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��way Coll., Searcy, Ark,, M.E.L. (mem. literary society, Ijuiier). For the past two years has taught In Mexico City, D.F., Mesico. B*avors wrmmn gafirage. Methodist Mem. Y.W.C.A., Merry Maldenjs (Searcy, Ark.).

WHTTMOBE, Annie Goodell (Mrs. James Day Wliltmore), 730 Waahlngton St., Denver, Colo. Born Joliet, lU., July K, 1^5; dau. Eoswell Baton and Mary J. (Matteson) Goodell; ed. France, Germany and Acad, of the Visitation, Georgetown, D.C. ; m. Chicago, June 12, 1878, James Bay Whitmore; children: James Day Jr., Annio Grace, Van Wagner. Interested in day nursery and many other philanthropic activities in Denver. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Colo. Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Episcopalian. Republican. Mem. D.A.R., Colonial Dames, Soc. of Descendants of (he Mayflower, Soc. Colonial Governors and many local organizations. Mem. Woman's Club of Denver and others. Vice- chairman Republican State Central Com., ap- pointed to organize women's RepuJjllcan clubs In the four suffrage States by Republican Nat. Com., 1312.

Wra-mOBE, Clar» Helen, TompklnsTllle, S.I.,


Bom Charleston, Me., Aug. 4, 1865; dau. Major Jamee H. and Helen M. (Thomas) Whitmore; ed. public schools, Lynn, Mass.; Boston Univ., A.B., A.M.; London Univ.; special lectures, Yale Univ.; trwo courses of lecturas at N.Y. Univ. Law School (mem. Gamma Phi Beta). Author: Wo- man's Work in English Fiction; edited Milton's Minor Poems, writing introduction and notes; occasional short storiee, plays and poems. Uni- tarian. One of founders Students' Aid Soc. of Staten Island; four years pres. Staten Island Women Teachers' Club; N.Y. Alumni Ass'n of Boston Univ. Recreation: Walking (has made walking trips in U.S. and Europe. Mem. Staten Island Woman's Club, Mary Washington Col- onial Chapter D.A.R., Nat. Soc. Patriotic Women of Amurioa; formerly mem. Boston College Club, 1884 Club, Lynn, Mass. Favors woman suffrage.

VFHITMORK, Ida Jane Knowlton (Mns. William

G. Whltmore), Valley, Neb.

Public school teacher; b. Elsie, Clinton Co., Mich., June 14, 1858; dau. Daniel Horace and Aurella Susana (Ptokham) Knowlton; ed. Garden Plain, 111., until 18 years old; Clinton (la.) High School three years; ro. G-arden Plain, 111., May 14, 1880, William G. Whitmore; children: Kate, Pannie (died), Jesse, Jennie, Charles (died), Ruth, Burton, Frances. Active in Woman's Christian Union, clubs and church. Favors woman suf- frage. Has written mragazine articles and essays for clubs and public meetings. Unitarian. Mem. D.A.R., W.O.T.U., State Historical Soc, Church Aid Soc., Good Health Clinic Cnio (Nat.), State Oonservatlon Soc. Recreations: Garden work and driving. Mem. Woman's Clubs, State Home Economics Club (ex-pres.); sup't of Health and Heredity of the State W.C.T.U. ; district rice- pree. of the State Federation of Clubs. WHITNEY, Amy Isabel, Enfield, Conn.

Assistant treas. and business manager; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., Oct. 28, 1878; dau. William H. and Roslna (Bostock) Whitney; ed. public schools, Enfield, Conn.; Packer Collegiate Inst., Brooklyn, N.Y.; Hayden Hall, V/indsor, Conn.; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '01 (Shakespeare Soc). In charge of a white lead and paint manufacturing company at Hagardsville, Conn.; gives especial attention to its promotion by advertising. Mem. Nat. Consumers' League, Coll. Settlements Ass'n, Hartford Wellesley Club, Bnfleld Country Club. Favors woman suffrage.

WHITNEY, Belle Arnwtrong ("Dinah Sturgls"), 14 Faubourg PolssonlSre, Paris, France. Elditor, writer, lecturer; b. Boston; dau. Thomas Alnsley and Sarah Sophia Armstrong; m. Charles Alvano Whitney, M.D., of N.Y. City. Head of Whitney Fashion Bureau for foreign and Am. manufacturers and importers of textiles Paris, France. Mem. Am. Acad, of Political and Social Science, Socl6t6 de I'Hlstorle du Costume, France. Mem. Nat. Arts Club, N.Y. Caty; Ly- ceum Club, London and Paris.

