��WHITIXESET, Mary Beed Eastman (Mrs. Charles Wilcoxson Whittlesey), 6 Everlt St., New Haven, Conn.
Born Plantsville, Conn., May 19, 1870; dau.
William Reed and Laura E. (Barnes) Eastman;
grad. Dana Hall, Wellesley, Mass., '88; Wellesley
Coll., B.S. '92; m. Albany, N.Y., Jan. 5, 1910,
„ ^, . Cnarles Wilcoxson Whittlesey; one daughter:
WHITTTEB, Cordelia Mrfrlna, 2T Myrtle Av.. Margaret Whittlesey, b. Feb. 20, 19U. Congre-»
Fltchburg, Mass. gationalist. Mem. Ass'n of (Collegiate Alumnae.
Physician; b. Boston, Apr. 29, 1872; dau. Na- jj^j^ ^^^ Haven Country Club, Wellesley Club.
thanlel Bowker and Cynthia F. (Heckler) Whit-
��Wtitten. Teacher of Latin and English m Napoleon (0.) High School, 1890-94. Interested in club work, associated charities and juvenile court work. Chairman Music Com. 111. Fed. Women's Clubs, 1910-12. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. Republican. Recreation: Music. Mem. Peoria Women's Club, New Era Club.
��A_gainst woman suffrage.
WHITTREOGE, Enphemla, 22 East Tenth St. (business, 4 West Fortieth St.), N.Y. City. Interior decorator; b. N.Y. City, 1874; dau. Worthington and Kuphemia (Foot) W'hittredge; ed. private school and Bryn Mawr Coll., class of '96 (two years); studied in N.Y. School of Ap- plied Design for Women, 1895-98; Tiffany Studios, 1898-1900; pjirtner in firm of Misses Whittredge and Barrows since 1900. Favors woman suffrage. Recreations: Walking, dancing, Alpine climbing and camping. Mem. Women's Cosmopolitan torruMi\"sert'"l9il'"oT the As^^iat^d'charl'ties Club, the Alpme Club of Canada, the Bryn Mawr organization of ' Fltchburg; for several years and Club of N.Y.
now a director of the Fltchburg Soc. for Cure and -WTBOBG, Adeline M. Sherman (Mrs. Frank Control of Tuberculosis. For the past ten years wiborg), Easthampton, L.I. has been giving single lectures and courses before Daughter Hoyt Sherman (banker) and Sara girls' clubs, women's clubs and schtwls on such (^toulton) Sherman (niece of Gen. William T. tcH)ics as general hygiene, sex hygiene, care of shermiin): ed. at a seminary in Kenwood, near children, diet, ideals, meaning of marriage, of Chicago; m. Cincinnati, O., Frank Wihorg; chil- home. Had three years of settlement work and ^^en: Sara, Mary Hoyt, Olga. medical missksnary work among the rural ne-
��tler- ed. Boaton public schools and Boston Univ School of Medicine. M.D.; served two years as interne in Mass. Homeopathic Hospital, Boston (mem. Gregory Club at Boston Univ. School of Med.) Successively hospital interne; resident physician for three years of Calhoun School, Ala.- ten years general practitioner of medicine in Fltchburg, Mass. Was camp physician in a girls' camp in N.H., summer of 1912. For past nine years has been an active worker In the Fltchburg Woman's Club (400 members), pres 1910-12; for several years was one of the direc-
��groes in Alabama. Congregationalist. Mem. Worcester Co. Branch of the Mass. Homeopathic Medical Soc, Alumni Ass'n of Boston Uniy. School of Medicine; King's Daughters of the Cal- vinistic Congregational Church of Fltchburg, Mass. Recreations: Summer camping, tenms, boating, swimming, general gymnasium work, driving, walking, reading, games. WHITTIEB, Helen Augusta, Trinity Court,
Boston, Mass.
Editor lecturer, teacher of art history; b. I^owell, Mass., Dec. 7. 1846; dau. Moses and Lucindia (Blood) Whittier; ed. Lowell public school and Lasell Sem., Auburndaie, Mass. Teacher of history of art, Bradford Acad., 1902-
��WICK, Frances Gertrude, Vassar College,
Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
Instructor in physics; b. Butler, Pa., Oct. 2, 1875; dau. Alfred and Sarah Ann (Mechling) Wick; ed. Wilson Coll., A.B. '97; Cornell Univ., A.B. '05, A.M. '06, Ph.D. '08; graduate scholar in physics, 1906-07; graduate fellow in physics, 1907-08. Instructor in high school at Butler, Pa., 1898-1904; instructor in physics at Simmons Coll., 1908-10; instructor in physics at Vassar Coll. since 1910. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Poughkeepsie Equal Suffrage League. Author of articles In the Physical Review, including: The Absorbing Power and Fluorescence of Resorufin, and a series of articles on the electrical proper- ties of metallic silicon. Presbyterian. Fellow
��03; in 1903, in partnership with Mary Alden Ward, a.A.A.S.; associate mem. Am. Physical Soc
founded The Federation Bulletin (monthly), ^^^^^ Sigma XI Soc.
