��pres. Icrwa branch Ass'n of Ollegiate Aiumnae, 1906-08; interested and active in local cliarlty work. Mem. King's Daughters. Congregational Woman's Board of Missions of the Interior (pres. Iowa Branch since 1907), N.N. Club (local literary club). Congregatlonalist.
WILCOX, Mary Xaul (Mrs. Paul Wilcox), Sun- set Av.. Montclalr, N.J.
Bom Omaha, Neb., June 25, 1862; dau. William Garrison and Ella A. (Dare) Maul; ed. private schools in Chicago; m. Omaha, Neb., 1884, Paul Wilcox (now deceased); children: Harold. Gladys, Paul Jr. Interested in local charities. Mem. Civic Soc. Mountainside Hospital Auxiliary, Po- rosis (N.Y. City), Interrogation Club (h local llteraiy club). Congregatlonallst. Opposed to w&niaa suffrage.
WrLDE, Laura Haldah, Lake Erie College, PalnesvUle, Ohio.
Minister, college professor; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '93; Hartford Theological Sem., B.D. '96. Sec. Y.W.C.A., Lincoln, Neb., 1896-97, nat. sec., 1897-1900; sec. Toledo (Ohio) Y.W.C.A., 1900-01; licensed, 1897, ordained, 1901, minister of Con- gregational Churc-h; pastor Congregational Church, Lincoln, Neb., 1901-05. Prof. Biblical literature, Doane Coll., Crete, Neb., 1905-10; teacher at large Univ. of Neb. ; prof. Lake Erie Coll., Painesville, Ohio, since 1910. Mem. Smith College Alumnse Ass'n. AVILDEB, Charlotte Frances (Mrs. Georee
Carter Wllderl, Manhattaji, Karu Author; b. Templeton, Worcester Co., Mass.; dau. Elijah Felt and Hannah (La-wrence) Felt; granddaughter of Lieut. Samuel Felt (Minute Man at Lexington, afterward under Gen. Stark at Bennington); grad. from high srfiool in Mass.; m. Lancaster, Mass., (Seorge Carter Wilder, lawyer arnl Judge of Probate; children: George Francis (died 1870); Adelaide Frances (Mrs. Sawdon), b. 1877, now of Ithaca, N.Y. ; Josephine Hannah (Mrs. McCallough), b. 1879, now of Delavan, Kan. For several years taught private classes in English literature. Has serveu as pres. of Dorcas Society; has been active in the Topeka Branch of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc., and was Its pres. 1895-1902; mem. Woman's Kansas Day Soc, Domestic Science Club of Manhattan, Kan. (pres. 1907-08); Nat. Household Economic Ass'n (v. -p. for Kan. 1892-1902); served seven terms as sec. Social Science Club of Kansas and Missouri; has served as vice-pres. and chairman Literature Com. Kan. State Fed. of Women's Clubs. Author: Land of the Rising Sun, 1877; Sister Ridenour's Sacrifice, 1883; Polly Button's New Year ("Worth While" series), 1892; Entertain- ments (with Elizabeth Ciampney), 1879; CJhrist- mas Cheer in All Lands, 1905; Mission Ships, 1904; Easter Gladness, 1905; The Child's Own Book, 1910; The Wonderful Story of Jesus, IMl; contributor to Youth's Companion, Philadelphia Press, Christian Union (Outlook), New York Independent, Methodist Review, etc.; editorial work on the Central Christian Advocate. Metho- dist (many years teacher of large Bible class). Mem. Authors' League, Kansas; Woman's Press Ass'n, Kansas State Historleal Society. WILDER, Eaia Caroline Abbot (Mrs. Artlrur
Silas Wilder), Box 70, K.F.D., Sterling Juao-
tlon, Mass.
Former school principal; grad. Smith Coll. B.A. '89; m. Aug. 9, 1908, Arthur Silas Wilder; children: Florence Caroline, b. Aug. 3, 1&J9; Katharine Abbot, b. Aug. 9, 1901; Frank Harris, b. Apr. 26, 1903; Edrwin Arthur, b. Mar. 13, 1906; Anna Hale, b. Jan. 14, 1909. Principal of Br»wer (Me.) High School, 1889-90; siibstitute teacher of chemistry, Mt. Holyoke, 1891; principal Peters- boro (N.H.) High School, 1891-95; ass't in Eng- lish and modern languages, Sanborn Sem., King- ston, N.H., 1896-96; principal Sterling (Mass.) High School, 1896-98. Mem. Smith College Alumnae Ass'n. Wn.DER, Inpz Whtpple (Mrs. Harris H.
Wilder), Smith College. Northampton, Mass.
Teacher and Investigator In zoology; b. Dia- mond Hill, R.I., 1871; dau. Eliab D. and Sarah (Wheaton) Whipple; grad. Brown Univ., Ph.B.
��1900; Smith Coll., A.M. '04; m. Boaton, Mass., 190«, Prof. Harris H. Wilder. Instructor In zoology. Smith Coll., since 1905. Has written various articles in anatomical and zoological pertodlc&ls on The Mammalian Chirldium and on ArrKphibian Life History and Anatomy, also book: Laboratory Studies in Mammalian Anatomy, also various reviews. Mem. Am. Soc. of Zoologists. Recreations: Canaping, traveling. Unitarian.
WILDEB, Kate Selby (Mrs. Frederic H.
Wilder), 1119 Fourth Av., South, Fargo, N.D.
Born MeadvUle, Pa., Jan. 23, 1876; dau. William A. and Adella (Wat£on) Selby; ed. Grand Forks (N.Dak.) High School (class pros.); m. Grand Forks, Oct. 8, 1501, Frederic H. Wilder. Taught school for one year; chief clerk in Reigister of Deeds offloe In (Jrand Forks Co.; mem. Board of Florence Orittenton Home; pres. Fortnightly for two years; pres. School Center at Longfellow School, Fargo, N.Dak.; woman State chaiiiu.-in for Progressive Party; pres. 15th Dist. W.C.T.U. of N.Dak.; press sup't for State W.C.T.U.; mem. Y.W.C.A., Woman's Union of the Congregational Church, Young Woman's Guild, Order of Eastern Star (past matron). Fortnightly Club. Congrega- tlonallst. Favors woman suffrage; sec. N.Dak. Votes for Women League.
WILDEB, Mary Field (Mrs. Burt Green Wilder),
Sl£isconset, Mass.
Born WeJlesley, Mass., 1852; dau. Lucius and Mary B. (Thomas) Field; ed. Wellesley High School, Framlngham Normal, Mt. Holyoke Coll.; m. June 11, 1906, Prof. Burt Green Wilder of Cornell Univ. Teacher in public and private schools; private teacher. Interested in settlement work, peace arbitration. Mem. Peace Soc, Eimer- College Club, Washington Club (Washington, D.C.). Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage; mem. of Suffrage Club. Republican. WILDEB, Mrs. 8. Fannie Gerry, 2 Everett St.,
Jamaica Plain, Mass.
Writer; b. Standish, Me.; dau. Rev. Edwin Jerome Gerry (pastor for 25 years of Hanover St. Chapel, Boston) and Sophia Jane Gerry; ed. Bowdoln Grammar School, Cambridge (Mass.) High School and Charlestown High School, Boston. For several years on reportorial staff of the Jamaica Plain News; writer of short stories ptibllshed in various magazines. Author: Story of a Useful Life, 1887 (memoir of her fathert; Boston Girls at Home and Abroad, 1890. Mem. Jamaica Plain Woman's Alliance. Mem. Womaji's Club, Tuesday Club (Jamaica Plain). WILDES, Mary (Mrs. Mark Langdon Wildes),
3$29 Colfax Av., South, Minneapolis, Minn.
Former teacher; b. St. Peter, Minn., May 10, 187C; dau. E. S. and Elizabeth S. (Hughes) Petti- john; ed. public schools of St Peter, Minn.; grad. high school and Univ. of Minn., A.B. '04; m. St. Paul, Nov. 6, 1907, Mark Langdon Wildes. Int: rested in Minneapolis Boys' Club in civic work and in some philanthropic work; pres. Woman's Auxiliary to Railway Mail Ass'n (pur- pose to promote social enjoyments and mutual advancement of families of railway postal clerks. Mem. Order of Eastern Star and one church society, Entre Nous Study Club. Recreations: Reading, concerts, outings. Presbyterian. WILDMAJf, Jennie Gray (Mrs. James Francis
Wndman), 62 Heart St., B., Toronto, Can.
Physician^ sargeon ; b. Dundas, Ont. ; dau. John and Jane (Head) Gray; ed. Toronto Model School Jarvis Collegiate Inst., Wompji's Med. Coll . Toronto; Trinity Univ., M.D.C.M. Took class prize at Women's Coll. and a certificate of honor In university; m. Toronto, 1908, James Francis Wlldman. Appointed demonstrator in anatomy In Women's Med. Coll. and later ass't prof, gynecology and head of gj-necologlcal service. Woman's Dispensary. Later one of those to open the Woman's College Hospital and Dispensary, Toronto. Dropped general practice and took only diseases of women and consulting work, 1908. One of the originators of a dispensary for women and children to be attended by women pkyslclans. One of five to originate Canadian Purity Educa- tion Ass'n. Has taught a Bible class. Favors woman suffrage. Writer of a small booklet for girls on purely edtwational lines: Spring Flowers.