��WHITNEY, Carrie Westlake (Mrs. James Steele Whitney), Public Library, Kansas City, Mo. Librarian; b. in Virginia; dau. Wellington Bracee and Helen (van Waters) Westlake- ed privately; m. Dec. 1, 1S85, James Steele Whitney (died 1890). Librarian of Kansas City Public Library, 1882-1910. Contributor of verse to magazines and newspapers. Author: Kansas ic^' Missouri— Its History and Its People, ISOO- 1908. Mem. and cor. sec. Kansas City Historical boc; associate mem. Missouri Historical Ass'n (St. Louis); mem. Missouri Branch Am. Folk- lore Soc.

WHITNEY, Charlotte Anita, 2121 Webster St Oakland, Cal.

Born Saji Francisco, July 7, 1857; dau. George E and Mary L.(Sw6aringen) Whitney; grad. Wei esley, RS. '89. Sec. Associated Charitils of Oakland, 1901-08. Pres. California Civic League- pres College Equal Suffrage League of Northern California, 1911-12; sec. Nat. College Equal Suf- frage League, 1912-13; second vice-pres. Nat Am Woman Suffrage Ass'n, 1912—. Episcopalian! Progressive Republican. Mem. Ass'n of Colle- giate Alumnte.

WHITNEY, Emily Henrietta, 227 Church St

New Haven, Conn.

Bora New Haven, 1S64; dau. William Dwight and Elizabeth W. (Baldwin) Whitney; ed private schools In U.S. and Europe. Mem. Free Kinder- garten Ass'n (exec. com.). Mem. Exec. Com of Now Haven Equal Franchise League Equal Franchise League of Cornwall, Conn. Author of l^,^^^S,^^ .^^^^^1^^^°^^' Duruy's History of the Middle Ages; The Victory of the Will Congre- gationalist. Mem. Colonial Dames of Conn Saturday Morning Club. Recreations: Golf' tennis, music. Cluibs: New Haven Lawn New Haven Country.

WHITNEY, Erral Mcllvaine (Mrs. Fred N Whitney), Northfield, Vt.

Editor; b. White Cloud, Kan., 1870; dau Alex- ander and Harriet (Nott) Mcllvaine; ed Miss Dunlay a private school and afterward four years at Nebraska Wesleyan Univ., Lincoln Neb (mem. Philophrenian) ; m. 1892, Fred N Whitney (died 1912); children: Harriet, Philip, 'upon the death of her husband, last year, she took up his work and has since carried it on, puiblishing editing and managing three weekly newspapers! Episcopalian. Republican. Mem. Art Club Woman's Union Club.

WHITNEY, Gertrude Capen (Mrs. George Eras- tus Whitney), 945 Greene St., Augusta Ga Author; b. Canton, Mass., 4861; dau. Ezak'iel and Emma (van Poelien-Knaggsl Capen- ed Mass. schools, Gannett's Inst., Boston and by private instructors; m. 1S99, George' Erastus Whitney of Augusta, Ga. From early childhood has written tales, poems, essays and lectures Author: I Choose; Yet Speaketh He; Roses From My Garden; The Practice of the Presence. WHITNEY, Gertrude Holbrook Churchill (Mrs Alonzo Whitney), 96 Orchard St., Methuen Mass. '

Grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '99; m. Dec. 22 1909 William Alonzo Whitney. Ass't in botanical laboratory. Smith Coll., 1898-99; teacher of science in New Britain, Conn., 1899-1900; in charge primary dep't, Fauntleroy Hall School, Roxbury Mass., Feb. -June, 1900, and instructor in nature study, Newton Center Vacation School July- Aug., 1900; substitute librarian, Boston Public Library, 1900-01; librarian and sec. 1901-08 and sec, 1908-09, In Evening Inst, of Y.M C A Mem Smith College Alumnae Ass'n.

WHITNEY, Helen Hay (Mrs. Payne Whitney)

Manhasset, L.I., N.Y.

Bom N.Y. City; dau. John Hay (Secretary ol State of U.S.) and Clara (Stcne) Hay; ed. Miss Masters' School, Dobbs ?"erry, N.Y. ; m. N Y City, 3902, Payne Whitney. Author: Some Verses 1898; Beasts and Birds, 1899; The Little Boy Book, 1900; The Rose of Dav/n (poem), 1901- Sonnets and Songs, 1905; Verses for Jock and Joan, 1905; The Punch and Judy Book 1906- Gipsy Verses, 1907; The Bed-time Book', 1.907j Herbs and Apples, IfllO. Mem. Colony Club N Y. City.


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