��dresses in regard to child welfare work, conditions of glrl-3 at home and in factories, etc. Has vis- ited almost every Y.W.C.A. in U.S., also coopera- tive homes for girls. Interested in woman suf- frage through Susan B. Anthony when girl of 18. Author: Aunt Hope's Kitchen Stove and the Girls Around It; assoc. editor of several publi- cations for boys and girls; now corresponding editor of the Club Woman's Magaziue. Repre- sented Am. Press at Winnepeg during the visit of Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York, now King and Queen of England. Has been a journalist for years. Baptist. Mem. King's Daughters, W.C.T.U., Y.W.C.A., Nat. Consumers' League, Gen. le<J. of Women's Clubs, Nat. Council of Women, Susan B. Anthony Club, Nat. Soc. for Promotion of Industrial Education; mem. Chau- tauqua Woman's Club.
WEST, Mary Mills (Mrs. Max West), 1839 Sum- mit PI.. Washington, D.C.
Writer; b. Faribault. Minn., Feb, 5, 1868; dau. Edward Payson ajid Stata Mehitabel (Sanborn) Mills; ed. public schools, Elk River, Minn.; Univ. of Minn., B.A. '90 (mem. Delta Gamma); m. Elk River, Minn., Oct. 6, 1894-, Max West, Ph.D. (died Jan. 7, 1909); children: Dorothy, Edward Mills, Marjorie, Philip Sanborn, Frances Eleanor. Contributor of articles, stories, etc., to Ladies' Home Journal, Harper's Bazar, St. Nicholas, Philadelphia Press, etc. Since death of husband employed in public life in W^ashing- ton by U.S. Immigration Commission, the Tariff Board, and now the Children's Bureau. Interested in club and suffrage work in Wash- ington, D.C. Favors woman suffrage. Author of Bulletin on Pre-natal Care of Expectant Mothers.
WESTBERG, Mary Barbara Christine (Mrs.
John E. Westberg), Empire, Canal Zone,
I. de P.
Born Chicago, 111., Apr. 5, 1872; dau. Mathias Bretz (Civil War veteran) and Anna Mary (Berres) Bretz; attended St. Anthony's Parochial School, Chicago, three years; m. Joliet, III., July 12, 1898, John E. Westberg (mem. of old Swedish family); children: Dorothea Emma, Mary Frances, Dolores Esther, Guill Anna (the latter deceased). Active In philanthropic work. Ro- man Catholic. Sec. of Altar Guild of St. Ferdi- nand's Church, Empire; has held same office since organization three years ago at request of pastor. Mem. Ladies of Maccabees of the World, Chicago; Canal Zone Red Cross. Recreation: Reading. Trcas. Canal Zone Fed. of Women's Clubs; pres. Empire Women's Ciubs.
WESTCOTT, Ada L. (Mrs. Robert E. Westcott),
787 Fifth Av., N.Y. City.
Born N.Y. City, May 11, 1855; dau. Matthew B. and Thalia (Frazee) Peters; granddaughter of John Frazee, first sculptor of America, friend and teacher of Thomas Crawford and William W. Sto^y, and one of the founders of the Nat. Acad, of Design; ed. in private school in Bos- ton; m. Brooklyn, N.Y., Nov. 8, 1876, Robert E. Westcott; one daughter: Thalia (m. Stephen C. Millett). Interested In arts and sciences, has traveled extensively. Mem. N.Y. State Ass'n Op- posed to Woman Suffrage, Am. Geographical Soc, N.Y. Botanical Soc, Museum of Natural History, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Nat. Arts Club and Nat. Historical Soc, and interested In many philanthropic works. Protestant Episcopal.
WESTINGHOCSE, Margruerite Ersklne Walker
(Mrs. George Westlnghouse), "Solitude," E. E.
) Ittsburgh, Pa.; summer — Ersklne Park,
Lenox, Mass.; winter — Blaine House, Dupont
Circle. Washington. D.C.
Born Roxbury. Delaware Co., N.Y. ; dau. Cap- tain Daniel Lynch Walker and Eliza Smart (Burhans) Walker; ed. by instructors at home and at Roxbury (N.Y) Acad, (grad.); m. Brook- lyn, N.Y., Aug. 8, 1867, George Westlnghouse. the distinguished inventor. Interested In phil- anthropies and mem. of various hospital boards in Pittsburgh and Washington, D.C. Mem. Am. National Red Cross. Mem. Pittsburgh Chapter, D.A.R. Presbyterian. Mem. Am. Forestry Ass'n., Mass Forestry Ass'n, Archaeological Inst, of America, Nat. Soc. of Fine Arts, Nat. Geo- graphic Soc, Am. Social Science Ass'n. Mem.
