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��WILIylAMS, Mary Gilmore, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley Mass. Teacher; b. Urbana, N.Y., June 9, 1863; dau. Francis Asbupy and Letitla Jane (Clarkl Will- iams; grad. Mt. Holyoke Sem., '85; Univ. of Mich., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '95; Ph.D. '97. Taught In Kerkwood Sem., 1886-89; Lake Erie Sem., 1890-94; Instructor in Greek, Mount Holyoke Coll., 1898-1902; prof. Greek since 1902. WrLLIAJIS, Mary Mayne (Mrs. Samuel Cole Williams), Johnson City, Tenn. Born Basil, O., Sept. 9, 1864; dau. W. F. Mayne, M.D., and Eliza (McNeill) Mayne; ed. Ohio Wes- leyan Univ., Delaware, 0., June, 1884, B.L. (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. July 20, 1892, Samuel Cole Williams, associate Justice of Su- preme Court of Tenn.; children: Mayne (de- ceased), Gertrude Mayne. Mem. Methodist Epis- copal Church South; chairman of City School Improvement Ass'n: regent of John Sevier Chap- ter D.A.R. ; mem. Monday Club. WILLIAMS, Mary Mildred Fancher (Mrs. Syl- vester Niles Williams), Mt. Vernon. Linn Co., Iowa.

Editor; b. Waterloo, Iowa, July 5, 1855; dau. Nelson and Elizabeth (Virden) Fancher; ed. Waterloo and Cornell Coll., Mt. Vernon, Iowa; mem. ^sthesian; m. 1876, Waterloo, Iowa, Syl- vester Niles Williams; children: Elizabetn Vivian, Sylvester Vernon, Eva Fancher. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church; mem. and worker for 30 years in W.C.T.U. (editor of State paper for five years); founded three literary clubs; be- longs to the church missionary societies (foreign and home); official mem. of State Fed. of Iowa Clubs for several years. Delegate, under ap- pointment of Governor Clark, from Iowa to the International Purity Congress, Minneapolis, Minn., Nov., 1913. Favors woman suffrage. Organizer and ex-pres. of Local Suffrage Club. Methodist. Mem. Ingleside, Sorosls and Altruria Clubs.

WIT.LIAMS, Mary Wheeler (Mrs. Benjamin Williams), Tottenvllle, Staten Island, N.Y. Born Varick, N.Y. ; dau. Jonathan and Harriet Allen (Ogden) Wheeler; ed. schools of Geneva, N.Y. ; grad. Wadsworth School, Geneseo, '93; m. Geneva, Dec. 29, 1897, Benjamin Williams. Active in the parish work of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, Tottenvllle, N.Y.; also in philanthropic work of Woman's Club of Tottenville; m&m. Civic League of Staten Island. Episcopalian. Recreations: Farming, motoring. Pres. Phile- mon Club (literary and historical). Director from Staten Island to N.Y. City Fed.; mem. D.A.R.

WILLIAMS, Ruth Churchyard (Mrs. Frank F. Williams), 54 Irving PI., Buffalo, N.Y. Born Buffalo, N.Y., Dec. 28, 1856; dau. Joseph and Ruth (Bartlett) Churchyard; ed. Buffalo in private, public and high schools; m. Bad-Nau- heim, Germany, June 8, 1887, Frank F. Williams of Buffalo, N.Y. ; children: Olive, Roger Church- yard. Mem. Exec. Com. of Buffalo Peace and Arbitration Soc. ; mem. Exec. Com. of Fitch Crfeche; interested In educational and philan- thropic work. Favors woman suffrage. Uni- tarian. Recreations: Music, gardening. Mem. Twentieth Century Club.

Wn.LIAMS, Theresa OUve Foster (Mrs. Felix M. Williams), 229 Stoner Av., Shreveport, La. Cotton planter; b. Shreveport, La.; dau. .1. M. and Ellen (Long) Foster; ed. Hungeton Sem., Clinton, N.Y., B.A. ; m. Shreveport, La., Jan. 29, 1904, Felix M. Williaias. In experimenting in the stiff bottom lands of La., with lettuce, grew one head 4 feet 8 inches in circumference; was asked by Gov. Sanders to write a book about it. Favors woman suffrage; spoke at Monon- gahela Club, N.Y. City, for Gov. Wilson In cam- paign of 1912. Presbyterian. Recreations: Fencing, swimming, horseback riding, ^riving. WILLIAMS, Velma Curtis (Mrs. Theodore Chickerlng Williams), 99 Mt. Vernon St., Bos- ton, Mass.

