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��WHITNEY, Jessamine 8., State Training

School, Hudson, N.Y.

Social worker; b. Norwich, N.Y., 1880; dau. W. W. Whitney, M.D., and Hattlc (Willcox) Whitney; grad. Binghamton (N.Y.) High School; Oneonta Normal, '99; grad. Cornell Univ., A.B. '05. Engaged two years in teaching In Bing- hamton, N.Y.; three years In Porto Rico in •educational work; spejoial agent Bureau of La- bor in Woman and Child Labor Investigation In U.S. Bureau of Census; now ass't sup't of N.Y. State Training School for Girls. Favors woman suffrage. AVHITNEY, Joseplia (Mrs. Edward Baldwin

Whitney), 1S8 Bishop St., New Haven, Conn.

Born Washington, D.C., Sept. 27, 1871; dau. Simon Newcomb (distinguished astronomer) and Mary C. (Has.sler) Newoomlb; ed. one winter in Geneva, Switzerland; one winter In Berlin, Qer- raany; private schools of Washington, D.C.; five years at Washington Art League, for water colors; m. Washington, D.C., April 11, 18%, Ho- ward Baldwin Whitney (then Assistant Attorney- General of the U.S.; later Justice of Supreme Court of N.Y. (died Jan. 5, 1911); children: Sylvia (deceased), William Dwight, Caroline, Simon Newcomb, Roger Sherman, Hassler, Eliza- beth Baldwin. Exhibited water colors in Wash- ington, N.Y. City, New Haven. Mem. several anti-tuberculosis societies, IDist. Nurse Ass'n of New Haven, Free Kindergarten Ass'n of New Haven and other local charities. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Franchise League of New Haven, one of the speakers for the Conn. Woman Suffrage Ass'n before Legislative Com. at Hartford, March, 1913, and at private meetings.

WHITNEY, Marian Parker, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.

Profes.sor of German; b. New Haven, Conn.; dau. Prof. WilKam D. ¥/hitney (Yale) and Eliza- beth (Baldwin) Whitney; ed. private schools of New Haven, Brr'in, Leipzig, and Fontainebleau; universities of Yale, Paris and Zurich; Ph.D. Yale '01. Taught n'odern languages New Haven High School, 1892-1505; head of German dep't, prof, of German, Vassar, 1905 — . Director of the Nev,' England Modern Language Ass'n; vice- pres. N.Y. Modern Language Ass'n (chairman Hudson Valley branch) ; vicn-pres. Poughkeepaie Equal Suffrage League; nicm. New Haven Equal Franchise League, N.Y. College Equal Suffrage League, N.Y. Equal Franchise League. Author of many German and Frpnch texts and gram- mars; also of Whitney-Stroebe Advanced German Composition, Easy German Composition. Con- gregationalist. Mem. Drama League of America. Recreations: Bicycle, golf. Mem. Woman's Univeisity Club and Woman's Cosmopolitan Club, N.Y. City.

WHITNEY, Mary Watson, 2 38 Bacon St., Waltham, Mass.

Astronomer; b. Waltham, Mass., Sept. 11, 1847; da\i. Samuel B. and Mary W. (Oehore) Whltnev; ed. Waltham High School, V:f?sar, A.B. '68; A.M. '72; Zurich Univ., two vears, 1874- 75. Teacher Waltham High School, Chelsea High School and Vassar; prof, astronomy, Vasoar, 1889-1912, and director of obserTatory. Writer of various publications in Aetronomlcal Journal of America and Astronomische Nachiichten of Germauy; also monograph: Longitude of Smith College Observatory (in Harvard Annals). Fel- low A.A.A.S. ; charter mem. Astronomical and Astrophysical Soc. of America. Favors woman suffrage. WHITON, Ella C. R. (Mrs. Royal Whlton), 36

Melville Av., Dorchester, Mass.

Born Brookline, Mass.; dau. Alvln A. and Eleanor Jane (Woodbury) Rice; ed. Boston public schools; m. Dorchester, Mass., Mar. 9, 1887, Royal Whlton. Director Mt. Pleasant Home; pres. Dorchester Woman's Club; pres. Dorchester Woman's Club House Ass'n; fourth vlre-pres. Mass. State Federation. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. New England Woman's Club. WHITON, Helen Isabel, 65 West 127th St.,

N.Y. City.

TaaCber; b. Lynn, Maaa., Jan. 6, 1874; dau. James M. and Mary E. (Baxtlett) WWton; ed.