��Berkshire Hunt, Lenox (Mass.) Golf Club, Mah- keenac Boating Club of Lenox, Twentieth Cen- tury Club of Pittsburgh.
WESTLAND, Ella Lydia (Mrs. Walter C. West- land). 34; First Av., Upland, Gal.
Editor, publisher; b. Bellevue, Mich., June 21, 1867; dau. William and Mary E. (Lane) Cosgrove; ed. grammar grades Bellevue High, Battle Creek, Mich., and Olivet (Mich.) Coll., tv/o years; m. Bellevue. Mich.. Dec. 8, 1392, Walter 0. Wictland (died 1902); children: Mary Janette (died 1&07), Addle Louise (died In Ini'ancy). Eaga<;ed In newspaper work at time of husband's "death. Managed and edited papers 10 years in Cal. Prominent In church work; pres. loca.: cl-jb many years. Now pres. Southern DIat. Cal. Fed. of Women's Clabs (second term); held many offices in various organizations; active in social work and also in W.C.T.U. and Y.W.C.A. Favors woman suffrage; took active part in recent Cal. campaign. Presbyterian. Republican voter. Mem. Upland Woman's Club, Ontario Current Events Club, Los Angeles Woman's City Club; was nominated for delegate at large on Taft Republi- can ticket in first election In Cal. following suf- frage.
WESTON, Grace, 276 Franklin St., Newton, Mass.
Bom Springfield, Mass., May 15, 1870; dau. Thomas and Ellen S. (Childs) Weston; ed. New- ton High School, Smith Coll., A.B. (mem. Alpha Soc); studied in Germany. Director Woman's Board of Missions, 1897-1905; trustee Am. Coll for Girls at Constantinople, 1897-1905; active In general church and social interests. Congrega- tionalist. Mem. Social Science Club (Newton); College Club and Deutscher Gesellschaft (Boston). Against woman suffrage.
WESTON, Mary Josephine, 705 Fourth St., Boone, Iowa.
Teaching; b. Boone, Iowa, Sept. 21, 1878; dau. Jeremy and Lydia (Miller) Weston; ed. Boone (Iowa) public schools, Howard Sem. West Bridgewater, Miss.; Wellesley College, B.A., 1899. Taught in Minnesota 8 years; studied one year at Chicago University; taught in Iowa 3 years. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. D.A.R. Mem. Outlook Club, Boone, Iowa. WESTON, May, 1008 Rialto BId'g, Kansas City, Mo.
Dentist; b. K&wanee, III., 1867; dau. George and Helen (Siark) Weston; ed. Kewanee (111.) High School, 1886; Univ. of Mich. DenUl Bep't, D.D.S. '92; mom. D.A.R. Favors woman suffrage. Con- gregatlonahst. Republican (Progressive). Mem Kansas City Dental Soc, Mo. State Dental Soc, Intemat. Dental Soc (Chicago and St. Louis), Order of Rebekah. Recreations: Rowing, botan- izing, rambles in woods. Mem. Western Dlst Federation of Clubs, Woman's Dining Club WETHERAED, Agnes Ethelwyn, Chantler, Wel- land Co.. Ont.
Author; b. Rockwood, Ont., Apr. 26, 1S57; dau William and Jemima (Balls) Wetherald; ed. Oak- ^'ood Sem. and Pickerins Coll., 1S77-81. A'lthcr- The House of the Trees; Tangled in Stars- The Radiant Road; The i.,ast Robin. Quaker. Favors woman suffrage, and has wri;t?n many articles In Its behalf. Her book. The Last Robin, brought a complimentary letter from Earl Grey when Governor-General of Canada.
WETMORE, Elizabeth Blsland (Mrs. Charles W. Wetmore), n Franklin PI., Flushing, N.Y. Author; b. in Louisiana, 1861; dau. Thomas and Margaret (Bronson) Bisland; ed. at home- m. N.Y. City. 1891, Charles W. Wetmore Be- came a journalist in New Orleans, 1889; later an editor and writer on various magazines until 1891. Founded first woman's club in New Or- leans, first Neighborhood League on Long Island; lectured one winter at the League for Political Education, N.Y. City. Favors woman suffrage. Author: A Flying Trip Around the World; A Candle of Understanding; The Secret Life; Life and Letters of Lafcadlo Hearn- Japanese Letters of Lafcadlo Hearn; At the Sign of the Hobby Horse; A Divorcee. Protestant Episcopal. Recreations: Gardening, painting swimming, riding, music. Mem. Wednesday Afternoon Club, Woman's Cosmopolitan Cluh.