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��ri-au. Eben FYancls and Rachel (Grant) Osborn. Was pres. of Buffalo Political Equality Club from its organization until 1910. Unitarian. Mem. of church societies.

U^I-I-IAMS, Anna Vernon Dorsey (Mrs. Alyn Williams), 222 A St., Washing-ton, D.C., end "Sunny Bank," Burgess Hill, Sussex, England. Writer, lecturer; b. Baltimore, Md. ; dau. Ver- non Dorsey (IS years ass't librarian Library of Congress) and Katherine (Costigan) Dorsey (12 years expert on heraldry and genealogy. Library of Congress); ed. private schools; m. Washing- ton, D.C.. Jan. 18, 1913, Alyn Williams of Lon- don. Mem. Exec. Board, Washington, D.C., section of Nat. Ass'n Opposed to Woman Suf- frage. Author: Betty, a Last Century Love Story, 1912 (previously as serial In Cosmopolitan Magazine), and many stories and articles ap- pearing In Harper's Bazar, Lipplncott's, Cosjno- politan Magazine, Chap Book and other publica- tions. Reader and lecturer, including a lecture on Loudon society, 1800-1830 (en costume), and recitals delineative of Southern negro songs and character monologues given for drawing rooms, clubs, churches and societies.

WILLIAMS, Annie F. (Mrs. John H. Williams), 18 W. Olive Av., Redlands, Cal. Born Salem, Mass., June 12, 1853; dau. Samuel and Abby A. (Webster) Day; ed. public schools and high schools in Salem, Mass.; m. Bridgeport, Conn., July 8, 1873, Rev. John H. Williams; chil- dren: Grace, Helen Webster, Ro'bert Day, Mabel Healy. Pres. of the Congregational Woman's Board of Foreign Missions for Southern Cal. 19 years; pres. of the Y.W.C.A. of Redlands since 1910; for 40 years head of the Woman's Work In three churches with which she has been con- nected. Sec. Board of Directors of the A. K. Smiley Public Library for seven years. Mem. Contemporary Club of Redlands, Cal. for 16 years, five years chairman of its Exec. Board and two years pres. Congregationalist. Favors woman suffrage. Progressive Republican. WILLIAMS, Bertha Gardner (Mrs. William Hill Williams), 218 Bayley Av., PlattvlUe, Wis. Born Neenah, Wis., May 12, 1870; dau. Demp- ster E. and Etta M. (Underwood) Gardner; grad. Plattville State Normal School, 1890; student at Weilesley Coll., two years; Univ. of Wis., A.B. '97 IKappa Kappa Gamma); m. Omaha, Neb., April 28, 1903, William Hill Williams; children: Frances Elizabeth, b. July 29, 1906; David Gard- ner, b. Nov. 1, 1907. High school teacher for nine years before marriage. Vice-pres. Woman's Missionary Soc. ; vice-pres. Woman's Alliance; mem. Tourist Club, Phi Beta Kappa (Univ. of Wis. Chapter). Recreation: Music. Congre- gationalist. Favors woman suffrage. WILLIAMS, Blanche Kmily (Mis. Emlle F. Williams), 12 Reservoir St., Cambridge, Mass. Born Concord, Mass., 1870; dau. George F. and Alice (Rattray) Wheeler; ed. Concord High School: Smith Coll., B.L. '92; m. Concord, Mass., 1904, Emlle F. Williams. Teacher of classics In .Miss Wheeler's School, Providence, R.L, 1892- 1904; mem. of expedition that excavated Gournia, Crete, for Am. Exploration Soc, 1901. Mem. Archasologlca) Inst. One of authors of Excava- tions at Gournia, Crete.

WILLIAMS. Caroline Kitchell Wythe (Mrs. Wil- bur G. Williams), home, Meadvllle, Pa.; pres- ent address, 9 Hogarth Road, Earl's Court, S.W., London, England.

Born St. Clair, Pa., May 1, 1856; dau. William Windsor and Cecilia (Pierce) Wythe; ed. high school, Erie, Pa.; Allegheny Coll., Meadvllle, Pa., A.B '77, A.M. (Kappa Alpha Theta); ra. Ocean Grove, N.J., July 28, ISSO, Rev. Wilbur G. Williams (dlfd April 16, 1897); children: Charles W., b. Sept. 18, 1881; Wilbur- H., b. July 10, 1887; David, b. July 28. 1892. Identified with sofial activilies as wife of president of Allegheny Coll. r.nd religious activities as pastor's wife in Columbus, 0., and St. Louis, Mo., until her husband's death. Jlem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Against woman suffrage. WILLIAMS, Dflia Lathrop (Mis. William G. Williams), Delaware, O. Missionary secretary; b. Syracuse, N.Y.. Oct.,