Born Medford, Mass. ; dau. Judge Edwin and Helen Maria (Curtis) Wright; ed. Boston and Mt. Holyoke Sem. ; m. Boston, 1883, Rev. Theo- dore Chickerlng Williams, LItt.D. Active three

��years in local settlement work of Boston before marriage and in London after marriage. Com- piled the Hymnal, Amore Dei, and at work on a book of the Schools of Italian Art. Unitarian. Recreation: Art. Formerly pres. N.Y. League of Unitarian Women and Wednesday Afternoon Club of N.Y. City.

WTLLJrAMS-TAyLOR, Jane Fayrer (Lady Will- iams-Taylor), Hans Court, London, S.W., Eng- land, and Fairfield, Sunninghlll, Ascot, Eng- land.

Author; b. Ste. Hyaclnthe, Quebec, Can.; dau. Joshua and Jane (Fayrer) Henshaw; ed. at home by governesses and tutors; m. Montreal, Can., June 2, 1888, Frederick Williams-Taylor (Sir Frederick Williams-Taylor, now manager Bank of Montreal in London); children: Brenda, b. 1889; Travers, b. 1894. Prominent in social and liter- ary life In Canada and England; vlce-pres. of Women's Tariff Reform League in Berkshire; lecturer on Canada, French Canadian life, Ca- nadian legends, French Canadian literature. Author: Canadian Legends and Folk Lore; Ca- nadian Celebrities; By Kindness of the Cur6, and many articles and stories on Canadian sub- jects. Mem. The Council of the Victoria League. Clubs: Ladies' Empire, London Sunn^gdale Golf Club, Royal Montreal Golf Club, tadies' Country CJlub of Nice, France. Recreations: Riding, motoring, music, traveling, fishing, sail- ing. Mem. Church of England. Believes In women of property having the vote, a modified suffragist, strictly non-militant. WILLIAMSON, Josephine Gillette (Mrs. Charles Spencer Williamson), 1351 Dearborn Av., Chi- cago, 111.

Born Chicago, Nov. 19, 1868; dau. Anson Tuller and Isabella A. (Colbum) Gillette; grad. Dear- born Sem., Chicago, 1886 (hon. mem. Alpha Ep- silon Iota) ; m. (1st) Chicago, Thomas J. Stll- well (died 1897); (2d) Chicago, 1903, Dr. Charles Spvencer Williamson; children: Mary Josephine Williamson, Isabel Gillette Williamson, Elizabeth Spencer Williamson. Teacher in primary grades in the Houghteling School and Dearborn Sem., 1894-1902. Director Home for Convalescent Women and Children; associate of the Sisters of St. Mary; mem. Exec. Com. Juvenile Protective Ass'n (League No. 12). Against woman suf- frage. EJpiscopalian. Mem. the Antiquarian, The Fortnightly, Woman's City Club.

AVTLLIAMSON, Katherine Marie (Mrs. Frank Williamson), 1641 Washington St., Denver, Colo.

Proofreader; b. Litchfield, Conn.; dau. Nicholas and Margaret (Shannon) Burke; ed. Des Moines (la.) Convent of Sisters of Mercy; m. Des Moines, 1883, Frank Williamson (died 1902); one daugh- ter: Tava Margaret (Mrs. Ralph Edward Kenny); granddaughter: Virginia Williamson Kenny. In- terested In the shorter work day for men and women, child labor laws, minimum wage for un- organized, unskilled workers, equality and justice for all persons, equal wage for women. Contralto soloist In chuiches of Des Moinee; first woman factory Inspector of Colo. ; first woman pure food Inspector of Colo. Mem. Typographical Union, No. 49; Woman's Trade Union League of Denver, Jane Jefferson Democratic Club, Public Service League; vice-chairman Nat. Woodrow Wilson Club. Chairman Legislation Com. Colo. Fed. of Women's Clubs; mem. Board of Directors Wom- an's Club of Denver, Board of Directors Woman's Press Club of Denver. Recreations: Music, mountains during vacation; employed on Denver Post. Catholic. Favors woman suffrage. Demo- crat; mem. Board of Directors Colo. Equal Suf- frage Aas'n.

WILLIAMSON, Mary Jane Robinson (Mrs.

Chalmers Meek Williamson), 714 North State

St., Jackson, Miss.

Born Jackson, Miss., Jan. 3, lS'i7; dau. John and Mary Jane (Bradford) Robinson; ed. Fair- mont Coll. (Cumberland Mountains), Monteagle, Tenn., 1879-83; m. Jackson, Miss.. Oct. 26, 1887, Chalmers Meek Williamson; children: Chalmers Meek Jr., b. Sept. 16, 1888. Mem. Woman's Guild of Episcopal Church. Local chairman of Playground Com.; pres. Civic League. Favors


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