��WHEELER, Janet, 1710 Chestnut St., Philadel- phia, Pa. ,,
Portrait painter; b. Detroit, Mich.; dau. Orlando B. and Amanda (Bennett) Wheeler; ed. Acad, of Fine Arts, Philadelphia; AcadSmie Julian and Carlo Rossi Studio, Paris. Awarded Mary Smith prize and first Tappan prize. Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts; Art Club gold medal, Phila- delphia; silver medal, Louisiana Purchase Exhi- bition, St. Louis. Exhibited in Salon, Paris. Mem. (2d vice-pres.) Plastic Club ol Philadel- phia, 1905-12; mem. Board of Managers of Fel- lowship of Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts.
WHEELER, Mrs. Jennie Pearl Mowbray, Mon-
sey, N.Y.
Author; b. Minneapolis; dau. Alfred George and Amelia (Carpenter) Mowbray; ed. in North- western Univ. ; m. N.Y. City, Andrew Carpenter Wheeler (pen-name "Nym Crinkle"), distin- guished author and critii (died Miarch 10, 1903); one son: Paul Mowbray Wheeler. AMthor (in collaboration with husband) of the "J. P. M." books — four titles: A Journey to Nature; The Making of a Country Home; Tangled Up In Beulah Land; The Conquering of Kate. Meth- odist. Against woman suffrage.
WHEELER, Jessie F., Troy Public Library,
Troy, N.Y.
Reference librarian; b. Saratoga, N.Y. ; dau. Charles and Agnes (Gould) Wheeler; ed. Vassar College, A.B., and N.Y. State Library School. Contributor to magazines and newspapers. Rec- reations: Tennis, boating, gardening. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate AlumasB, Associate AJumnse ol Vassar College. Favors woman suffrage.
WHEELER, Jofiepha Virsrinia (Mrs. Frank Wal- ter Wheeler), Box 102, MilllDocket, Me. Born Wakefield, Mass., May 6, 1868; dau. Emory Felton and Josepha (Restarrick) Sweetser; ed. Wakefield High School (salutatorian), Wel- lesley Coll., B.A. '90; New York City Mission Training School, 1890-91 (mem. Tau Zeta Alpha); m. Wakefield, Mass., Dec. 31, 1902, Rev. Frank Walter Wheeler; one son: John Felton Wheeler, b. May 22, 1904. Regularly trained city mission worker, especially in Italian work and work with boys and young men; employed by N.Y. City Mission and Tract Soc, 1891-94; Ruggles St. Church, Boston, 1902; special work in Wakefield, Mass., and N.Y. City. Editor of short stories and poems for religious periodicals and some secular papers. Baptist. Recreations: Re- ligious and evangelistic, organ music, training of young people. Special mem. of Boys' Club; specialty work with boys in their 'teens; re- ligious and social work with boys and young men.
WHEELER, Mabel Blanche (Mrs. David Ever- ett Wheeler), 519 Franklin St., Buffalo, N.Y. Born Boston, Mass.; dau. David Rice and Sophia Paine (Dunn) Whitney; ed. Boston, Mass.; m. Boston, June 10, 1898, David Everett Wheeler; one son: E)verett Pepperrell Jr. Mem. Garret Club of Buffalo. Against woman suf- frage; mem. Exec. Com. Buffalo Branch of the New York State Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage.
WHEELER, Mabel Gregg (Mrs. Lyman G.
Wheeler), 395 Wauwatosa Av., Wauwatosa,
Born Brookfield, Wis., June 8, 1866; dau. Jef- fers'in and Rhoda (Jane) Parker Gregg; ed. Wauwatosa High School (valedictorian), and Univ. of Wisconsin for two years; m. Madison, Wis., June 26, 1890. Lyman G. Wheeler; children: Gladys Evelyn, V/arren Gregg, Lyman Edward, Jefferson Gregg. Teacher two years. Pres. Wauwatosa Woman's Club nearly four years; cor. sec. Wis. State Fed. of Women's Clubs (vlce-pres. Milwaukee dist.); sec. of literature for Wis. Woman's Home Missionary Union. Congregationaliist. Mem. Art Class, Wauwatosa Woman's Club.
