��India, Jan. 9, 1889, Samuel Hubbard Williams; children: Carol Scudder, b. May 1, 1890; Frances Rousseau, b. Nov. 22, 1891; Martha Huntington, b. Oct., 1S96: James Baker, b. July 29, 1900. In- terested and active in church and Sunday-school work, foreign missionary work. Consumers' League of Hartford (pres. eight years), child labor organizations, college settlements. Pres. Alumnaj Ass'n of Wellesley Coll., 1910-12; pres. Graduate Council of Wellesley, 1911-12; trustee of Conn. Coll. for Women; pres. Hartford College Club. Mem. Wellesley, Motherhood, Civic, Cos- mos, Art and Glee Clubs. Recreations: Travel, tennis, golf, swimming, riding. Congregation- alist. Has traveled in India, Egypt, Turkey, Greece, Spain, Germany, France, England and America.
WD:.I.?XA5;S, Helen Fallowg (Mrs. Edwin Sidney Vv'illiaais), Three Oaks, Saratoga, Cal. Born Oshkosh, Wis. ; dau. Rev. (now Bishop) Samuel and Lucy Bethla (Huntington) Fallows; also special work in Engllsii and languages in Northwestern Univ.; Univ. of Mich.; graduate of Chicago Froebel Kindergarten Inst. (Mrs. Alice H. Putnam's); post-graduate kindergarten work under Miss Elizabeth Harrison, Chicago (mem. Gamma Phi Beta Soc, Mich.); m. N.Y. City, 1908, Rev. Edwin Sidney Williams, D.D. Taught kindergarten in Chicago, 111., public and private, and in Home for Crippled Children (Daisy Fields), Englewood, N.J. ; charity work in United Chari- ties, Newark, N.J. ; also Inspection work in jails for governor of N.J., and psychotherapeutics with physicians in N.Y. City. Associated in Emman- uel movement work with Bishop Samuel Fallows, Chicago. Favors woman suffrage; citizen of Cal. Writer of children's stories. Mem. Reformed Episcopal Church. Republican voter. Mem. Chicago Kindergarten Ass'n, D.A.R. (San Jose, Cal., chapter); mem. Pen and Brush Club (N.Y. City), Monday Club, San Jose, Cal., and Foothill Study Club, Saratoga, Cal.
WILI.1.\MS, Jean Stuart Brown (Mrs. Hannibal A. Williams), 61 S. Union St., Cambridge, N.Y. Interpreter of Shakespeare's plays; b. in Ont., Canada; dau. Rev. Hugh and Margaret (Walker) Brown; ed. Washington Acad., grad. with honors from N.Y. State Normal Coll.; m. Shushan, N.Y., Dec. 26, 1895, Hannibal A. Williams (distin- guished Shakespearian scholar and lecturer). Taught in Adelphi Coll., Brooklyn; prominent in the '90s in N.Y. City as Browning interpreter and scholar. Former mem. N.Y. Shakespeare Club and identified with various professional movements; writer on literary topics. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Nat. Speech Arts Ass'n, N.Y. Browning Soc; made tour around the world with her husband lasting over five years, giving the plays of Shakespeare and studying social and economic conditions. Now engaged in interpreting the Shakespearian drama from the platform in recital and lectures and numbered among lecture corps of many colleges throughout United States. UTI>LIAMS, Lizzie Annie, Public Library, Mai- den, Mass.
Librarian; b. Boston, Mass., Mar. 14, 1852; dau. Ephram Saiwyer and Elizabeth Woodman (New- march) Williams; ed. Cambridge (Mass.) High School, '65; Boston Normal School, 1869-70. Taught in school at Quincy, 1S70-77; ass't Cam- bridge Public Library, 1884-91: since 1891 librarian of the Maiden (Mass.) Public Library. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n, Mass. Library Club. Episcopalian.
WILLIAMS, Lucy White (Mrs. William Brown
Williains), Lapeer, Mich.
Born Lapeer, Mich., Nov. 26, 1858; dau. Enoch J. and Elizabeth (Gaylord) White; ed. in the Lapeer Public School, Ferry Hall, Lake Forest, 111., and Florence, Italy; m. June 17, 1879, Will- iam Brown Williams; children: Harrison Gay- lord, William Kirkwood, Oscar Wisner, Samuel Raymond, Marguerite. Interested in Interna- tional Club work; pres. of the Mich. State Fed. Women's Clubs, 1910-12, elected to Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs B'd of Directors at San Fran- cisco, appointed as treas. of same to fill vacancy. Writes occasionally for magazines. Mem. D.A.R., Colonial Dames. Recreations: Gardening, all out-door sports. Presbyterian. Favors woman
��suffrage; worked for suffrage through local organizations and also through the woman's clubs, as State pres. of Michigan Fed. Women's Clubs.
