Pa.; children: Herman Bosler, Edward Macfunn. Pres. Fed. of Pa. Women, 1907-11; vice-pres. Am Civic Ass'n; trustee of Wilson Coll., Chambersburg; trustee of the J. Herman Bosler Memorial Library, Carlisle; mem. governing boards of various philanthropic institutions. Favors woman suffrage; active mem. of the Limited Suffrage League of Pa., an organization that stands for equal but restricted suffrage for both men and women. Author of several published addresses and magazine articles. Presbyterian. Mem. Nat. Conservation Ass'n, Playground Ass'n of America, Pa. Peace and Arbitration Soc., Rural Progress Ass'n, and several societies for the extension of education and for the suppression of vice. Mem. Carlisle Fortnightly Club, New Century Club and Civic Club of Philadelphia; founder of Civic Club of Carlisle in 1898.
BIDWELL, Annie Ellicott Kennedy (Mrs. John Bidwell), Rancho Chico, Chico, Cal.
Rancher; b. Meadville, Pa., June 30, 1839; dau. Joseph Camp Griffith and Catharine (Morrison) Kennedy; ed. Madame Breshaw Burr's School, Washington, D.C.; m. Washington, D.C., April 16, 1868, John Bidwell. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Prohibitionist. Western vice-pres. National Indian Ass'n; honorary officer and active worker in California Indian Ass'n; mem. State, national and local suffrage assn's, W.C.T.U., State Playground Ass'n; has conducted Indian mission of her own since 1875, and its pastor for thirty-seven years. Recreations: Walking, riding, driving. Clubs: Sierra, Civic.
BIEGHLER, Alice Miller (Mrs. Arthur Clifton Bieghler), 729 Ridgland Av., S. Oak Park, Ill.
Born Newton, Ia.; dau. James and Catherine (Baxter) Miller; ed. Des Moines, Ia.; m. Des Moines, Aug. 10, 1892, Arthur Clifton Bieghler; one son: Raymond Grant Baxter, b. Sept. 2, 1893. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. various church organizations; pres. Garfield Park Woman's Club, Lady Washington Club, Monday Club.
BIERSTADT, Anne Morton Turner (Mrs. O. A. Bierstadt), 19 Myrtle St., Jamaica Plain, Mass.
Born N.Y. City; ed. in schools of Massachusetts and Vassar Coll., A.B. '79; m. Aug. 16, 1884, O. A. Bierstadt; one son. Teacher, Van Wert, Ohio. 1878-80; Norwich, Ohio, 1880-81; Bloomfield, N.J., 1881-82; N.Y. City, 1883-84.
BIGELOW, Alice Houghton, 14 Warren Sq., Jamaica Plain, Boston, Mass.
Physician; b. Boston, Aug. 3, 1875; dau. George F. and R. Gertrude (Bigelow) Bigelow; ed. Boston public schools; Boston Univ., A.B. '99 (Phi Beta Kappa); Tufts Med. School, M.D. '05. Visiting physician, Pope Dispensary; ass't physician, New England Hospital for Women and Children; physician of House of Mercy. Mem. Old South Church, Boston; active in graduate societies of Girls' High School, Boston, and of Boston Univ. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Congregational Unitarian Church. Mem. Am. Med. Soc, Mass. Med. Soc., New England Hospital Med. Soc., Soc. for Helping Women Doctors in Foreign Countries, Mass. Epsilon Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. Recreations: Walking, sailing. Mem. Boston College Club.
BIGELOW, Bessie P. (Mrs. Prescott Bigelow), 16 Marlborough St., Boston, Mass.
Born Boston, Nov. 8, 1861; dau. Henry James and Eliza A. Nazro; ed. Boston private schools; m. Nov. 16, 1882, Prescott Bigelow; children: Prescott, David N., Elizabeth Prescott. Mem. Clinton Club of Boston.
BIGELOW, Carolyn Lois Clark (Mrs. Hayes Bigelow), Brattleboro, Vt.; Nov. to May, Tarpon Springs, Fla.
Born Guilford, Vermont, daughter of Herbert J. and Lois C. (Ballou) Clark; ed. Glenwood Sem., West Brattleboro, Vt., '94; Tufts Coll., A.B. 1900 (honors in English); m. Brattleboro, Vt., July 31, 1907, Hayes Bigelow. Assistant principal in high school, 1900-04. Author of series of articles on the drama, and other short sketches. Universalist. Mem. D.A.R., All Around Club, Brattleboro Woman's Club, Monday Bridge Club. Paternal grandfather Almon Ballou, was a brother of Hosea Ballou 2d, founder and first pres. of Tufts Coll.