official organ of General Federation of Women s
Clubs; co-editor since 1903; editor and publisher
since 1902 of The Federation Directory of Club
Speakers (annual). Active in work of women s
clubs since 1894. Founder and pres. (1897-1900) of
��WICKHAM, Gertrude Van Bensselaer (Mrs.
Samuel Christian Wickham), 9310 Hough Av.,
Cleveland, O.
Writer; b. Huron, 0., Mar. 18, 1844; dau. San- ders and Melinda (Hayward) Rensselaer; ed.
��Katharine V. R. Wickham. First woman on staff of Cleveland Herald; second one on Cleve- land Leader. Author: Memorial to the Pioneer Women of Western Reserve (four vols.); The Pioneer Families of Cleveland, 179«-1840 (three vols.); also articles and short stories in maga- zines and newspapers. Episcopalian. Pro-
��ii-/Xi„,:r-J~'w,^Tr,An'<! Club of Lowell (600 mem- ders ana Meimaa (inaywaraj ±tensseiaer; ea Middlesex Women sClub^Loweu V Cleveland public schools; m. Aug. 1, 1864, Capt
Clubs' Ko7 mem Exiutife Board! 1896-1909; Samuel. Christian ^^Wjokham; ^one daughter
dirpct'or of New England Womb's Club, 1912.
State director of Mass. Equal Suffrage Ass n
Unitarian. Republican. Recreations- Interested
as an amateur in clay modeling and other lines
of art work. Mem. The Ex Club of Boston.
WHITTINGTON, Anna Ward Aven (Mrs. Will- ^ _^ _^ ^
iam Madison Whittlngton), 403 E. Market St., gressive. Charter mem. and first historian of
Greenwood, Miss. . . _ ,, Western Reserve Chapter D.A.R, ; charter mem.
Teacher; b. in Mississippi; ed. Mississippi Coll., j,f Cleveland Woman's Press Club. Recreation: A B '05- grad. student in Greek and Latin, Bryn pjo^er garden. Favors woman suffrage. Mawr Coll., 1906-08; m. Greenwood, Miss 1910, William Madison WhitUngton. Instructor in Latin Hellman Coll., Clinton, Miss., 1900-06; head of normal dep't, Mississippi State Coll. for Women since 1909. WHITTLE, GUberta Sinclair, 912 W. Grace St.,
Richmond, Va,
Magazine and newspaper writer; b. IB V'^-
��nnia dau. Commodore William Conway Whittle ■ of United States and Confederate Navies) and Elizabeth Beverley (Sinclair) Whittle; ed. m private schools. Has done almost every branch of newspaper work in Baltimore and Washing- ton with the telegraphic work for the Ph:ladel- Dhia "Hmes from Annapolis during the confine- ment of the Spanish prisoners at the Naval Academy. Since 1895 has operated a private syndicate, which has transmitted stones to rep- resentative papers from Massachusetts to Texas and as far West as California. Episcopalian. OoDOsed to woman suffrage.
��WICKS, LiUlan Mae (Mrs. E. H. Wicksn 1740 Woodward Av., Detroit, Mich. Born Flushing, Mich., Jan. 14, 1879; dau. John and Kate (Budd) Farthing; ed. Flushing High School; Univ. of Mich., 1898-1902; m. Flushing, Mich., Oct. 5, 1904, Dr. E. H. Wicks; one son: Wesley James, b. Aug. 2, 1905. Principal of Grand Ledge (Mich.) High School, 1902-03; Charlevoix (Mich.) High School, 1903-04. Thrice delegate to State Fed. of Women's Clubs of Mich. ; interested in free kindergarten and day nursery at the Florence Crittenden Home; pres. of Detroit (Mich.) New Century Club. Recrea- tions: Painting, water-color, music. Mem. Meth- odist Episcopal Church. Favors woman suffrage. WICKS, Olivia Lula, 2206 Ruskln Av., Balti- more. Md.
Educator; b. Baltimore, Md., Dec. 10, 1871; dau. Gardner Amos and Sarah Rebecca (Makinson) Wicks; ed. public schools of Baltimore; grad.