��Island, June, 1908. Has lectured or given talks to many clubs on child welfare non-profession- ally. Was chairman Hudson-Fulton Com. for Port Richmond, which led to organization of Girls' Athletic League branch there.
WinTING, Katharine A., 11 Grosvenor Road, Jamaica Plain, Mass.
Born Boston, Jan. 28, 1877; ed. Ohauncy Hall School; Boston Univ. A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '99. Teacher since graduation. First woman to read a Phi Beta Kappa ixiem, having read The Elect, by invitation, before Tufts Chapter, 1901, and in June, 1906, read a second Phi Beta Kappa poem, Cross-Roads, before her own Boston Univ. Chap- ter. Occasional contributor of prose and verse to various periodicals, first of importance being Damarel Dances for the King (Atlantic, May, 1890).
WHITING, Ionian, Hotel Bnimjwlck, Boston, Mass.
Author; b. Niagara Falls, N.Y., Oct. 3, 1859; dau. Lorenzo I>ow and Lucia (Cleaaaent) Whiting; ed. private tutors at home and abroad. Author: The World Beautiful (three vols.); After Her Death; From Dreamland Sent; The Spiritual Sig- nificance; Kate Field; A Study of Elizabeth Bar- rett Browning; The World Beautiful in Books; Boston Days; Louise Chandler Moultcm, Poet and Friend; The Life Radiant; The Outlook Beauti- ful; The Joy That No Man Taketh From You; From Dream to Vision of Life; Life Transfig- ured; The Florence of Landor; The Land of Enchantment; Italy, the Magic Land; Paris, the Beautiful; Lilies of Eternal Peace; The Brown- ings, Their Life and Art. Favors woman suf- frage. Gives occasional talks -before literary and ethical societies. Episcopalian. Recreations: Travel (foreign life largely), society, reading, study, lover of music. Special student of art (painting and sculpture). Since 1896 part of every year has been passed in Italy, Paris and London. Contributor of miscellaneous articles to maga- zines and newspapers; living much of time in Florence, Italy. Mem. Boston Authors' Club; hon. mem. N.Y. BroT^ning Club. WHITING, Mary A. Cosad (Mrs. Charles E. Whiting), Phelps, N.Y.
Born Junius, Seneca Co., N.Y., 1869; dau. Charles Whiting and Anor A. (Collamer) Cosad; ed. district school, Junius; Waterloo Academy, Cornell Univ., B.L. '91 (Delta Gamma); m. Junius, N.Y., 1902, Charles B. WhIUng; children: Charles, Auor. Taught school In Athens, Pa., and Scranton, Pa.
WHITING, Sarah Frances, Whltln Observatory, Wellesley, Mass.
Professor astronomy, Wellesley Coll.; b. Wyoming, N.Y., Aug. 23, 1847; dau. Joel and Elizabeth Lee (Comstock) Whiting; ed. Ingham Coll., Le Roy, N.Y., A.B. '&5; studied physics, Mass. Inst. Technology, 1876-79, being the first woman student of physics In that institution; studied In Univ. of Berlin, 1889; Edinburgh, 1896-97; hon. Sc.D. from Tufts Coll., 1905. Prof. physics and physical astronomy, Wellesley Coll., 1879-1912; retired from dep't of physics, Sept., 1912; prof, astronomy and director of Whitln Observatory, 1912 — . First woman to occupy the chair of physics In a college of first rank. E<5uipped the laboratories and libraries of the dep't of physics and astronomy and supervised the building and equipment of the students' ob- servatory. Congregationallst. Mem. Am. Physi- cal Soc, Fellow A.A.A.S., Am. Astronomical and Astrophysical Soc. Favors woman suffrage.
WHITI.EY, Ermlnla Minerva, 8 Stetson Av.,
Plattsburg, N.Y.
Born Black Brook, Clinton Co., N.Y. ; dau. Samuel James and Jeanie Stowe (Hall) Whitley; ed. private school of Black Brook, high and normal schools of Plattsburg, Wellesley Coll., A.B. '01; Dr. White's Bn>\e Training School, N.Y. City. Mem. religious societies and Nat. Geog. Soc. Was a mem. of the faculty of North- field Sem., Mass., 1901-05; mem. faculty Forest Park Univ., St. Louis, 1908-10; occupied chair of Bible In Albert Lea Coll., Albert Lea, Minn., 1910-14. Against woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Democrat.
