes occasional letters of travel for local press. Episcopalian. Recreations: Motoring, travel. Two years pres. Atlanta Woman's Club; four years pres. Atlanta Florence Crittenton Home; recently elected pres. for Ga. of the Confed- erated Southern Memorial Ass'n; State chairman of Blanford Memorial Window for Ga. United Daughters of the Confederacy. WILSON, Margaret Whitelaw (Mrs. Eugene Smith Wilson), 10 Jefferson Road, Webster Groves, Mo.
Bom St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 6, 1878; dau. Robert H. and Mary Gray (Westgate) Whitelaw; ed. Hosmer Hall, St. Louis, Mo.; m. St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 20, 1904, Eugene Smith Wilson; children: Eugene S. Jr., Robert Whitelaw, Wells Patter- son. Congregatlonalist. Trustee Home of the Friendless.
WILSON, Mary Elizabeth, Miss Head's School, Berkeley, Cal.
Principal Miss Head's School; b. Helena, Mont., Sept., 1869; dau. Enoch Henry and Joanna (Mclntire) Wilson; ed. Smith Coll., 1887-91. B.L. •91 (Alpha Soc); Univ. of Cal., M.L. '96. Taught English in Miss Murison's School, 1896-1906; taught English in Miss Head's School, 1907-09; principal since 1909. Worked two years In social