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��on vocations other than teaching for college •women in Pacific Northwest at Pullman, Wash., the State Coll. Mem. Y.W.C.A., Nat. Child Labor Com., Nat. Women's Trade Union League, Nat. Consumers' League, Am. Acad, of Political and Social Science, Nat. Educational Ass'n, Nat. Conference of Charities and Correction, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnee. Recreations: Driving, rid- ing. Favors woman suffrage. Republican.

WHITE, Rosalie Raymond (Mrs. Blake L. White), Raymond Apartments, 6 Water St., Charleston, S.C, and Hoboken, N.J. Born Charleston, S.C, Apr. 1, 1857; dau. Henry Hunter and Caroline Rosalie (Tavean) Raymond; ed. Miss Sarai Porter's School, Farm- ington, Conn., 1872; Les Ruches, Fontainebleau, France, 1874; private tutors, Paris, 1875-79; m. Charleston, S.C, Nov. 19, 1879, Blake L. White; children: Blake L. Jr., b. Sept. 14, 1880; Rosalie Raymond, b. Jan. 27, 1882 (died Sept. 5, 1882); Raymond, b. July 7, 1883 (died May 5, 1899); Stella, b. Aug. 22, 1885 (died June 5, 1886) ; Hope, b. Nov. 23, 1888 (died Nov. 17, 1889); Tavean, b. June 23, 1890; Rosalind, b. Sept. 1, 1892 (died same date); Rose R., b. Apr. 27, 1898. Active in man- aging her real estate holdings; travels for pleasure. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian. Mem. St. Cecilia Soc, Daughters of the Con- federacy, etc. Recreations: Pianiste, vocaliste, linguist, traveler, student of history and geography.

WHITE, Theresa Bryant (Mrs. William H. White), Santa Fe, N.Mex.

State Director of Industrial Education; b. Cov- ington, Ind., Oct. 18, 1867; dau. Silas Bryant and Martha Ann (Strother) Bryant; ed. graded schools of Indianapolis and high school of Atlan- tic, la.; m. June 1, 1887, William H. White; chil- dren: Judith Belle, b. May 15, 1889; Martha Flor- ence, b. Apr. 19 ,1895; Douglas Bryant, b. Apr. 18, 1802. Interested in charity societies and hospitals. Contributor to newspapers of articles on Indus- trial Education. Episcopalian. Mem. D.A.R. Mem. Woman's Club of Silver City, N.Mex.; State Fed. Women's Clubs, Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs; was made State chairman of Household Economics and joined the Nat. Soc. of House- hold Economics and was elected a mem. of the Board of Household Economics of the Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs; through her efforts an Indus- trial Education law was passed in New Mexico, and she was appointed State Director of Indus- trial Education.

WHITEHEAD, Laura Wadsworth (Mrs. Ben Goriion Whitehead), Bismarck, N. Dak. Editor; b. Laporte, Ind., Mar. 31, 1871; dau. Henry Ellhu and Sarah (Van Akin) Wadsworth; ed. public schools of Laporte, Ind.; grad. '88; m. Laporte, Mar. 1, 1897, Ben Gordon White- head; children: Dorothy Lucile. Henry Wads- worth (deceased), Charles Miller, Mary Eliza- beth, Louise Elinor. Mem. Guild of St. George's Episcopal Church of Bismarck. Favors woman suffrage and has contributed articles to club columns in husband's newspaper. The State, ad- vocating equal suffrage. Unitarian. Democrat. Sec. of Library Board at Williston, 1909-11; mem. 1909-12; supt. Woman's Dep't N.Dak. Industrial Exposition, 1912. Recreations: Reading, music, theater, social diversions. Life mem. Woman's Civic Fed., consisting of Civic League, Literary and Musical and Domestic Science Clubs of Wil- liston, N.Dak. (pres. 1908-09). After graduation from school began as reporter for her father's newspaper, and later assisted her husband in the editorial dep't. Has contributed to newspapers and magazines articles pertaining to woman's work at home. Now conducting a page called Woman's Club News of N.Dak., the leading articles of which are some suggestions for use in club development In special lines. Wrote a series of articles on food values.

WHITEHOUSE, Elorence Bfooks (Mrs. Robert Treat Whltehouse), 42 Deerlng St., Portland, Me.

Born Augusta, Me.; dau. Samuel Spencer and Mary (Wadsworth) Brooks; ed. public schools and St. Catherine's Hall, Augusta, Me.; studied mu- sic and the languages in Boston; m. 1894, Robert

��Treat Whltehouse; children: William Penn 23, Robert Treat Jr. and Brooks. Author: The Go<l of Tiings; The Effendi, a Romance of the Sou- dan. Congregatioualist. Clubs: Current Events, Rossini (music club). Civic.

