��don (adopted). Taught in Mich, high schools and In State Normal at Valley City; still teaches sometimes for pleasure of being ■with young peo- ple. Worker in civic improvement, helped or- ganize leagues on various civic topics. Pres. N.Dak. State Fed. of Clubs; director Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs, 1910-12; auditor Gen. Fed. Clubs, 1911-12; active in Y.W.C.A. work. Favors wo- man suffrage. Republican. Mem. Friends Church; now working in Congregational Church and Sunday-school. Mem. Astronomical Soc. of Pacific, Am. Civic Ass'n Recreations: Camping, boating. Mem. Civic League and Literary Clubs. Her husband, Hon. Frank White, was Governor of N.Dak. (only Republican Governor of N.Dak. who ever had a reelection); during these terms had active social life at Bismarck.
WHITE, Emma Ruth, 616 E. 36th St., Kansas
City, Mo.
Public welfare worker; b. Youngsville, Pa., Oct. 30, 1884; dau. John Barber and Emma (Sig- gins) White; ed. Miss Bartow's Preparatory School in Kansas City, Mo.; grad. Wellesley Coll., post-grad, course in sociology at Univ. of Wis. (Phi Sigma). Spent a year working with Board of Public Welfare, 1910-11; spent time in laundry investigation; also led the investigation in factories and all places where women's help is employed in Kansas City with a view of raising the wages of working women. Spent months compiling notes gathered during period of in- vestigation into social conditions in Kansas City, now being published. Mem. Kansas City (Mo.) Chapter D.A.R., Consumers' League of Kansas City, Mo. Congregationalist.
WHITE, Emma Siggins (Mrs. John Barber White), 616 E. Thirty-sixth St., Kansas City, Mo.
Born Chariton, Lucas Co., Iowa; dau. Benjamin Baird and Elizabeth (Walker) Siggins; ed. Young Ladies' Sem., Meadville, Pa.; grad. Youngsville (Pa.) High School, grad. in pioneer class of Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle; m. Youngsville, Pa., Dec. 6, 1882, John Barber Wtoite; children: Emma Ruth, Jay Barber Walker, Raymond Baird. Taught school for 10 years in Warren Co., Pa. Has served three years as chairman of Woman's Auxiliary of Juvenile Improvement Club of Kansas City and director of same; chairman of com. which fur- nished boys' hotel of Kansas City, Ways and Means Com. of Kansas City Hist. Soc., Pa- triotic Education Com. of the Kansas City Chapter D.A.R. (vice-regent of same). Deaconess in Westminster Congregational Church. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Genealogical History of the Descendants of John Walker of Wigton, Scotland, 1902; History of the Siggins and Kin- near Families in America, ready for publication; also numerous historical sketches. Congrega- tionalist. Mem. Kansas City Art Inst., Y.W.C.A., W.C.T.U., Kansas City Hist. Soc, Kansas City Chapter D.A.R., Visiting Nurse Ass'n, Mission Peace Society, Moral Uplift Society, Chautauqua Alumni, Consumers' League of Kansas City. Served as historian of D.A.R. for eight years. Has completed placing framed copies of the Ten Commandments in the 80 public schools of Kan- sas City; also placed ten copies in the Mo. State Penitentiary, Kansas City Girls' Hotel, Boys' Hotel, Y.W.C.A., Y.M.C.A., and many other public buildings.
WHITE, Esther Griffin, Richmond, Ind.
Newspaper writer; b. Richmond, Ind.; dau. Oliver and Mary Caroline (Cottom) White; ed. Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind. Dramatic critic, formerly writer on art and music on the Rich- mond Palladium; now dramatic critic and feature writer for The Evening Item, Richmoad, Ind.; has written on various phases of art for various journals in this country and abroad, also written much on same subject for State papers; has re- cently arranged series of Sunday high-class con- certs for Richmond and will continue it next year. Was sec. of Robert Dale Owen Memorial which placed bust of Owen in State House Grounds, Indianapolis. Author: Indiana Book- plates; Things as They Sometimes Are; edited poems of Louise Vickroy Boyd. Mem. Am. Book-
��plate Soc, English Ex-Libris Soc, Indlang Woman's Press Club. Mem. Richmond Country Club. Recreations: Golf, walking. Birthright mem. Soc. of Friends. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Richmond Franchise League, Woman'a Franchise League of Ind.