WHEELER, Mary Sparkes, (Mrs. Henry Wheeler), 102 Mt. Herman Way, Ocean Grove, N.J. Born Tlntern Abbey, England, June 21, 1836:
dau. Samuel and Elizabeth (Tratt) Sparkes;
��came to America when six years old; ed. Bing- haanton, N.Y. ; was pres. largest school in that city at the time of marriage; m. Binghamton, Apr. 13, 1858, Rev. Henry Wheeler; children: Marj', Newberry, G«orge Post. Pres. Philadelphia branch Women's Foreign Missionary Soc., in- cluding all the M.E. Churches in Pa. and Dela- ware, 1883-98; many years a mem. of Nat. Lec- ture Bureau, Chicago, delivering lectures in all sections of the country; in 1899 appointed Nat. Evangelist of the W.C.T.U. ; in 1891 sup't World's W.C.T.U. ; in 1908 elected pres. of the Home for the Aged, of Ocean Grove, N.J. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Woman Suffrage Ass'n and has spoken much in its favor; mem. Woman's Christian Ass'n, Sunshine Soc, King's l>augh- ters. Home and Foreign Missionary Soc. Au- thor: Modern Cosmogony and the Bible, 1880; First Deoade of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, 1884; Poems for the Fireside, 1888; As It Is in Heaven, 19 )S (15,000 copies being cold the first year); has written much for periodicals. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Recreation: Painting (hajs all her life spent much time with pencil and brush).
WHEELER, Ruth, 305 Montgomery St., West
Pittston, Pa.
Teacher; b. Plains, Pa.; ed. in schools of West Pittston, Pa.; assar Coll., A.B. '99. Teacher in West Pittston (Pa.) High School, Saratoga (N.Y.) High School, 1901-04; Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, 1904-10, and member of the Faculty of the Uni- versity of Illinois since 1912.
WHETSTONE, Mary Snoddy (Mrs. Allen S.
Whetstone), Minneapolis, Minn.
Physician; b. Dauphin Co., Pa.: dau. James and Elizabeth (Grove) Snoddy; ed. public schools; Granville Female Sem.; Univ. of Mich., regular medical dep't, M.D. ; attended clinics of London, Paris, Vienna, Boston and N.Y. ; m. Marshall- town, la. Allen S. Whetstone, M.D. (now deceased). Vice-pres. Minn. State Med. Soc. ; pres. Minn. Med. Woman's Club; mem. staff of North- western Hospital for Women and Children; mem. staff Asbury and City Hospitals and Crittenton Home, health lecturer Judson Inst, for Young Ladies, Minn. State Sup't Health, Heredity and Medical Temperance of W.C.T.U.; lecturer on health topics, eugenics; special agent for Bureau of Labor of Dep't of Commerce and Labor. Favors woman suffrage. Contributor to Am. Journal of Clinical Medicine, Hygienic and Dietetic Gazette, Minneapolis dailies and other miscellaneous pub- lications. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Mem. Minn. Mycological Soc (ex-pres.), Minn. Horticultural Soc., Minn. W.C.T.U., Woman's Political Equality Club, Woman's Welfare League of Minn., Minn. Medical Woman's Club (ex- pres.). Am. Woman's League, Internat. Peace Soc.
WHLNNERY, Abble, 10 South 18th St., Phila- delphia, Pa.
Singer, teacher of singing; b. Salem, Ohio; dau. Dr. John Carroll Whinnery (Quaker parent- age); ed. in Ohio schools; musical education be- gan In (jincinnatl with Henry G. Andres (piano) and Mme. Riv6 (singing) ; 14 months Tvith Eugene Vauthrot of the Grand Opera at Paris, studying operatic rSles, and student of voice culture and oratorio singing in London, with J. B. Welch, two years; also studied music of Bach with George Henschel, and studied the speaking voice with Oskar Guttman. First professional appearance at Walter Bache's concert in London. After her return to United States, sang for years with many of the leading musical organizations as oratorio and concert sporano, including the Harvard Musical Ass'n. Orchestra and the Handel and Hayden Society, Boston; the New York and Brooklyn Oratorio Societies, and others, Thomas Orchestra, Boston Symphony Orchestra, etc., and in the music festivals at Cincinnati, Worcester, Pittsburgh, Oberlin, etc. Voice teacher for two seasons in Lyceum Thea- ter School of Acting, N.Y. City; now teacher of singing in Philadelphia.
WHIPPLE, Carolyn Shipman — see Shipman, Carolyn.