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��Western High School, 1889, receiving a gold medal. Summer sessions at Ann Arbor, Univ. of Mich, and Columbia Coll., N.Y. Teacher In School No. 61, Baltimore; was Ave years teacher of practice in Training School for Teachers, Bal- timore. Pres. Alumnae Ass'n of Western High School, Baltimore, Md. ; hon. mem. Associated Blind Women of Md.; W.C.T.U. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Suffrage Club. Mem. Bab- conk Memorial, Presbyterian Church; Order of Eastern Star, Daughters of America, Daughters of Rebecca. Recreations: Botany, genealogy. Mem. Teachers Literary Club.

WICKS, Buth Egert, 124 Jewett Av., Buffalo,


Born Trenton, N.Y., Oct. 5, 1884; dau. William Sidney (architect) and Emma Egert (GrifBth) Wicks; ed. Blmwood School, Buffalo; the Buffalo Sem.; Smith Coll., A.B. '08. Unitarian. .Mem. Graduate Ass'n of Buffalo Sem., Alumnae Ass'n of Smith Coll., Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Smith Students' Aid Soc., Peace and Arbitration Soc. of Buffalo. Recreations ; Farming, golf, tennis. Mem. Smith College Club (Buffalo), the Unity Club. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage.

WICKWrRE, Josephine Reeeer (Mrs. Kdwanl Giles Wlckwire), 601 W. Fifth St., Lamed, Kan.

Bom Lock Haven, Pa., Feb. 16, 1864; dau. Samuel and Mary A. (Sigmund) Reeser (direct descendant of John Reeser of Revolutionary War); grad. Lock Haven High School, 1881, and studied with private tutors; m. Larned, Kan., Bept 18, 1890, Edward GUes Wlckwire (grad. Bacon Acad., Colchester, Ck>nn., descendant of John Wlckwire, soldier in King Philip's War, and brother-in-law of John Winthrop of Conn.); children: Mary (student Washburn Coll.), b. July 6, 1891; Edward Giles (student Kansas Univ.), b. Feb. 13, 1893. Active In social, re- ligious, literary, musical and philanthropic work; 10 years choir director of Presbyterian church; pres. Seventh Dist. Kansas Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1910-12. Favors woman suf- frage. Pres'byterian. Progressive Democrat. Recreation: Auto touring. Mem. Portia Club, Clara Schumann Music Club, Cooking Club, Chautauqua Study Circle.

WLDMEB, Kate Webb (Mrs. Joseph C. Wldmerj,

265 W. Elghly-first St., N.Y. City.

Born Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 19, 1864; dau. Joseph PaJeman Webb, M.D., and Amelia Ernst (Wells) Webb; ed. Pittsburgh, Pa.; m. Pitts- burgh, Dec. 4, 1884, Joseph C. Widmer; children: George Ellis, Gertrude. Lived in Louisville, Ky., ten years. Interested in mountain schools of Kentucky. Mem. Woman's Municipal League, Soc. of Ky. Women In New York (pres. two years). Colonial Dames, Mary Washington Col- onial Chapter D.A.R. (treas.). Cavendish -Whist Club. Recreation: Whist.

WIDTSOE, Leah Eudora Ihuiford (Mrs. John A.

WIdtsoe), College Hill, Logan, Utah.

Born Salt Lake City, Utah, Feb. 24, 1874; dau. Dr. A. B. and Susa (Young) Dunford; ed. Univ. of Utah; grad. Normal Course (valedictorian) '96; Pratt Inst., Brooklyn, 1896-97; Brigham Young Univ., B.Pd., '98; m. Salt I>ake Temple, June 1, 1898, John A. Widtsoe; children: Anna G., b. April 2, 1899; Karl Marselius, b. Nov. 27, 1903, Leah Eudora, b. July 4, 1912. Head Domestic Science Department, Brigham Young University, 1897-98; lecturer on home economics at farm- ers' institutes, etc., under auspices of Utah Agricultural College, 1900-05 (at occasional times). Officer at various times In Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Association; vice- pres. Second Internat. Congress of Farm Women. Favors woman suffrage. Author of numerous articles on domestic science and home Improve- ment subjects, chiefly In journals of Utah: Labor- Savicg Devices for the Farm Home (circular No. 8, Utah Experiment Station). Latter Day Saint (Mormon). Mem. Am. Home Economics Ass'n. Recreations: Theatre, travel, tennis, out- door camping. Mem. A^lcultural College Woman's Club, etc.

��WlKGAJfiD, Maude Cipperij (Mrs. Karl McKay

Wlegand), Wellesley, Maas.

