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��WILL,ABD, Mary Ella Stoner (Mrs. Arthur De- Walt Willard), Frederick, Md. Born Bannestown, Pa., July* 31, 1876; dau. Henry Young and Mary Catherine (Fritz) Stoner; ed. Convent de rAssoonption, Paris, '97; Berlin, Germany, '97; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '98; prof, of higher English and German, Univ. of Chicago Correspondence School, '99; Woman's Coll., Fred- erick, Md., 1898-1900; m. Reading, Pa., Aug. 14, 1901, Arthur DeWalt Willard (State's attorney, 1903-11); children: Arthur DeWalt, Henry Ran- dolph. Mem. Exec. Com. Board of Managers Maryland Children's Aid Soc, Frederick Co. branch (of which her husband is pres.); mem. Civic Club of Frederick City, Vigilance Com. Ass'n for Censorship of Moving Pictures. Fa- vors woman suffrage; mem. Board of Directors of Just Government League of Frederick Co.; contri-butor of suffrage articles to local papers. Mem. Reformed Church.

WILLABD, Mary Frances, 1526 Fargo Av., Chi- cago, 111.

Principal of public school; b. Springfield, 111.; dau. Samuel and Harriet (Edgar) Willard; ed. Chicago public school; Smith Coll., B.A. '90; post- grad, student at Chicago Univ., 1893-96. Teacher of English In Chicago High School, West Division High School, 1890-95; Marshall High School, 1895- 1900; principal of Tennyson School, 1900-08; of Hurley School since 1908; also of Burley Evening School. Has written newspaper articles; edition of Idyls of the King (Tennyson). Author: Along Mediterranean Shores. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Consumers' League, Child Labor Com., Drama League, Chicago Woman's Club, College Club, Woman's City Club, Smith College Club, Principals' Club. Recreations: Golf, walking. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage. WLLLARD, Mary Hatch (Mrs. Henry Bradford Willard), 52 W. 39th St., N.Y. City. Born Jersey City, N.J., Dec. 15, 1855; dau. Alfredrick Smith and Theodosia (Ruggles) Hatch; ed. Mrs. E. C. Benedict's School, N.Y. City; m. Tarrytown-on-Hudson, N.Y., June 6, 1873, Henry Bradford Willard. Mem. Board of Managers of State Charities Aid Ass'n; Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Preventorium for Children; Exec. Com. of the Woman's Dep't of the Nat. Civic Federation (N.Y. and N.J. section); mem. Board of the Woman's Dep't of the Nat. Civic Fed. Mem. Colony Club (N.Y. City), Somerset Hills Country Club (Bernardsville, N.J.). WILLAUER, Katherine Whiting (Mrs. Arthur Ebbs Willauer), Milton Road, Rye, N.Y. Born Charleston, S.C., April 12, 1880; dau. Eliot Butler and Daisy (Day) Whiting; ed. Pelham Hall, Pelham Manor and governesses; rp. Dec. 4, 1905, Arthur Ebbs Willauer (died Nov. 26, 1912); children: Whiting, Osborne, Katherine, Eliot Butler. Favors woman suffrage; auditor of Ekjual Franchise League of Rye, N.Y. Episco- palian. Republican. Recreations: Tennis, swim- ming. Mem. Apawamis Club of Rye. WILLCOX, Ella Goodenow, 80 Mountain Av. Maiden, Mass.

Lecturer; b. Kennebunk, Me., Mar. 24, 1354 dau. Rev. William H. Willcox, D.D., LL.D. and Annie Holmes (Goodenow) Willcox; grad Mt. Holyoke Sem., Univ. of Mich., L.B. '98 Radciiffe Coll., A.M. '99; post-graduate study abroad in Univ. of Zurich and Oxford. For four years connected with The Advance, Chicago, as literary editor and associate editor; college in- structor at Drury Coll., Springfield, Mo., two years, and at Wellesley Coll. over four years. Now lecturer before women's clubs and inter- ested in philanthropic and educational work. Mem. of School Committee of Maiden, Mass.; Mass. State Conference of Charities and Correc- tion, Maiden Associated Charities. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnas, New England Women.'s Press Ass'n. Mem. Twentieth Century, College and Appalachian Mountain Clubs of Boston. WILLCOX, Louise Collier (Mrs. Westmore Will- cox), 33 Warren Crescent, Norfolk, Va. Author; b. Chicago; dau. Robert Laird and Mary (Price) Collier; ed. in France, Germany and England by private tutSrs and in the Conserva- tory of Leipzig; m. 1890 Westmore Wni?ox.

