��sic, reading, ftrtdge, whist. CaUiolic. Favors woman suffrage, lending efforts toward creating an interest in anriending Article 210 of our State Constitution, which will give women ihe right to sit on school boards, boards of charitable insti- tutions, etc.
WILKINSON', Drusilla Dallman (Mrs. Dudley Phelps Wilkinson), 721 Rush St., Chicago, 111. Born Syracuse, N.Y. : dau. William and Eva (Mayquist) Dallman: ed. St. Mary's Hall, Bur- lington, N.J.; m. Syracuse, N.Y., 1871, Dudley Phelps Wilkin.son; one son: Dudley Phelps Wil- kinson Jr. (deceased). Mem. Board of 111. Train- ing School for Nurses, and Fortnightly Club. Episcopalian. Recreation: Travel. WILKINSON, Edith, 59 Chatham St., Pitts- burgh, Pa.
Y.W.C.A. secretary; b. Rochester, N.Y. ; dau. William Cleaver and Harriet S. (Richardson) Wilkinson; grad. Wellesley Coll., B.A. ; Univ. of Chicago Graduate School, Columbia Univ., M.A. ; New York School of Philanthropy. High and primary school teacher, Chicago, 111., and Seattle, Wash., 1890-99 and 1901-05. Special agent of U.S. Bureau of Labor in Woman and Child Labor Investigation and prepared report on special topic. Conditions Under Which Children Leave School and Go to Work, 1907-09. Educational sec. Y.W.C.A., St. Louis, Mo., 1911-12; gen. sec. Y.W.C.A., Pittsburgh, Pa., 1912—. Favors woman suffrage. WILKINSON, Florence — See Evans, Florence
Wilkinson. WILKINSON, Gwendolen Overton (Mrs. Mel- ville Wilkinson), care Eugene Overton, Wright and Calendar Bld'g, Los Angeles, Cal. Writer; b. Fort Hays, Kan., Feb. 19, 1S74 (born in the U.S. A.rmy) ; dau. Gilbert Eidmond and Jane Dyson (V/atkins) Overton; ed. public schools of U.S. and Switzerland, and by private tutors in U.S. and Paris; m. Los Angeles, Feb. 10, 1910. Melville V/ilkinson. Nove:s: Heritage of Unrest; Anne Carrcel; Golden Cham; Captains of the World; The Captain's Daughter; also short stories and articles in magazines. Recreations: Riding, walking, swimming, rowing, traveling. Episcopalian, but particularly interested in the broader Theosophical doctrines. Favors woman suffrage; writer of magazine and newspaper arti- cles on woman suffrage. Independent; believes strongly in Single Tax, but otherwise conserva- tive.
WILKINSON, Mai Scott (Mrs. John D. Wil- kinson), 624 Egan St., Shreveport, La. Born" Homer, La., Dec. 7, 1372; dau. Judge N. J. and Georgia (Tooke) Scott; ed. Mansfield Female Coll., Keatchie C-oil. (La.), and high school of '3-ainesville, Tex.; m. OcuEhatta, La., Jan. 25, 1S93, John D. Wilkinson; children: John Pugh, William Scott, Allie Mai. Sunday-school teacher; pres. Shreveport Training School for neglected, dependent girls; interested in conserva- tion of forests, birds, parka, playgrounds and public welfare work. Partial suffragist. Has spoken at State and National Convention on Vv'omen's Work in Gcns-ervation of O^ar National Resources, and has written articles for news- paper and journal on this subject, especially on the non-pollution of our streams. Baptist. Mem. Woman's Nat. Rivers and Harbors Congress, D.A.R., D.R., Am. Forestry Ass'n, Nat. Conser- vation Ass'n, La. Forestry Ass'n, Nat. Congress of Mothers, Playground Ass'n, Public Welfare Ass'n, Daughters of the Confederacy. Recrea- tions: Music, athletics, golf, swimming, dancing, rowipg, riding. Mem. Civic League, Hyrvatla Mothers' Union, Protective Travelers' A.ss'n, Training School Ass'n, Chautauqua Woman's Club of Chautauqua, N.Y.
Wn.KS, Katherine L., "Cniickston Park," Gait, Ont., Can.
