��Baptist. Mem. Zetl Phi (medical), Toronto Women's Medical Ass'n, Toronto University Alumnae Ass'n. Recreations: Driving, motoring.
mLDMAX, Marian Warner, Norwalli, Ohio.
Writer; b. Norwallt, O.; dau. Samael A. and Ellen E. (HoVe) Wildman; ed. Western Reserve Univ. B.A. (Plii BeU Kappa) 'S8. Books: A Hill Prayer and Otlier Poems; Loyalty Island; Theodore and Theodora; Wiat Rohin Did Then; also worls in many periodicals, including Har- per's Monthly, The Century, Atlantic Monthly, St. Nichi;Iiis, The liidependent. The Outlook; in 1899 poem, A Hill rrayea-, won Century Magazine prize for best poem by college graduate of pre- ceding year having degree of B.A. Mem. Ohio Woman's Press Club. Favors woman suffrage.
WrLES, Cora Youngr (Mrs. Joseph Bentley Wiles), 2338 Talbott Av., Indianapolis, Ind. Born Ripley, Ohio, Feb. 13, 1864; dau. William Davidson and Virginia (Johnson) Young; ed. Ripley Schools, Cincinnati Coll. of Music; m. Ripley, Ohio, June 16, 1885, Joseph Bentley Wiles; children: Eva Young, Ernst Hathaway, J'oseph Baker, Estella Virginia, Albert Donald. Active in literary, social and musical interests, in clubs, churches, society and Sunday-school work. Writer of poems, stories and newspaper articles in Cincinnati and Indianapolis papers; child poems in American Boy and other periodicals. Has published songs and music, including cen- tennial song with music for Ripley (Ohio) Cen- tennial, 1912. Presbyterian. Mem. Woman's Press Club (Cincinnati, Ohio), the Woman's Re- search Club, Woman's Department Club, Quest Club, Thursday Afternoon Reading Circle, Franchise League of Indiana, Woman's Press Club of Indiana, and Progress Club, Ripley, Ohio. Interested in music as pianist, pipe organ- ist and writer of songs, especially for children and used in the kindergarten and primary grades. Favors woman suffrage.
WrLEY, Anna Srftea (Mrs. Harvey W. Wiley),
1S4S Biltmore St., Washington, D.C.
Stenographer and library training; b. Oakland, Cal. 1877; dau. John Cunninghajn and Josephine P. '(Campbell) Ksltcn; ea. Columbian Coll.; George Wasnington Untr., Washington, D.C, B.S. '97; m. Washington, Feb. 27, 19U, Dr. Har- vey W. Wiley; one child: Harvey W. Wiley Jr., b. May 16, 1912. Employed in Library of Dep't of Agriculture for t-wo \ ears, anl in Copyright Office of Library of Congress for 10 years. Pres. Consumers' League of Washington, 1911-12; mem. Com. on Civics and Sanitation of Housekeepers' Alliance of Washington; mem. of Woman's Welfare Dep't of Nat. Civic Fed., Col- lege Women's Club, Washington braoch of College Equal Suffrage Asa'n. Recreatioiis : Walking, tennis, caiaplng. Favors woman suf- frage; pres. Stanton Sufirage Club of Washing- ton, 1911-12. WTLEY, aiary Marshall (Mrs. Stephen L.
Wiley), R.R. 209 (and in winter 1665 J St.),
Fresno, Cal.
Pres. San Joaquin Valley Federation; b. Live Oak, Ky., Oct. 10, 1859; dau. Lewis Field Mar- shall (lawyer) and Mary H. M. (Foree) Mar- shall; ed. Blandville (Ky.) Coll. and Sem. for Young Ladies, A.B. '82; instructor In seminary, 1883; m. Cairo, 111., 1884, Stephen L. Wiley. Prominent in club work, church activities and literary work; now district pres. San Joaquin Valley Fed. of Women's Clubs. Mem. Baptist Church. One of organizers Ann Clark Chapter D.A.R. ; Nat. Art Ass'n, Chicago; United Daughters of the Confederacy, Woman's Civic League; vice-pres. Y.W.C.A. Favors woman suffrage. Has written many articles on cirrrent topics, art and music. Democrat. Mem. of va- rious civic and philanthropic societies. Recrea- tions: Swimming, rowing, horseiback riding, hunting, drn-ing, automobiling. Mem. Leisure Hour Club, Parlor Lecture Club, Walters Colony Woman's Club. Farmer (80 acres); received di- ploma on grapes at Portland, 1905, Lewis and Clark Exposition; had entire charge of Fresno Chamber of Commerce exhibit at PorUand Ex- position.