WH.LIAMS, Mrs. Lydia Adams, Forest Service,
Washing-ton, D.C.
Writer and lecturer on conservation; b. Genoa, Douglas Co., Nevada; dau. of John Quincy Adams (of the old Mass. Adams family; native of Adams Co., 111., named after his father) and Ellen Walsh (Dolan) Adams (native of Montreal) ; grad. Douglas (Nev.) Sem. ; State Normal School at San Jose, Cal. (first honors) ; attended spe- cial lectures in Univ. of Gal. ; m. Herbert Will- iams and was left a widow shortly thereafter. First woman to take up propaganda of conserva- tion of national resources; mem. Woman's Nat. Press AeG'n, in v/hich has been auditor, cor. sec. and has held other otfices; Intemat. League ot Press Clubs; twice rec. sec. D.C. Fed. of Wom- en's Clubs; first vice-pres. Woman's Nat. Rivera and Harbors Congress; nat. chairman Nat. Water- ways Com. of Conservation Dep't of Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs; State chairman of Conservation, Forestry and Waterv/ays in Dlst. of Columbia Fed. of Women's Clubs. Has addressed many conventions, congresses, and otber gatherings on conservation subjects, including Nat. Rivers and HartK>rs Congress and Nat. Irrigation Congress. Author of articles on the waste of natural re- sources and need of conservation In forestry and irrigation, and presented the cause of conserva- tion in 1907 to Dist. of Columbia Fed. and in 1908 to Gen. Fed. and secured active participation of Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs, and of the Exec. Board of the D.A.R. The Dist. of Columbia was first to take up conservation. Mem. D.A.R. and Order of Rebekahs. Favors woman suffrage.
WILLIAMS, BI»rtha (Mrs. Theodore Williams),
2S0 Henry St., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Born N.Y. City, Dec. 16, 1858; dau. John and Elizabeth (Mills) Rees; ed. Brooklyn, N.Y., pub- lic schools; m. June 2, 187S, Theodore Williams; children: Oreola, b. Apr. 14, 1879; Harold, b. June 20, 18S2. Interested in church, settlement work, taught in Little Mothers' Home sewing classes. Favors woman suffrage; pres. Kings County Suffrage Ass'n; pres. N.Y. County Ass'n; pres. Harlem E>qual Rights League; captain 18th election dis't, 1st Assembly dis't, Brooklyn, N.Y. Has written for various newspapers in Troy, Brooklyn and New York. Unitarian. Recrea- tions: Reading, travel, lectures, music, drama. Mem. Brooklyn Woman's Health Protective Ass'n, Debating Club of Public Good Soc, New Yorkers, N.Y. Equal Suffrage League; officer in Brooklyn Christmas Tree Soc Has made many public speeches on woman suffrage and philanthropic topics. Was chairman four years of Civic Com. of N.Y. City Fed. of Women's Clubs. WILLLIMS, Martha McCulloeh (Mrs. Thomas
McCulloch Williams), 1649 Amsterdam Av.,
N.Y. City.
Writer; b. Montgomery County, Tenn. ; dau. William B. and Fannie (Williams) (Collins; pri- vately educated; m. Thomas McCulloch Williams (now deceased). Writer of serials as well as many short stories in the leading magazines, one of which, "In Jackson's Purchase," won a prize in the McClure competition. Author: Field Far- ings; Two of a "Trade; Milre; Next to the Ground, etc.
WILLIAMS, Mary A. W. (Mrs. Walter W.
Williams), SOS Jefferson St., Bay City, Mich.
Physician; b. Lima, Mich., 1853; dau. Charles and Laura (Beach) Whitaker; grad. in medicine and surgery, Univ. of Mich., M.D. '91 (Alpha Epsilon lata); m. Lima, Mich., 1872. Walter W. Williams. Practised in Eaton Rapids, Mich., and 15 years in Bay City, Mich. Organized the U and I Club, 1892; interested in Presbyterian Church, the Y.W.C.A., Bay City Humane Soc, Civic League and charitable work in general. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n, State and County Med. societies; chairman of Public Health Com. for Bay (io., Mich., under the Am. Med. Ass'n Public Health Com. Presbyterian. Favors woman suf- frage. Republican.