BIGELOW, Florence, Natick, Mass.
School principal; b. Natick, Mass., April 23, 1864; dau. William Perkins and Martha A. (Mansfield) Bigelow; ed. Wellesley Coll. B.A. '85, M.A. '91. Instructor. Wellesley Coll., 1889-93; principal Walnut Hill School, Natick, Mass., 1893- .
BIGELOW, Florence Rawn (Mrs. David N. Bigelow), 190 E. Chestnut St., Chicago, Ill.
Born Delaware, Ohio; dau. Ira G. and Florence (Willis) Rawn; ed. Rosemary Hall, Greenwich, Conn.; m. June 1, 1308, David N. Bigelow. Pres. Rosemary Club of Chicago. Episcopalian.
BIGELOW, Gertrude, Shattuck St., Natick, Mass.
Teacher; b. Natick, Mass., June 13, 1872; dau. William Perkins and Martha A. (Mansfield) Bigelow; ed. Dana Hall School, Wellesley Coll., B.S. '93; School of Housekeeping, Boston; fellow of Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, 1900-01; grad. student at Wellesley Coll., 1901-02. Instructor in chemistry, Walnut Hill School, Natick, 1902-08, 1909-11; ass't in chemistry, Wellesley Coll., 1908-09. Congregationalist. Mem. Am. Ass'n of Home Economics, New England Ass'n of Home Economics, New England Ass'n of Chemistry Teachers, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Coll. Settlements Ass'n, Boston Wellesley College Club.
BIGELOW, Harriet Williams, Smith College Observatory, Northampton, Mass.
Prof, astronomy, Smith Coll.; b. Fayetteville, N.Y., June 7, 1870; dau. Rev. Dana W. Bigelow, D.D. and Katherine (Huntington) Bigelow; Smith Coll., B.A. '93; Univ. of Mich., Ph.D. '04; ass't in astronomy, Smith Coll., 1896-01; instructor astronomy, Smith Coll., 1904-06; assoc prof. Smith Coll., 1906-U; prof, astronomy, Smith Coll., 1911- . Presbyterian. Mem. Astronomical and Astrophysical Society of America, A.A.A.S.
BIGELOW, Mary Helena (Mrs. George O. Bigelow), Alden, Hardin Co., Iowa.
Born Iowa Falls, la., April 1, 1862; dau. Joseph Albert and Emily Margaret (Taylor) Button; ed. high and normal schools; m. Alden, la., Oct. 8, 1884, George Orra Bigelow; one son: George Fay. School teacher before marriage. Pres. and charter mem. of Stulithis Circle; worthy matron of O.E.S.; appointed by the mayor a mem. of the Board of Trustees of the Public Library and elected its sec; mem. D.W.C. Soc. of Congregational Church, and prominent in social life, literary work and philanthropic activities. Against woman suffrage. Clubs: Shakespeare, Domestic Science, Civic Improvement.
BIGNELL, Effie Molt (Mrs. W. J. Bignell), 185 College Av., New Brunswick, N.J.
Born Burlington, Vt., 1855; dau. Theodore Frederick and Harriet (Cowan) Molt; ed. French School at Burlington, Vt., and convent school in Montreal, Can.; m. Norwich, Conn., 1876, W. J. Bignell; one son: W. J. Bignell. Interested in working girls' clubs, in societies for protection of children and the prevention of cruelty to animals. Author: Mr. Chupes and Miss Jenny, a story of bird life; My Woodland Intimates, a series of nature studies; A Quintette of Gray Coats, a story of squirrel life; Saint Anne of the Mountains—The Story of a Summer In a Canadian Pilgrimage Village. Mem. Wesleyan Church. Mem. Am. Ornithologists' Union, Audubon Soc. Recreations: Music and outings that afford opportunity for nature study.
BIKLÉ, Lucy Leffingwell Cable (Mrs. Henry Wolf Biklé), the Clinton, Philadelphia, Pa.
Former editor; ed. Smith Coll., class of '98, B. A. '01; m. Sept. 14, 1910, Henry Wolf Biklé, of Philadelphia. Engaged as reader of manuscripts for publishers, 1902-10, including Collier's Weekly, Ladies' Home Journal and several of the large publishing houses of N.Y. City.
BILLINGS, Anna Hunt, 217 Palm Av., Redlands, Cal.
Normal teacher; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '91; student in English literature, Yale, 1895-98, Ph.D, '98 Teacher Univ. of Southern Cal. 1892-94;