WHITE, norence Smith (Mrs. Theodora
Schenck White), Cardington, O.
Physician; b. Westfield, 0., Nov., 1881; dau. Seneca and Nancy (West) Smith; ed. Cardington High School, Cleveland Homoeopathic Med. School; m. May, 1892, Theodore S. White, lawyer. Engaged in practice of medicine since graduation. Episcopalian. Democrat. Favors woman suf- frage.
WHITE, Fninces Hodges (Mrs. Charles E.
White), 26 King St., Lynn, Mass.
Author; b. Washington, Me., June 18, 1866; dau. William and Caroline (Merrill) Hodge; ed. public schools, private tutors, EJnierson Coll. ; m. 1885, Charles E. White, of Lynn, Mass.; children: Charles E. Jr. (well-known architectural writer), Elizabeth. Books: Sea Tales; Helena's Wonder- world; Helena's Treeworld; Aunt Nabby's Chil- dren; Captain Jinks; The Autobiography of a Shetland Pony; has contributed articles and poems to the Lewiston Journal, Boston Tran- script, Lynn Item, Suburban Life, Youth's Com- panion, House Beautiful. Mem. Professional Women's Club, Boston; North Shore Club, Lynn.
WHITE, Georgia Laura, Olivet College, Olivet,
Teacher; b. Nashville, Tenn., Apr. 28, 1872; dau. George Leonard and Laura Amelia (Cra- vath) White; ed. Fredonia (N.Y.) State Normal School, Lake Erie Sem.. Painesville, O., 18S9-94; Cornell Univ., Ph.B. '96, Ph.D. '01; Halle-Wit- tenberg Univ., Germany, 1899-1900 (mem. Alpha Phi). Head teacher and teacher of history, Walnut Lane School, German town, Pa., 1901-03; instructor, 1903-05, and associate prof, in eco- nomics and sociology at Smith Coll., 1905-11; dean of women in Olivet College, Olivet, Mich., since 1911. Favors woman suffrage. Con- gregationalist. Mem. Am. Acad, of Politics and Social Science, Am. Sociological Ass'n, Am. Ass'n for Labor Legislation, Elector of College Settlements Ass'n. Mem. Am. Geographic Ass'n, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae.
WHITE, Grace Peckliam Baldwin (Mrs. Israel L. White), 3 Dogwood Drive, Summit, N.J. Born Worcester, Mass., May 16, 1874; dau. Charles Clinton and Ella (Peckham) Baldwin; ed. Miss Baldwin's School, Bryn Mawr, Pa. ; Bryn Mawr Coll. and Drexel Inst. Library School; m. Worcester, Mass., Sept. 25, 1907, Israel L. White; children: Charles Baldwin, Esther Brockett. Has catalogued several libraries. Episcopalian.
WHITE, Helen Magill (Mrs. Andrew Dickson
White), 27 East Av., Ithaca, N.Y.
Born Providence, R.I.; dau. Prof. Edward Hicks MagiU, A.M., LL.D., and Sarah W. (Beans) Magill; grad. Swarthmore Coll., A.B. '73; Boston Univ., Ph.D. '77; m. 1900, Andrew Dickson White, LL.D., L.H.D., Ph.D., D.C.L., then U.S. Ambassador to Germany (first pres. Cornell Univ.).
WHITE, Helene Maynard, 3402 Powelton Av.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Artist; b. Baltimore, Md. ; dau. Alexander Mc- Conneil and Marie Louisa (Packer) White; ed. Temple Coll.; Univ. of Pa. School of Deaign; Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts and abroad at art schools in Paris (mem. Harmonia Soc. and Univ. Alumnae). Awarded medal at St. Louis E.^positiou, 1904; medal Pa. Art Soc; has painted portraits of many prominent men and women; decorations in St. Andrew's Church (mural work, etc.). Inter- ested in the College Settlement and the better- ment of conditions of the children of the slums. Protestant Episcopal. Mem. Harmonia Society, Fellowship of Acad, of Fine Arts, Am. Acad. Political and Social Science, Historical Soc, Lyceum Club of N.Y., Three Arts Club, College Club.