��Editorial writer Harper's Weekly and Harper's Bazar. On editorial staff North American Re- view; literary adviser, MacMillan Co., 1903-08. Favors woman suffrage; hon. vice-pres. Virginia Equal Suffrage League. Author: Answers of the Ages; The Human Way, 1908; Manual of Spiritual Fortification, 1909; Road to Joy, 1912. Mem. Nat. Inst, of Social Science; mem. Nat. Poetry Soc. of America, N.Y. McDowell Club. WILLCOX, Mary Alice, 80 Mountain Av., Mai- den, Mass.

College professor, zoologist; b. Kennebunk, Me., April 24, 1856; dau. Rev. William H. Will- cox, D.D., LL.D.,' and Annie Holmes (Goodenow) Willcox; grad. Salem (Mass.) State Normal School, '75; studied in Mass. Inst, of Technology and Boston Soc. of Natural History, 1878-80; Newnham Coll., England; Univ. of Zurich, 1896- »8, Ph.D. '98. Ehigaged in teaching, Frederick (Md.) Female Sem., 1875-76; Charlestown High School, Boston, 1876-78; prof, of zoology, Welles- ley Coll., 1883-1910; prof, emeritus since 1910. Author: Pocket Guide to the Common Land Birds of Nfew England, 1895; and numerous papers in zoological publications. Fellow Am. Ass'n for Advancement of Science; mem. Am. Soc. of Zoologists, Am. Soc. of Naturalists, Boston Soc. of Natural History, Sigma Xi. Interested in education and Americanization of immigrants. Favors woman suffrage. Mem Twentieth Cen- tury Club, College Club (Boston); Lyceum Club (London, England). WILLETT, Mabel Hind (Mrs. Allan H. Willett),

Glenshaw, Pa.

Born Syracuse, N.Y., Sept. 9, 1874; dau. George F. and Effie L. (Curtis) Hind; ed. Smith Coll., B.L. '95; (>)lumbia Univ., Ph.D. 1902; m. Syra- cuse, Dec. 21, 1901, Allan H. Willett; children: Hind Curtis, EMward Francis, Merrill Hosmer, Allen Herbert Jr. Teacher in charge of history dep't and civica. State Normal School, Cortland, N.Y., 1895-96; teacher in English and sociology. Dr. Sachs' School for Girls, N.Y. City, 1900-01; lecturer for Woman's Municipal League, N.Y. (Dlty, 1899-190(1; lecturer for Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, 1899-1901. Author: The Em- ployment of Women in the Clothing Trade, 1902. Mem. the College Club of Pittsburgh. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage. WILLIAMS, Alice Charlotte, Willink, N.Y.

Librarian; b. Buffalo, N.Y., May 5, 1878; dau. Hon. Benjamin Harris Williams (State Senator) and Charlotte (Stoneman) Williams; ed. Buffalo High School; Wellesley Coll., B.A. 1900; Simmons Coll. Engaged in library work with Newark Public Library, 1910-11; New York Public Li- brary (Bast Houston St. branch), 1911-12. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Recreations: Canoeing. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnaj, Buffalo Welles- ley Club, N.Y. Simmons Club; associate mem. Am. (3anoe Ass'n. WILLIAMS, Alice Laidlaw CMrs. Jesse Lynch

Williams), Washington Road, Princeton. N.J.

Bom Claremont, N.J. ; dau. Henry Bell and Elizabeth C. (Onderdonk) Laidlaw; ed. Veltln School, N.Y. City, 1887-92; m. N.Y. City, June 1, 1898, Jesse Lynch Williams; children: Henry Meade, Jesse Lyncli, Laidla-w Onderdonk. Vlce- pres. Village Improvement Soc.; one of the Exec. Board of N.J. Equal Franchise Soc. Author: Sunday Suppers. Episcopalian. Mem. Audubon Soc. of N.J., Soc. for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Woman's Cosmopolitan Club (N.Y. City), Present Day Club, Garden Club (Prince- ton). WILLIAMS, Anna Belles, New London, Conn.

Author; b. New London, Conn.; dau. Ebenezer and Joanna W. (Bolles) Williams; grad. high school. New Lf-Tidon, Conn. Taught in public school of SprLigfield, Mass., 1869-85. Author of a series of books for young people: Fitch Club; Birchwood; Riverside Museum; Professor Johnny Scotch Cap, Who Saved the Ship; Rolf and His Friends; The Great Dwarf. With John R. Bolles wrote the history of the Rogerenes, entitled The Rogerenes, 1904. WILLIAMS, Anna L. Csborne (Mrs. Richard

Williams), 157 Park St.. Buffalo, N.Y.

Formerly teacher; b. N.Y. City, Mar. 12, 1833;


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