WHITELOCK, Louise Clarkson (Mrs. George Whltelock), 29 E. Mt. Vernon Place, Balti- more, Md.

Author and Illustrator; b. in Baltimore, Mary- land; educated in Baltimore; m. Dec. 30, 1878, George Whitelock, lawyer (now sec. Am. Bar Ass'n). Writer, first under name of L. Clarkson and later under fua name, of books in verse and prose, many of them illustrated by herself. Au- thor (collected verse): Violet with Eyes of Blue; The Gathering of the Lilies; The Rag Fair; Heartsease and Happy Days. Children's books: Flyaway Fairies; Little Miss Stay-at-Home. Fic- tion: John Wallace (novel); a Mad Madonna and Other Stories; how Hindslte Met Provinciallsts, and other stories.

WHITFIELD, Amelia Atkins (Mrs. Nathaniel O. Whitfield), 1520 West Sixteenth St., Loa Angeles, Cal.

Physician; b. Bristol, Conn., 1857; dauT Roswell and Sarah A. (Barnum) Atkins; ed. public schools of Bristol, Conn.; medical dep't Univ. of Mich., M.D. '78; Hahnemann Coll., Chicago, M.D. '83; m. Bristol, Conn., Mar. 34, 1880, Dr. Nathaniel C. Whitfield. During her husband's absence of sev- eral months was physician in charge of the Sol- diers' Home, Hot Springs, S.Dak. (only woman to hold such a position, even temporarily). Has contributed msicellaneous articles on hygiene, care of children and questions of public interest to newsi>apers and various periodicals; has also written many short stories and articles on travel. Author: As It Might Be (dealing especially with the domestic servant and labor question). Bap- tist. Republican. Mem. Woman's Relief Corps (past department treas. for S.Dak.), Order of Eastern Star, Chautauqua Club. WHITFIELD, Emma Morehead, 1800 Grove Av., Richmond, Va.

Artist; b. Greensboro, N.C, Dec. 5, 1874; dau. Rev. Theodore Whitfield, D.D., and Annie Eliza (Morehead) Whitfield; ed. Woman's College of Richmond, B.A. '93; student at Art Students' League of N.Y. City, Maryland Inst., School of Art and Design, Baltimore, and at Paris and Munich (mem. Delta Alpha local). Director dep't of fine arts at John B. Stetson Univ. of" De Land, Fla. ; director and instructor of art dep't of Woman's Coll. of Richmond. Baptist. Mem. Colonial Dames of America in the State of Va., United Daughters of the Confederacy. Mem. Woman's Club. Lectures on art subjects before women's clubs, art clubs and societies. WHITFIELD, Inez Harrington, care of De Soto Spring Co., Hot Springs, Ark, Bom Illon, N.Y., 1867; dau. James Alfred and Ida (Doty) Whitfield; ed. Illon High School and Acad., '85 (poetess of the class); Stnjth Coll., L.B. '89. Was teacher at the Gardner School, N.Y. City; principal (with Miss Bliss) of Whlt- fleld-Bliss School, N.Y. City, 1895-1900. Ofllce manager of Ozark Sanatorium, Hot Springs, Ark. Against woman suffrage. Author of short stories. Episcopalian. Former mem. of several N.Y. City clubs. Women's University Club. WHITFORD, Gertrude Edith Leonard (Mrs. Wilbur W, Whltford), 32 Hatfield PI., Port Richmond, Staten Island, N.Y. Born Erie, Pa., Apr. 29, 1876; dau. Rev. Theo- dore Stuart and Eugenie (Thyng) Leonard; ed. Beatrice High School and Friendship Acad. ; m. June 23, 1897, Wilbur W. Whitford; one daugh- ter, Mabel Eugenie, b. June 2, 1902. Director Richmond Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Children; director Richmond Problem Ass'n; director of Playground Ass'n of Staten Island; pres. Woman's Club of Port Richmond, 1910-11; Mothers' Club of Port Richmond, 1907-09. Suf- fragist. Mem. Woman Suffrage Party of Rich- mond County. Episcopalian. Mem. Jane McCrea Chapter D.A.R. , Staten Island Ass'n of Arts and Sciences, Woman's Club of Port Richmond, Friday Afternoon Club of Port Richmond. Estab- lished and opened first playground on Staten


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