��Brearley School, N.Y. City, 1885-90; Smith Coll., Mass., A.B. '94; Columbia Univ., 1895-98; A.M. '97; Ph.D. '98. Ass't in English literature. Smith Coll., 1898-1902; teacher Mrs. Helen M. Scovllle's Classical School for Girls, 1904—. Lecturer on the Arthurian Legend and Wagnerian opera. Biblical literature, and current magazine litera- ture. Mem. College Settlements Ass'n, vice- elector for 1894 (Smith). Author: Parsifal and Galahad: The Quest of the Ideal: revision of Six Weeks' Preparation for Reading Caesar. Episco- palian. Life m,em. Smith College Alumnaa Ass'n; mem. Girls' Friendly Soc, Woman's University Club of N.Y. WHITON, Mary Bartlett, Rlverdale Av. and

W. 252d St., N.Y. City.

Principal private school; grad. with the first class of Smith Coll., B.A. '79. Teacher Newark (N.J.) High School. 1881-93; Packer Collegiate Inst., Brooklyn, 1883-90; associate principal, Nat. Cathedral School, Washington, D.C., 1900-06; principal Miss Banc's and Miss Whiton's School, N.Y. City, 1890-1900, and again since 1906. Mem. Smith College Alumnae Ass'n. WHITTAKEB, Elizabeth Leigh, Elmlra College,

Elmlra, N.Y.

Professor of biology; b. near Manchester, Eng- land; dau. Richard Kay and Ellen (Higson) Whit- taker; ed. in Ithaca (N.Y.) High School and in Cornell Univ., A.B. '05. Writer of nature study stories, children's stories and short stories. Prof, biology in Elmira Coll. since 1905. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Science Teachers' Ass'n, Field Naturalists, Am. Geographical Soc., College Woman's Club, Wednesday Morning Club of Elmira. WHITTELSEY, Delia Maria Taylor (Mrs. Lewis

Gates Whlttelsey), 1951 Fourteenth Av., North,

Seattle. Wash.

Born Newcastle, Me., May 8, 1861; dau. Eph- raim and Cordelia (Clark) Taylor; ed. Lincoln Acad., Newcastle, Me.; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '82, M.A. '87; m. SeatUe, Wash., Mar. 26, 1902, Lewis Gates Whlttelsey. Taught in Marlboro (Mass.) High School, Metzger Inst., Carlisle, Pa., and Maiden (Mass.) High School; was on preferred list of applicants to teach in Seattle in 1902. Interested in church work. Independent voter. Writer of occasional papers and reports In con- nection with local interests. Congregationalist. Mem. Nat. Geog. Soc. Recreations: Reading, travel, music, drama. Mem. Western Washing- ton Wellesley Club since its formation in 1903, local branch Associated Collegiate Alumnss. WHIl'TEMOBE, Almeda G. (Mrs. James Owen

Whittemore), 70 Kenduskeag Av., Bangor, Me.

Born Stockton Springs, Me., Aug. 3, 1867; dau. Alfred F. and Emily J. (Park) Gilmore; ed. In schools of Stockton Springs and Freeport, Me.; m. Waterrllle, Me., Oct. 9, 1889, James Owen Whittemore; children: J. Arthur, Russell Adams. Interested In church, charitable and philanthropic work. Congregationalist. Pres. Charity Circle of King's Daughters; second vice-pres. of Ban- gor Fed. of Women's Clubs; mem. Conservation Com. of Maine Fed. of Women's Clubs; pres. Nineteenth Century Club (Bangor); hon. mem. October Club (Bucksport, Me.). WHITTEMORE, Mary B. Eastman fMrs. Harry

W. Whittemore), Tufts College, Mass.

Teacher until 1900; b. Amherst. Mass., Oct. 2, 1872; dau. Edward B. and Esther A. (AVvatt) Eastman; ed. Amherst High School, 1886-90; Smith Coll.. 1890-94, A.B.; m. Amherst. Mass., July 11, 1900, Harry W. Whittemore; children: Rodney Eastman, Roger Downing Whittemore. First ass't Berlin (N.H.) High School, 1894-96; tlrst ass't Mlllbury (Mass.) High School, 1896- 1900. Congregationalist. WHITTEN, Mary Scys (Mrs. Harry H. Whlt-

ten), Peoria, 111.

Born Nokomis, 111., Oct. 24, 1867; dau. Cornelius DeWlnt and Sarah Elizabeth (Reed) Seys (grand- daughter to Rev. John Seys, Methodist mission- ary to Africa, who was prominent in colonization of negroes in Colony of Liberia, Africa, and was Minister to Liberia under President Grant); ed. Ohio Wesleyan Univ., B.A. '88 (mem. Athenseum Literary Soc; m. Sept. 23, 18»6, Dr. Harry H-


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