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Soc. and for Presbyterian Board of Publication, suffrage. Has written a book of travel for

Has been actively engaged in temperance work, children: In Eastern Wonderlands; also travel

Presbyterian. Mem. W.C.T.U. articles in magazines. Episcopalian. Favors

WILMERDING. Georgiana L. (Mra. John C. 'Vlv^infli^rpn*?"'^ "^"""^^ ^^° ^'^^ '*= "^°°"

WUmertUng), 19 W. Thirty-flrst St., N.Y. City. ^"^ 'oainerent.

Born N.Y. City: dau. Charles A. and Georgiana WILSON, Ella Calister (Mrs. Daniel Munro

L. (Coster) Heckscher; ed. in N.Y. City by Wilson), Kennebunk, Me.

governesses and professors; m. N.Y. City, John Born Boston, Mar. 22, 1851; dau. George and

C Wilmerding (died 1903); children: Georgiana Lucy (Guernsey) Handy; ed. Boston Girls' High

(Mrs. Ansel Phelps), Edward Coster. Against and Normal School and some private teaching;

woman suffrage. Episcopalian. ni- Boston, 1873, Rev. Daniel Munro Wilson;

.^., ^.^™, ... »^ ,r ^ , ^x J. nnc childrcn: Helen C, Marjorie, Ronald Munro.

WLLMOT. Alta E.. Van Dyck Studios, 939 Taught school in Boston until marriage. Spe-

Elghth Av., N.Y. City. .. . „• i, cially interested in educational matters. Favors

Miniaturist an(J portrait painter; b. in Mich.; woman suffrage. Author: A Royal Hunt; Peda-

dau. Charles Tracy and Catherine (North) Wil- gogues and Parents; and several smaller things

mot; ed. New York and Paris, receiving medals ^nd short stories Unitarian

P.rf/^Miw^v.'iv Ph1f,'J,-.,nh,^.lH!H°rh\°n.i;°'^°°' VVILSON. Ellen Axscn (Mrs. Woodrow Wilson),

Pans, New York, Philadelphia and Chicago. ^,^^ .^^1^^ ^^^^^^ Washington, D.C.

WILSHIRE, Mary (Mrs. Gaylord Wilshire), Born Savannah, Ga. ; dau. Rev. Edward and Heathslde, Hampstead Heath, London, Eng- Margaret J. (Hoyt) Axson; ed. private schools land. in Ga., and Art Students' League, N.Y. City; Writer; b. N.Y. City, May 1, 1880; dau. Judge m. Savannah, Ga., June 24, 1885, Woodrow Wil- W. E. McReynolds and Jane (Washington) Me- son; children: Margaret Woodrow, Jessie Wood- Reynolds; ed. schools of N.Y. City; m. April row, Eleanor Randolph. Interested as member 10, 1904, Gaylord Wilshire; one son, Logan Gay- in various religious and philanthropic acsocia- lord, b. Aug. 29, 1907. Active in Socialist organ- tions. State and local. Presbyterian. Mem. izations in N.Y. City and more recently in N.J. Soc. of Colonial Dames of America and London, where she is identified with the Syndi- thf> Artists' Guild of Philadelphia. Recreation: calist movement. Favors woman suffrage. Con- Landscape painting. Mem. Present Day Club, tributor to Wilshire's Magazine and other pub- Princeton.

lications. Syndicalist. Recreations: Golf, moun- vFiLgoN, Elmina. 452 W. 149th St., N.Y. City,

taineenng. Structural engineer; b. Harper, la., Sept. 29,

WILSON, Alda Heaton, 452 W. 149th St., N.Y. 1870; dau. John C. and Olive (Eaton) Wilson;

City. ed. public school, Iowa State Coll., grad. B.C.E.

Architect; b. Harper, la., Sept. 20, 1873; dau. '92, C.E. '94; special work at Cornell and Mass.

John C. and Olive (Eaton) Wilson; ed. public Inst, of Technology and two years in Europe

school, Iowa State Coll., grad. B.C.E., '94; special (mem. PI Beta Phi). Ass't prof, of civil engi-

Btudent in architecture, Mass. Inst, of Technol- neering at la. State Coll.; now designing struc-

ogy; two years' travel and study in Europe tural steel frame work of tall buildings in N.Y.

(mem. Pi Beta Phi). Favors woman suffrage. City. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Woman's

Mem. College Equal Suffrage League, Woman Suffrage Party, Coll. Equal Suffrage League,

Suffrage Party, Woman's Political Union. Rec- Woman's Political Union. Recreations: Tennis,

reatlons: Tennis, horseback riding. Mem. N.Y. golf, horseback riding. Mem. N.Y. Alumnae Club

Alumnae Club, Pi Beta Phi, Iowa New Yorkers of Pi Beta Phi, Iowa New Yorkers, Round Table

Club, Round Table Club. Club.

