��Ladies' School, Christiania, Norway, 1S79; studied Norse law and history under (relie:rQratti vun Maurer, Miinchen, 1S84-S6, Ph.D.; Ziirich, 1890; fellow IQ history, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1S90-91; reader in hlstoi-y of art, Bryn Mawr, 1891-93. Decent in history, 1S96-1902; non-resident instruc- tor in University Extension, 1502-08, Univ. ol Chicago; prof, of history, French and Spanish, Univ. of Wyoming, 1902—. Interested in litera- ture, a book of poems tNorwegian) to be issued soon. Contributor of articles to The American Architect, The Dial, Journal of Political Economy, North American Review and numer- ous others; reviews and criticisms. Best known researc-h work: Slavery in Germanic Society Dur- ing the Middle Ages. Progressive voter. Was mem. Am. Historical Ass'n; mem. Pi Beta Phi. Recreations: Golf, walking, gardening, solitaire. Favors woman suSrage.
WERXEB, Fannie (Mrs. F. H. Werner), Hobart,
Teacher; b. Hobart, Ind., Oct 12, 1869; dau. Joseph and Sophia (Wagner) Nash; ed. public schcM3ls of Hobart and Valparaiso Univ. ; m. Mar. 30, 1895, Dr. F. H. Werner; one daughter: Eunice Nash Werner, b. 1910. Taught for 22 years, mostly first primary grades. Director of choir, also sings in same; Sunday-school sup't; Cradle Roll sup't. Mem. Order of Eastern Star, Wo- man's Reading Club, Magazine Club. Methodist. Favors woman suffrage.
WEKNER, rmie (Mrs. W. E. Werner), 399 Ox- ford St., Rochester, N.T.
Born Buffalo, N.Y. ; dau. Charles and Caroline (Hofheinz) Boiler; ed. Buffalo High School; m. Buffalo, 1889, Judge W. E. Werner; children: Clara, Louise, Marie, Caroline. Mem. Rochester Hospital Board, of State Hospital Board, Tues- day Muslcale, Tuesday Reading Club. Presby- terian.
WEKNEB, Melle Stanleyetta Titus (Mrs. Edgar S. Werner), 43 East Nineteenth St., N.Y. City. Lawyer, writer, publisher; b. N.Y. City; dau. Joseph Richard and Ruth Amelia Titus; ed. N.Y. public schools; N.Y. Normal Coll.; special courses at Columbia Coll., N.Y. Univ., honor student of Woman's Law School, LL.B. (won scholarship In regular law school later); m. N.Y. City, June 3, 1896, Edgar S. Werner. First honor student in first woman's law class; first woman admitted to bar in N.Y. City; first woman lecturer in woman's law class of American birth; was ap- pointed receiver and referee in court; real estate lawyer. Interested in matters pertaining to temperance, purity, advancement of women, pri- vate charity associations and all new thoughts and ideas of the day. Writer (under nom de plume) of plays, pantomimes, drills, dances, monologues, recitations, verse, books for speak- ers. Mem. Women Lawyers' Club. Quaker. Favors woman suffrage.
WERNER, Nina Matthews (Mrs. Percy Wer- ner), 5505 Gates Av., St. Louis, Mo. Born St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 15, 1867; dau. Ed- ward and Mary (Nisbet) Matthews; m. St. Louis, Nov. 6, 1889, Percy Werner; children: Howard, Dorothy, Percy, Courtney, Matthews, Norvell, Virginia. Mem. St. Louis Equal Suffrage League. Mean. N«w Church (Swendenborgian). Mem. Artists' Guild, Wednesday Club.
WESSELHOEET, Mrs. Elizabeth Foster ("Lily Foster Wesselhoeft"), 661 Boylston St., Boston, Mass.
Author; b. Dorchester, Mass., Oct. 20, 1840; ed. in Boston schools; m. Dr. Conrad Wesselhoeft, distinguished homoeopathic physician and trans- lator of Hahnemarn's Organon (died 1904). Au- thor: Doris and Her Dcg Rodney; Fairy Folks of Blue Hill; Flipwing, the Spy; Frowzle, the Runaway: High School Days in Harbortown; Jerry the Blunderer; Madame Mary of the Zoo; Old Rough, the Miser; Old Sultan's Thanksgiv- ing; Sparrow, the Tramp; Torpeanuts, the Tom- boy; The Winds, the Woods and the Wanderer; Foxy, the Faithful; Ready, the Reliable; The Diamond King and the Little Man in Grey; Kover, the Farm Dog.
��WEST, Bina M., ' World's Maccabee Temple,
Port Huron, Mich.
Supreme Commander (pres.) Ladies of the Mac- cabees of the World; b. Columbus, St. Clair Co., Mich. ; dau. Alfred Jones and Elizabeth Jana (Conant) West; ed. public schools and normal course for teachers. Mem. County Board of School Examiners, St. Clair Co., Mich., 1S90-91; supreme record keeper Ladies of the Maccabees of the World, 1892-1911; supreme commander since 1911. Editor Ladies' Review, a monthly magazine, 1895 — . Organizer, public speaker and financial investments of L.CT.M. Interested In collection and investment of Hospital and Home Fund. Editor: Fraternal Ethics, National Fra- ternal Congress; numerous papers, reports and reference work on fraternal beneficiary societies, life insurance principles, ritualistic work. Mem. Presidente' Ass'n Nat. Fraternal Congress; past pres. Nat. Fraternal Press Ass'n (chairman Com. on Ethics, 1981-11). Clubs: Ladies' Tues- day, Port Huron Golf. Recreations: Walking, golf, out-door rambling. Congregationalist. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Republican.
WEST, Cora Smith (Mrs. Grant M. West), 344
Front St., Owego, N.Y.
Born Tioga, N.Y., Oct. 29, 1866; dau. G«orge and Sarah Hart (Perry) Smith; ed. in high school at Tioga, N.Y. ; private school at Northampton, Mass.; m. 'Hoga, N.Y., Oct. 19, 1887, Grant M. West. Engaged in religious work among chil- dren, in welfare wwk and in many branches of club work. Episcopalian.
WEST, Edith Brake (Mrs. George F. West),
Yerlngton, Nev.
Bom Fowler, Ind., June 18, 1884; dau. Edwin Brake and Mary A. (Graney) Brake; grad. Colo. Teachers Coll., B.Pd. ; m. Denver, Dec. 25, 1909, George F. West; one son; Franklin Edward West. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Inde- pendent voter. Mem. Rebecca, Woodmen of the World. Parliamentarian of Woman's Book Club, