��WIGGINS, Inez Iconise, permanent address, Warsaw, N.Y. ; temporary, 63 MaccuUoch Av., Morristown, N.J.
Teacher; b. Warsaw, N.Y., Sept. 4, 1877; dau. John Wesley and Mary Silence (Skinner) Wig- gins; ed. Warsaw High School, Smith C!oll., A.B. '01; Cornell Univ., A.M. '07; Cornell Univ. grade work, 1909-10; Univ. of Paris, winter of 1912. Teacher of English in high school, Albion, N.Y., 1904-06; teacher in French and German in Uni- versity Preparatory School, Ithaca, N.Y., sum- mer, 1909-10. Congregationalist. Favors woman suffrage. Democrat.
WIGHT, Hariott Barrington (Mrs. George Rich- ards Wight), Larchmont, N.T.
Born Sydney, N.S., Jan. 14, 1856; dau. John Carter and Helen (Pooley) Barrington; ed. Syd- ney, N.S., in private schools; m. Halifax, N.S., July 8, 1886, George Richards Wight; one son: Barrington Wight, b. Dec. 4, 1887. Protestant Episcopal. Mem. Nat. Arts Club. Against woman suffrage. WILBER, Sarah S. (Mrs. Henry J. Wllber), San
Diego, Cal.
Born Marion, Ind. ; dau. David S. and Jane (Baldwin) Stanfield; ed. Albion (la.) Lutheran Coll.; m. Marshalltown, la., July 20, 1869, Henry J. Wilber; children: David S., John L., Myrtle M., Alvin E. Vice-pres. Needlework Guild of American (San Diego branch). Interested in civic improvements; pres. Mothers' Club of San Diego, Point Loma Assemhly. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage. Progressive. WTLBOUK, Linda Olney Hathaway (Mrs.
Joshua Wilbour), Bristol, R.I.
Born Smithfield, R.I., Sept. 7, 1844; dau. Will- iam Henry and Fanny Esther (Arnold) Hatha- way; ed. high school, Pawtucket, R.I., and Canada Eastern Sem. (grad.); m. Pawtucket, R.I., Sept. 25, 1865, Joshua Wilbour (banker of Providence, R.I.; died 1902). Hon. vice-pres. D.A.R., Chapter No. 162; vice-pres. Mary Wash- ington Memorial Ass'n; mem. R.I. Soc. Colonial Dames of America, Society of Colonial Govern- ors; mem. Crown of America, No. 5; charter mem. College Women's Club of N.Y. City; Wash- ington Club, Washington, D.C.; R.I. Historical Soc, Huguenot Soc., Soc. of the Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America, Descendants of Runymede Ancestry (Sayer de Quincy and Hugh le Bigod ancestors). Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. WTLBUB, Frances M. (Mrs. George Browning
Wilbur), 29 Bay State Road, Boston, Mass.
Born Clinton, Me. ; dau. Charles Henry and Mary M. (Lewis) Decker; ed. Clinton (Me.) Acad.: m. Lewiston, Me., Oct. 14, 1884, George Browning Wilbur. Recreations: Motoring, yacht- ing. Unitarian. WILCOX, Alice Blythe Tncker (Mrs. George
Wilcox), Stratford, Conn.
Born Owen Sound, Can.; dau. William Henry and Mary Ann (Blythe) Tucker; ed. by private tutors and in Owen Sound High School, Toronto Univ., B.A. '96, M.A. '97; studied in Chicago Univ., Columbia Univ. and Oxford, England; m. 1907, George Wilcox; one daughter: EHzabeth. Dean of Adelphl Coll., Brooklyn; prof. English in same until marriage. Now lecturer at Brooklyn Inst, and for N.Y. Board of Education. Inter- ested in girls and talks before many girls' clubs. Contributor to current magazines. In 1912 pub- lished series of articles in Toronto Saturday Night under general heading Worth While Peo- ple I Know. Mem. N.Y. branch Toronto Univ. Alumnae Ass'n, Women's University Club, N.Y. City.
WILCOX, Alice Hard (Mrs. Asa Steams Wil- cox), 627 E. Seventeenth St., Minneapolis,
Born Pittston, Pa., Dec. 16, 1863; dau. Bradford Campbell and Helen W. (Johnson) Hurd; ed. Watkins (N.Y.) Acad.; Central High School, Minne-apolis, Minn., and Univ. of Minn. (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma) ; m. Minneapolis, Nov. 9, 1887, Asa Stearns Wilcox, M.D. ; children: Helen Hurd (died Nov. 14, 1907); Stearns Wilcox. Char- ter mem. Woman's Club of MinnearwHs. Favors
��woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Clio Cltib (history study).
WILCOX, Alice Wilson, 56 Alumni Av., Provi- dence, R.I.
