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��WHEELER, Alice Clara (Mrs. Richmond

Wheeler), 160 Howard St., Salinas, Cal.

Born June 1, 1868; dau. Joseph Almon and Clara (Knapp) Moses; ed. high school, Portland, Me.; Boston School of Oratory, '87; Leland Stan- ford Jr. Univ., '02 (Phi Beta Kappa); in. Oak- land, Cal., Nov. 23, 1S98, Richmond Wheeler. Teacher of elocution, 18S7-98, in Maine, Oregon and California. Mem. Guild of St. Paul Episco- pal Church. Mem. The Wanderers, The Salinas Civic Club. Recreations: Reading, music. Pres- byterian. Favors woman suffrage. Progressive. WMEELER, Amey Webb (Mrs. Benjamin Ide

Wheeler), President's House, Berkeley, Cal.

Boru Providence, R.I. ; dau. Henry Aborn and Amey (Gorham) Webb; m. Providence, R.I., June 27, 18S1, Benjamin Ide Wheeler, pres. Univ. of Cal.; one son: Benjamin Webb Wheeler, b. Nov. 17, 1893. Exec. Com. Pacific Coast Branch Y.W.C.A. ; vice-pres. Woman's Welfare Dep't Nat. Civic L€ague. Baptist. Mem. Century Club, Town and Country Club (San Francisco), Town and Gown Club of Berkeley, Ebell Club of Oakland.

WHEELER, Candace (Mrs. Thomas M.

Wheeler), Wheeler Place, HoUis, Ij.I., N.Y.

Artist, author; D. Delhi, N.Y. ; dau. Abner S. and Lucy (Dunham) Wheeler; ed. at Di=lhi Acad.; m. Delhi, N.Y., June, 1844, Thomas M. Wheeler; children: Candace, James Cooper, Dora, Dun- ham. Founded first Soc. of Decorative Art; one of founders of first Woman's Exchange; one of founders of Associated Artists; director of Wo- man's Building, World's Columbian Bxi>cfiition. Founder of Onteora-in-Catskills. Favors -woraan suffrage. Author: Content in a Garden; Princi- ples of Decoration; Industrial Weaving; Double Darling and Other Fairy Tales; also magazine articles. Mem. Meridian, Wednesday and Cos- mopoUtan Clubs (N.Y.). WHEELER, Clara Marian, Kindergarten Tiain-

ing: School, Grand Rapids, Mich.

Kindergartner; b. Grand Rapids, Mich., Apr. 25, 1S61; dau. Reuben and Phebe M.nrian (Cum- ings) Wheeler; ed. Grand Rapids public schools. Grand Rapids Kindergarten Training School (graduate and post-graduate course), Hersey Music School, Chicago, special course. Prin. Grand Rapids Kindergarten School since 1905. Rec. sec. Elementar.v Sunday-school Ass'n; vice- pres. Playground Ass'n, State W.C.T.U. Favors woman suffrage. Mom. Methodist Episcopal Church. Mem. Grand Rapids Froebel Club for Child Study, Kindergartners' Club. Mothers' Club. WHEELER, Emily Frances, 624 Cedar Av.,

I,ong Beach, Cal.

Grad. Northwestern Univ., A.B. '75, A.M. 1800; scholar in Romance languages. Bryn Mawr Coll. 1887-88; acting prof., 1891-93; prof, of Romance languages, 1893-97, in Northwestern Univ.; prof, of French and Spanish in Lewis Inst., Chicago, 1898-1903; engaged as philanthropic worker since 1907. WHEELER, Emma Grlmwood (Mrs. W. A.

Wheeler, 311 Sixth Av., N.W., Mandan,


Music teacher; b. Russville, la., Sept. 3, 1856; dau. Is'd.h.c Cooper and Ellsa (Moore) Gnmwood; cd. p-iblic and private schools, RussvlUe, and liberal homo education; piano teachers; Bee- thoven Conservatory, Dubuque, la., William V. Jones, W. S. B. Mathe.-ns, A. J. GcK>ci.rich, Rich- ard Burmcister; m. Boone, Neb., Apr. 13, 1892, W. A. Wheeler. Work with Towa Music Teach- ers' Ass'n, study with Richard Burmeister, in- terpretation of m\!sica! compositions and Les- chet'zky Icchnic with A. J. Gr«ocrich. Works on cr>mTjil'*.c?s of Ci\'ic .League Chautauqua As- sembly (MandanV Farors woman suffrage. Beloa^od to equal suffr.'ig? club at Jncippendence, la., IJvSO. Has developed t.n original sft of gymnastics for fingers, arm and hand and many piano technics. Progrerisive in politics. Charter mem. Iowa Music Teachers' State Ass'n, Nat. Music Teachers' Ass'n. Recreations: Driving, travel. Charter mem. of Independent Iowa La- dies' Musical Club, Mandan Musical Club and Mandan Civic League.