WILSON, Bird M., Goldfleld and Indian AVILSON, Emily Rambo Anderson (Mrs. C. Springs, Nev. Colket Wilson), Malvern, Pa, Lawyer; h. Sandoval, 111., May 20, 1874; dau. Bom Morristown, Pa., May 11, 1863; dau. A. Hazen and Susan (Dean) Wilson; ed. high school, Jackson and Helen S. (Rambo) Anderson; ed. Fort Madison, la.; Univ. of Cal., LL.B. First Miss Hayman's private school, Morristown, and woman admitted to practice in U.S. Courts of Woman's Med. Coll., Philadelphia; m. Bridge- California. Active in securing legislation for port. Conn., Oct. 12, 1887, C. Colket Wilson; betterment of women and children and conserva- children: Helen Colket Jr., Winfield Jackson, tlon of forests and waters. Favors woman suf- Emily, Dana. Pres. local branch Home and trage. Vice-pres. State Equal Franchise Soc. of School Ass'n. Episcopalian. Vice-pres. Woman's Nevada. Pres. Esmeralda Co. Franchise Soc; Gyild of Washington Memorial Chapter, Valley organizer of suffrage clubs and active worker. Forge.

Btate regent D A.R. Recreations: Ranching re- WILSON, Ethel Brown (Mrs. Guy Wilson),

claiming desert, music. Unitarian. Mem. Call- Laurel Neb

rornla (31ub (San I^ancisco) GoMfleld Woman'^ ^^^^ Adell,' la., Dec. 1, 1879; dau. Milliard T.

S"'^'in'^r?'n^;.^v.fin^ ri^ ■ ^^ ^ancy Isabell (Ross) Brown; ed. Neb. State

Tamalpals Conservation Club. Univ. two years, Univ. of Washington, A.B., cum

WILSON, Caroline Hardy (Mrs. Henry P. WU- laude, 1909; also normal diploma; m. Camas,

son), 152 William St., New Bedford, Mass. Wash., July, 1910, Guy Wilson. Teacher, prin.

Bom Dedham, Mass., July 19, 1867; dau. Am- of Ward School. Pressor, Wash.; ass't prin. and

brose and Mary (Macy) Hardy; ed. New Bedford teacher of English, Waterville, Wash. Presby-

High School and Swain School, New Bedford; terian. Active in Sunday-school and missionary

m. New Bedford, Jan. 22, 1886, Henry P. Wilson; society. Mem. P.E.O. Sisterhood, Y.W.C.A.,

children: Edna, Elsie, Henry, Mary, Edward, Alumni Ass'n of Univ. of Washington. Mem.

Gertrude, Caroline, Elliot, Olive. Teacher of il- Laurel Tuesday Club.

literate Immigrant Portuguese women; one of WILSON, Flora, The Portland, Washington,

the six on the new limited school board. Inter- DC

ested in the education, physical, mental and professional singer; b. Cedar Rapids, la.,

moral welfare of children Pres^ New Bedfo^^^^ 1877 ^^^ j^^^^ (Secretary of Agriculture) and

Womans Cluh. Recreations: Gardening, fruit Esther (Wilbur) Wilson; grad. Iowa State Coll.

culture. Episcopalian. g^ -g^. studied music In Chicago Conserva-

WILSON, Charlotte Cliafifee (Mrs. John Cham- tory and in N.Y. City, and five years in Paris;

berlaln Wilson), Cosmos Club, Washington, Instructors in Paris, Julian and Jean de Reszke;

D.C. sang in concert in London, Paris, Lucerne,

Born Rutland, Vt., July 12, 1876; dau. Col. Monte Carlo and all principal cities of U.S. tor

William R. Gibson, U.S.A., and Frances L. three years. Interested in helping blind of

(Thrall) Gibson; ed. public and private schools Washington, and has frequently read to them

In Leavenworth, Kan.; San Antonio, Tex. and In the pavilion at the Congressional Library.

Philadelphia, Pa.; m. London, Jan. 31, 1908, Favors woman suffrage. Made several sulTrago

John Chamberlain Wilson; one daughter: Eliza- speeches In Cal. prior to vote that resulted in

beth, b. Nov. 20, 1909. Children's librarian, franchise Oct. 10, 1911. Author: Out of the

Washington Co. Free Library, Hagerstown, Storm; also articles on the Monticello contro-

Md., Oct 1902, to Dec, 1907. Favors woman versy. Presbyterian. Recreations: Horseback


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