Instructor; b. Providence, R.I., June 25, 1871; dau. Charles Field and Lucy Wilson (Smith) Wilcox; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. '94; Brown Univ., A.M. '09; Univ. of Chicago, fellow, 1900-02. Teacher of science in secondary schools, 1894-96; teacher of biology, Vassar, 1896-1900; Instructor in zoology, Wellesley, 1902-05; instructor in biology. Brown Univ. Women's Coll., since 1906. Mem. Am. Home EiconomicB Ass'n, Am. Ornith- ological Union, Audubon Soc. of R.I., Brown Univ. Teachers' A^n, Consumers' League ct R.I., Healtii Education League (Boston), Marine Biological Ass'n of Woods Hole, Mass. ; Soc. for Sanitary and Moral Prophylaxis, Nantucket Maria Mitchell Asa'n, New England Home Eco- nomics Ass'n, Diet. Nursing Ass'n, Nat. Child Labor Com. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist; mem. Women's Baptist Foreign Missionary Soc, Y.W.C.A. Mem. Associated Alumnae of Vassar Coll., Afis'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Sigma Xi. Author: Locomotion in Young Colonies of Pec- timatella Magnifica (Biological Bulletin).
AVILCOX, Ella Wheeler (Mrs. Robert M.
Wilcot), The Bungalow, Granite Bay, Short
Beach, Conn.
Author; b. Johnston Center, Wis., 1855; ed. Univ. of Wis.; m. 1884, Robert M. Wilcox. Edi- torial writer and contributor to N.Y. Journal and other Hearst papers and publications. Many ol hw poems have attained great popularity in the U.S. and England. Author: An Ambitious Man; A Double Life; Drops of Water; Sweet Danger: Was It Suicide?; Efvery Day Thoughts; Poems ol Passion; Maurine; Poems of Pleasure; Three Women; KingdcHn of Lore; Men, Women and Emotions; The Beautiful Land of Nod; Poems ol Power; Around the Year with Ella Wlieeler Wil- oox (birthday bock); A Woman of the World, 1904; Posms of Sentiment, 1906; New Thought Common Sense and What Life Means to Me; The Love Sonnets of Abelard and Keloise; Poems ol Progress and New Thought Pastels, 1909; Sailing Sunny Seas, 1910. WILCOX, Frances Gertrude Scott (Mrs. Walter
S. Wilcox), Bucknell Academy, Lewisburg, Pa.
Born Allenwood, Pa., Dec. 17, 1877; dau. Amoa and Hannah (Huston) Scott; ed. Bucknell Univ., Sc.B. (mem. Delta Delta Delta); m. Lewisburg, Pa., Mar. 22, 1896, Prof. Walter S. Wilcox. Bap- tist, Pres. Bucknell Alumnae Club; mem. Lewis- burg Civic Club. Favors woman suffrage. WILCOX, Grace Kumsey (Mrs. Ansley Wilcox),
641 Delaware Av., Buffalo, N.T.
Bora Buffalo, N.Y. ; m. Buffalo, N.Y., Nov. 20, 1883, Ansley Wilcox (prominent lawyer); chil- dren: Cornelia (now Mrs. Henry A. Bull), Fran- ces (now Mrs. Thomas F. Cooke. It was in their house, as guest of her husband, that Theo- dore Roosevelt, then Vice-President, took the oath of office, Sept. 14, 1901, as President of the United States, after the death of President McKinley. Mem. Twentieth Century Club. WILCOX, Marion Lawall (Mrs. W. W. Wilcox),
Walden, Orange Co., N.Y.
Born CJatasauqua, Pa., Jan. 22, 1872; dau. Jacob S. and Anna Catiierine (Buss) Lawall; ed. Cen- tenary Collegiate Ins-L, Hackettstown, N.J.; Vas- sar Coll ; Univ. of Berlin; Bryn Mawr; m. Catasauqua, November, 1897, Rev. W. W. Wil- cox; children: William, Frank, Helen, Donald. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. Mem. Woman's Club of Walden, N.Y. WILCOX, Mary DeVol (Mrs. William Craig
Wilcox), Iowa City, la.
Bora Canandaigua, N.Y., Aug. 12, 1866; dau. Allen Potter and Sarah Frances (Bullard) DeVol; ed. Smith Coll., A.B. '88; graduate study Univ. of Iowa; m. Glens Falls, N.Y., July 1, 1895, Will- lam Craig Wilcox (now dean Ck)!!. of Liberal Arts, Univ. of Iowa); children: Blaise DeVol, b. Apr. 24, 1896 (died June 28, 1899) ; Albert Craig, b. Oct. 14, 1898. Taught seven years; Glens Falls (N.Y-.1 Acad., 1888-89; Hornell (N.Y.) High School, 1889-93; Omaha (Neb.) High School, 1893-95. Vice-