��WHEELER, Florence Evelyn (Mrs. James Augustus Wheeler), Merrynook, New Bruns- wick, N.J.

Born Oswego, N.Y., Dec. 10, 1851; dau. Sydney Merrill and Rebecca L. (Doane) Tucker: ed. Oswego High School, Oswego Normal School, Vassar Coll., M.A. '76; m. James Augustus Wheeler; children: Helene Louise, Mary Bra- man, Evelyn Rebecca, William Henry, Louise Macfarlaue, Irwiue. Has been very active in work of church and its societies, foreign and home, various college societies; former mom. of Oswego Orphan Asylum Board. Has written magazine articles and for various periodicals; writer of children's plays and operettas. Mem. Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Con- gregationalist. Favors woman suffrage.

WHEELER, Florence Lillie (Mrs. Frank Elisha Wheeler), 162 Fort Pleasant Av., Springfield, Mass.

Born Springfield, Mass.; grad. Smith Coll., '98; m. Aug. 31, 1907, Frank Elisha Wheeler. Editor for Webster's Dictionary (Merriam Co.), Spring- field, Mass., 1898-19C0 and 1902-03; teacher of Eng- lish, Ware (Mass.) High School, 1901; teacher of history, Springfield (Mass.) High School, 1903-06. Mem. Smith College Alumnae Ass'n.

WHEELER, Genevra Leslie (Mrs. Lester Wheeler), 623 Delaware Aw, Buffalo, N.Y. Born Framingham, Mass., June 1, 1849; dau. George and Olive (Plimpton) Newell; ed. Fram- ingham Acad. ; m. Framingham. May 29, 1873, Lester Wheeler; children: Ma.Kwell Stevenson, Clarence Newell, ■ Christine Main. Pres. Chil- dren's Hospital of Buffalo, N.Y.; mera. Saturday Class Literary Club, TroDnpe Club; director Twentieth Century Club. Against woman suf- frage. Episcopalian.

WHEELER, Grace Denison, Stonlngton, Conn. Born Stonington. Conn., July 8, l,5S; dau. Richard A. and Lucy Ann (Noyes) Wheeler; ed. common district and high schools at Mystic (town of Stonington). Mem. First Congregational Church. Sup't of Sunday-school: was pres. Conn. Historical and Genealogical Soc. for three years. Author: Reverie of a Returned Missionary ("piny); Historic Ground Bet>?-eeu Oroton and Sto"ninsi:3n; Homes of Our Auceotors in Stonington, Conn., etc. Mem. Mayflower Soc, Anna Warner Baiiey Chapter D.A.R. of Groton and Stonington; mem. Stonington Historical Soe. Recreations: Books, driving.

WHEELER, Hallie Erminie Rives (Mrs. Post Wheeler), American Embassy, Rome, Italy. Novelist; 6. Christian Co., Ky., May 2, isTS; dau. Col. Stephen and Mary (Ragsdale) Rives; descended on paternal side from Sir John Rives of Damory Court, Dorsetshire, Entjland, and on mother's side from John Tilletrscn, Archbishop of Canterbury; ed. by gO'.'eineci-.es; m. Am. Em- bassy, Tokio, Japan, Dec. 29, 1907, Post Wheeler (sec. Am. Kt:>,bas3y there). Author: 'I'he Singing Wire; A Foal In Cpc-lc; Sroc-kins Flax, ISO'o; As the Hart Pant.oth, 1RV8; a Furnace of Earth, 1900: Hearts Courageous, 19C?,; The Castaway, 1S04: Tales from Pickens. nOQ; Satan Sander- son, 1907, €tc. Extensive traveler in Europe, in- cluding Greece and the Mediferr.■^.nf>.^n; the Orient, particularly Japan. In 1908 was one of the party accompanying Secretary of V/ar Taft across Siberia, through Russia, Germany, France, etc.

WHEELER, Hetly Shepard, 124 Linden St., New Haven, Conn., or Wellesley College, Wel-

lesley, Mass.

Instructor in musical theory, Wellesley Coll.; b. Bridgeport, Conn.; dau. Alexander and Mary Lorena (Marks) Wheeler; gr.nduate Wellesley Coll., B.A. '02, M.A. '05 H'nu Zeta Epsilon). In- terested in all social and philanthropic move- ments. Mem. Eastern Educational Music Con- ference, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumuse, Coiipge Settlements Ass'n, Nat. Child Labor .\si* u, Music Teachers" Nat. Ass'n, Consumers' League. Mem. Wellesley Club, New Haven and Boston, and Graduate Council of Wellesley C.nll. Pres- byterian. Favors woman suffr.igc; mem. E)quaJ Suffrage League, Wellesley and N.Y.


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