Instructor In botany, Wellesley Coll.; b. Rens- selaer Co., N.Y., Jan. 8, 1879; dau. John Vernon and Mary L. (DeForoet) Cipperley; ed. at Emma Wlllard School, Troy, N.Y.; Cornell, 19i>l: Cor- nell Univ., B.A.; university scholarship (Sigma XI, Wayside Club); m. Troy, N.Y., Aug. 21 1906. Asff-t in botany, Wellesley Coll., 1905-06; ass t In Cornell Summer School in botany, 1905; ins'.ruc- tor In botany, Wellesley Coll., 1907—. Favors woanan suffrage.

WIEK, Eva Amelia, Carrlngton, N.Dak.

Bom near Fort Dodge, la., Sept. 21, 1868- dau Adolphus William and Elizabeth (Greenside) Wier; grad. Bachelor of Didactics, Iowa State Normal School. '88; Univ. of Mich., A.B. 'b6; State life diploir.a in Lnglish (for Mich.;, Univ! of Mich. Has taught seven years in grade and high schools. Active in Christian Ehideavor and Junit-r Scxiieties, and with Women's Missionary Societies, with some travelmg work in connection with such interests; V.W.C.A. work in N.Dak ; has done public speaking before State and district conference and pitrlor meetings. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist.

WIGAXU, Adeline Albright (Mrs. Otto C.

Wlgand;, ]ii4T Broadway, N.Y. Cilv.

Artist; b. M?tiison, N.J.: dau. James and Mary (Ward) Albright: ed. Nat. Acad, of Design: Art Students' League of N.Y.; Acadfimie Julian, Paris, under Bougeurcau and Fleury; m Cedar Rapids, la., 1890, Otto C. Wigand. Awarded the Burgess prize of Woman's Art Club of N Y 1905; the Simpson pri:'.e. 1909; Watrous prize,' 1910; the Shaw memorial prize, Nat. Acad of Design, 1909; John G. Agar prize, 1912. Mem Woman'? Art Club of N.Y. Presbyterian. Favors womian suffrage.

WIGGIN, Kate Douglas (Mrs. George C. Riggs) 145 W. Fifty-eighth St., N.Y. City, and '-Quill- cote," Hollis, Me.

Author; b. Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 28 1859- dau. Robert N. Smith, lawyer, and Helen e' (Dyer) Smith; ed. in common schools and in Abbott A.jad., Andover, Mass.; received from Dartmouth Coll., 1906, honorary degree of Lift D borne by only one other woman (Sarah Orne Jewett); m. (1st) 1880, Samuel B. Wiggiu lawyer of San Francisco (died 1889); m. (2d) 1S95, George C. Riggs of N.Y. City. Went to Calitornia to study kindergarten methods, and with her sister Nora Archibald Smith (q.v.), organized in 1.S78 the Sliver Street Kindergarten in San i^rancisco (first ffee kindergarten on the Pacific Coast), and in 1880 they organized the California Kindergar- ten Training School; after marriage gave up teaching and removed to the East. Began liter- ary work in 1878 with a short serial story, "Haif- a-Dozen Housekeepers." Author (pen-name "Kate Douglas Wiggin"): The Bird's Christmas Carol, 1888; The Story of Patsy, 18S9; A Summer In a Cafion, 1SS9; Timothy's Quest 1S90- A Cathedral Courtship, 1893; Marm Lisa 1S94- The Village Watch Tower, 1S94 ; Nine Love Songs and a Carol, 1896; Penelope's Pi ogress, 1S9S; Pe- nelope's Experiences in England, Ireland and Scotland, 1901; The Diary of a Goose-Girl, 1902; Rebecca of Sunnybro&k Farm, 1903; The Affair at the Inn (in collaboration with other writers) 1904; Rose o' the River, 1905; Chronicles of Re- becca, 1907; The Old Peabody Pew, 1907; Susunna and Sue, 1909; Polly Oliver's Problems, li)97- Mother Carey's Chickens, 1910; The Story of Waitstlll Baxter, 1913. She is also author of the successful play, Rebecca of Sunnybrook Fai-m, 1910. Joint author (with her sister, Nora Archi- bald Smith): The Story Hour, 1900; Children's Rights, 1892; Froebel's Gifts, 1895; Kindergarten Principles and Practice, 1896. Editor (with Nora Archibald Smith): Golden Numbers, a Book ol Verse for Youth, 1902; The Posy Ring, a Book of Verse for Children, 1903; Pinafore Palace Rhyme? for the Nursery. 1904; The Fairy Ring, 1906; Magic Casements, 1907; Tales of Laughter, 1908; Tales of Wonder, 1909; Arabian Nights, Their Best Known Tales, 19u9; Hours with the Fairies 1911; Talking Beasts, 1911. Mem. Pen and Brusl Club, N.Y. City.


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