Owner of stock farm; b. "Cruickston Park," Gait, Ont.; dau. Matthew W. and Eliza Astor (Langdon) Wilks; ed. in United States and Hbroad. Inherited a large estate from her father Dud has indulged her taste for raising trotting horses. Her estate at Gait contains over 1,000 lores of fertile land and is a completely equipped Stock farm, where she has bred and turned out
��many famous horses which have taken highest rank in the race meets and horse shows of Can- ada and the United States, Including some world champions. Has to her credit 1,100 ribbons won in the show ring and has raised the only Cana- dian bred 2:10 trotters. Anglican. WILLARD, Calla Scott (Mrs. Samuel Gregory
Willard), Lincoln, Neb.
Teacher; b. LaFayette, Ind. ; dau. William McKendrie and Sarah (Rose) Scott; ed. public schools of Ohio and Indiana; Jennings Acad, and Univ. of Cal., special study course; m. April 30, 1888, Samuel Gregdry Willard. Taught thirty-one years; twenty-flve years in Chicago public schools, resigned in 1900. Elected cor. sec. and field missionary under the Christian Wom- an's Board of Missions in Nebraska, 1902, which involves the keeping of State records, correspond- ence and presentations of world-wide missions from the platform. Founded, in 1880, a Bible class In Western Av. Methodist Episcopal Church of Chicago, which attained a membership of over one thousand. Author: Life, Light and Love, or Bible Facts for Busy People, 1901; contributor to a weekly State paper in Nebraska for eleven years; author of many articles printed in leaflets, magazines, papers. Mem. W.C.T.U., Christian Woman's Board of Missions. Rec- reations: Traveling, reading. WILLARD, Charlotte Richards, American School
for Girls, Marsovan, Turkey-in-Asia.
Teacher; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '83. Teacher Lasell Sem., 1883-85; Clinton (Ky.) Coll., 1885-86; Cambridge, Mass., 1886-87; Carleton Coll., North- field, Miss., 1887-95; teacher 1895-99 and again since 1901 in the American School for Girls at Marsovan, Turkey-in-Asia. Mem. Smith College Alumnae Ass'n. WILLARD, Eleanor Withey (Mrs. Willis B.
Willard), 21 Terrace Av., S.E., Grand Rapids,
Born Grand Raplda, Mich., June 5, 1858; dau. Solomon L. (Judge U.S. Dist. Court) and Marion L. Withey; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. 'SO; m. Grand Rapids, Nov. 17, 1887, Willis B. Willard; children: Bradley, Dorothy. Interested in pho- tography as an art; art student in drawing and painting; vice-pres. Grand Rapids Art Ass'n; I ondi>:ts cl<isse.s and talks on art subjects for Art Ass'n. Author: Children's Singing Games; The Children's Garden; Sketches Here and There; Street Life in Africa; Spanish Sketches; Children of Holland, etc. (18 books in all). Con- gregationallst. Mem. Women's University Club of Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids Camera Club. WILLARD, Julia Reid (Mrs. Charles Wesley
Willard), 864 Francisco St., San Francisco,
Born Newport, R.I., Aug. 10, 1871; dau. Will- iam Thomas and Julia (Reed) Reid; ed. Welles- ley Coll., A.B. (mem. Shakespeare Soc.); m. Belmont, Cal., July 21, 1897, Charles Wesley Willard. Connected with several social and philanthropic ass'ns, associated charities, settle- ment, orphan asylum, reading room for blind, Nat. Child Labor Com. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. San Francisco Centre of the Civic League. Congregation a list. Republican. Mem. Century Club of Cal., FortnighUy Club, Inter-Colleglate Alumnae Ass'n.
WILLARD, Liivia Margaret, 11 Ray St., Ja- maica, N.Y.
Physician; b. Sa-wyerville, Canada, Mar. 24, 1882; dau. Lockhart Rand and Eleanor (McDer- mott) Willard; ed. Stanstead Wesleyan Coll., Can., A. A.; McGill Normal Schcol, Montreal, Can.; Cornell Univ. Med. Coll., M.D. '09 (grad- uated mem. of honor roll) (Alpha Epsilon Iota, medical). After graduation resident physician in West Philadelphia Hospital for Women, Phila- delphia; for a year after on staff of the Long Island State Hospital, then engaged in private practice. Attending physician to Chapin Home; mem. associate staff Jamaica Hospital; ass't at- tending physician to Tuberculosis Clinic, Jamaica (Board of Health, City of N.Y.). Mem. Eastern Star, Queens-Nassau Med. Soc., Daughters of Isabella, N.Y. State Med. Soc., Am. Med. Ass'n, the Cornell Women's Club, the Jamaica Women's Club. Roman Catholic. Favors woman suffrage.