��WILKES, Frances Willamen, 1213 W. Lake At.,
Los Angeles, Cal.
Teacher of drama; b. Sioux Falls, S.Dak. ; dau. Abraham A. and Eliza (Tieppel) Wilkes; ed. Sioux Falls High School; Univ. of Cal. and Cum- nock School of Expression, Los Angeles (mem. P.E.O.). Director of modern plays. Recrea- tions: Swimming, riding, motoring. Christian Scientist. Favors woman suffrage. Socialist. WILKESON, Mary Juana, 26 Niagara Square,
Buffalo, N.Y.
Lawyer; b. Buffalo, N.Y., 1879; dau. S. H. and Matilda (Franks) Wilkcsqn; ed. St. Margaret's School, Buffalo; Cornell ijniv.; Univ. of N.Y. ; Univ. of Buffalo, LL.B. Since then engaged in general practice of law in Buffalo, N.Y.
■^VrLKXE, JsiEet Ormsbee (Mrs. John Elbert ^ilkle), 2233 Eighteenth St., Washington, D.C.
Born Fre^>ort, 111., 1862; dau. Talcott and Alice Adele (Casa) OrnLsbee; ed. Chicago public schools and W'est Division High School; a>. Chi- cago, 1882, John Elbert Wilkie; children: Doaald Weare, Jean Wilkie Owen. Interested in Juvcaiie Court, Court of Domestic Relations, civics and reform, social settlements, charity kindergartens. Favors w<«Qan suffrage. Author of short stories and children's books. Unitarian. Mem. D.A.R. , CkiloBiaJ Dames. Recreations: Writing, golf, automobiling, traveling. Mem. Mothers' Con- gress, League of American Pen Women. Clubs: Twentieth Century and Pro Re Nata (Washing- ton, D.C), Nineteenth Century (Oak Park, 111.). WrLKTN, Matilda Jane Campbell (Mrs. George F. Wilkin), 601 Sixth St., S.E., Minneapolis, Minn.
Teacher; b. Harrington, Me., Jan. 27, 1846; dau. Denison and Martha A. (Wakefield) Camp- bell; ed. State Normal School, Salem, Mass., 1867-69; Univ. of Minn., B.A. '87, M.L. '90 (Phi Beta Kappa '92); graduate student Univ. Coll., London, England, 1885-86; Univ. of Chicago, 1895; m. Warsaw, N.Y., June 21, 1882, George F. Wil- kin. Instructor at Univ. of Minn., 1877-93; as- sistant prof, of German, 1893-1911; studied in London and Germany, 1885-86; traveled in Eu- rope, 1899. Sent as delegate to Sunday-school Centennial in London, England, 1880. Mem. W.C.T.U. ; active mem. Y.W.C.A.; life mem. Women's Baptist Home Mission Soc. ; life mem. Foreign Mission Soc. Favors woman suffrage. Author: English-German Idioms. Baptist. Pro- hibitionist. Mem. Independent Order of Good Templars, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Lamida Alpha Psi of Univ. of Minn., Woman's College Club of Minneapolis.
WTLKINS, Lewanna, 1414 Gerard St., Washing- ton, D.C.
Teacher; b. Fairfax Co., Va., Jan. 21, 1869; dau. Charles F. and Hannah A. (Weatherby) Wllkins; ed. Wellesley Coll.,' B.S. '91. Author of Inductive Lessons in Biology.
WILKrNS, I-ydia K., 1414 Glrard St., Washing- ton, D.C. Librarian; b. Washington, D.C, Feb. 23, 1873;
dau. Charles F. and Hannah A. (Weatherby)
Wilkins; ed. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '96. Favors
woman suffrage.
WILKIK80N, Annie Carter (Mrs. W. A. Wil- kinson), Coushatta, La.
Bom New Orleans, La.; dau. W. J. and Vic- toria (Marti) Cartar; ed. public schools of New Orleans and private tuition at home in French and English; m. Coushatta, La., 1896, W. A. Wilkinson. Taught music several years before marriage. Interested In club wryrk; was mem. of the Boaj-d of La. Federation Women's Clubs, later vice-pres. and for two terms pres.; organ- izer and pres. of Oak Leaf Club; one of vice- presidents of State Fed.; sec. of Home Club; In charge of Free Circulating Library of the parish. Has written for newspapers, principally on club matters and subjects p«-rtaining to water- way improvement and development. Mem. For- estry Ass'n; State pres. of Women's Nat. Rivers and Harbors Congress; mem. Oak Leaf Club (Coushatta), State Federation, Gen. Federation, School LmiwoTement League. Recreations: Mu-