��1836; dau. Philemon and Sophia (Shurtleff) La- throp; ed. public schools, N.Y. State Normal Coll., Albany; N.Y. State Normal School, Os- wego; Ohio Weeleyan Univ., A.M.; Normal Coll., Albany, N.Y., Ped.D.; m. Syracuse, N.Y., Jan. 27, 1877, William G. Williams (prof. Greek In Ohio Wesleyan Univ.); children: George Lathrop of Cincinnati, O. ; Dr. Wright Charles of Peoria, 111. Teacher, organizer of the Worcester (Mass.) Normal School; prin. of Cincinnati Normal School nine years; teacher of English and his- tory in Ohio Wesleyan Univ. nearly 20 years. Nat. cor. sec. Woman's Home Missionary Soc. of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Suggested the Ohio Teachers' Reading Circle (organized 1882), the first organization of the kind for teachers, and was pres. of its Board of Control 1882-1905. WILLIAaiS, Dora, 284 Walnut St., Brookllne.


Teacher, writer; b. 1859; dau. Francis Charles and Mary Hancock (Gardner) Williams; ed. pri- vate schools. Boston Normal, Radcliffe Coll., Mass. Inst, of Technology. Taught in Mrs. Quincy Shaw's Private School, Roxbury High School, Boston Normal. Mem. Com. on educa- tional advancement, sec. education com. Twen- tieth Century Club. Unitarian, Favors woman suffrage; mem. Political Equality League. Author: Gardens and Their Meanings in Life and Education; writer of miscellaneous articles. Rec- reations: Walking, traveling. Mem. Technology Women's Club, Radcliffe Union, Social Educa- tional Club. WILLIAMS, Elizabeth Gidding:8 (Mrs. Fred A.

Williams), 133 Prospect St., Ashtabula, O.

Born Jefferson, O., Sept. 4, 1865; dau. Joseph Addison and Mary Ann (Curtis) Giddings; ed. Jefferson High School, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y., B.S. '78; m. Jefferson, O., Nov. 9, 1887, Fred A. Williams; one son: Edwin Giddings. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnee, Tourist Club of Ashta- bula, Cornell Woman's Club. WILLIAMS, Elizabeth Sprague, 95 RIvington

St.. N.Y. City.

Settlement worker; b. Buffalo, N.Y.. 1869; dau. Frank and OUve (French) \yilliams; ed. Smith Coll.. B.S. '91; Columbia Univ., A.M. '96. Head worker College Settlement, N.Y. City, since 189S; director Lochanamem Social Center. 1911-12. WILLIAMS. Ellen Poultney. Haverford, Pa.

Farmer, landscape gardener; b. Philadelphia, Sept. 17, 1874; dau. J. Randale and Mary Rawle (Deland) V.'illiamis; ed. private school at Haver- ford, Pa. Author: A Garden Calendar. One of the promoters and directors on the board of the Pennsylvania School of Horticulture for Women, at Ambler, Pa.; promoter and pres. Main Line School Garden Com. Clubs: The Gardeners, The Weeders (pres.). Merlon Cricket, Haverford Christmas Stocking Club. Am. Forestry Ass'n. Recreations: Riding, shooting, sailing, sewing. knitting. Episcopalian. WILLIAMS, Florence L., 23 School Lane. Ard-

more. Pa.

Teacher; b. Le Roy, N.Y. ; daughter of Lucius Thatcher and Elizabeth (Clark) Williams; grad. from Le Roy High School, regent's diploma with honor. State and university scholarship; Cornell Univ., special mention in Greek, A.B. '98, A.M. '05. Teacher Le Roy High School, 1898-1903; preceptress. Spring Valley High School, 1904-05; teacher of modern languages, high school, Shamokin. Pa., 1905-12; modern languages. Lower Merion High School, Ardmore, Pa., since 1912. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Mem. College Club of Philadelphia, Philadelphia branch of Ass'n of Collegiate AlumnEB, Woman's Club of Ardmore, Pa.; former mem. History of Art Club of Le Roy, Cecilian Club of Cornell Univ., Delta Delta Delta Sorority. Traveled In Holland, Germany and Switzerland; studied lu Berlin and Dresden. WILLIAMS, Frances Scndder (Mrs. Samuel

Hubbard Williams), Glastonbury, Conn.

Born Vellore, India; dau. William and Frances Ann (Rousseau) Si-udder; ed. Brooklyn private school, Glastonbury High School, Weilesley Coll., B.A. '85; m. Ranlpettai, Madras Presidency,


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