��WHITMAN, Edith Moore (Mrs. Frank Emerson Whitman), 947 Portland Av., St. Paul, Minn. Bom St. Paul, Minn., Jan. 22, 1883; dau. James Elbert and Eliza A. (Moore) Moore; ed. Vassar College., A.B. '04; University of Minn., M.A. '06 (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. St. Paul, Minn., June 22, 1909, Frank Emerson Whitman; one son: Albert Randell Whitman, b. Oct. 28, 1911. Mem. Y.W.C.A. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Woman's Welfare League. Prot- estant Episcopal. Mem. College Woman's Club and St. Paul branch of Ass'n Collegiate Alum- nje (pres. 1912-13).
WHITMAN, Florence Lee (Mrs. Edmund Allen Whitman), 23 Everett St., Cambridge, Mass. Formerly teacher of singing; b. Canton, N.Y., Sept. 4, 1862; dau. John Stebbins Lee, D.D.. and Elmlna (Bennett) Lee; ed. Canton Union School, St. Lawrence Univ., 1882, A.B., A.M.; Leipzig (Germany) Conservatory of Music, Rad- cliffe Coll. (special); m. Canton, N.Y., June 27, 1895, Edmund Allen Whitman; children: Allen Lee, Frederic Bennett, Eleanor Lee. Teacher of science, Clinton Liberal Inst., 1882-84; head of vocal miMlc d^'t Knox Coll., Galesburg, 111., 1890-95; conductor of Cantabrigia G-lee Club 11 years. Mem. School (3om. of Cambridge, Mass. First elected 1909, reelected 1910, 1913. One of directors of Neighborhood House. Favors woman suffrage. Universalist. Non-partisan In politics. Mem. Radcliffe Union, Cambridge Political Equal- ity Ass'n, Radcliffe Musical Ass'n, Woman's AuxlHary of Mass. Civil Service Reform Ass'n. Recreations: Walking, mountain climbing. Mem. Appalachian Club, College Club. WHITMAN, Mabel, Amherst, Mass.
Bom Bay City, Mich., Mar. 24, 1871; dau. George Barrett and Isabella (Wheaton) Whit- man; ed. Chicago grammar and high schools. Smith Coll., B.L. '93. Spent years 1893-1903 In teaching English literature and the history of art In girls' schools, and in travel; associate principal of Girton School for Girls, 1903-07. In- terested In church, philanthropic and civic work, as Chicago Commons, Civic League, School Al- liance and Mutual Aid work. In Oct., 1912, opened a tearoom in Amherst. Congregationallst. Mem. Amherst Civic League, Amherst School Alliance; vlce-pres. Amherst Woman's Club; mem. Travelers' Club (Amherst). Against woman suffrage.
WHITMAN, Olive Hitchcock (Mrs. Charles Sey- mour Whitman), 37 Madison Av., N.Y. City. Born N.Y. City, Jan. 1, 1880; dau. Oliver N. and Josephine (Lloyd) Hitchcock; ed. N.Y. Collegiate Inst; m. N.Y. City, Dec. 22, 1908, Charles Sey- mour Whitman; one daughter, Olive, b. 1910. Mem. Woman's Municipal League, Nat. Civic Fed. (N.Y. branch). Woman's Political Union, Equal Franchise Soc, Political Equality League, Sleepy Hollow Country Club. Presbyterian. Re- publican. Recreations: Golf, tennis. WHITMAN, Ruth Loring (Mrs. William Whit- man Jr.), Simsbury, Conn.
Bom Pride's Crossing, Mass., June 9, 1877; dau. Charles Greeley and Mary Josephine (Hopkins) Loring; ed. Miss Folsom's School, Boeton. Mass.; m. June 1, 1898, William Whitman Jr.; one daughter: Ruth, William, Loring. Unitarian. WHITMAN, Sallie Shaw Bishop (Mrs. Jamei' Spurr Whitman), 125 E. Fifty-seventh St.. N.Y. City.
Pianist; b. Worcester, Mass., Sept. 15, 1861; dau. Henry F. and Charlotte (Shaw) Bishop; ed. Worcester High School, Keble School, Syracuse; studied music at Hanover, Weimar and Berlin Germany, 1880-84; m. N.Y. City, Apr. 25, 1889, James Spurr Whitman; one daughter: Marian Floyd. Granddaughter of Oliver Shaw, composer and first Important teacher of music in America. Taught piano in New York, 1884-90. Chairman music com., MacDowell Club, 1910-12; one of the founders of the MScDowell Chorus, Schola Can- torum. Episcopalian. Mem. Thursday Musical Club.
WHITMORE, Adah, Littleton College, Littleton N.C.
Teacher; b. Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 2, 1886; dau. G. G. and Anna (PuUlam) Whitmore; ed. Gallo-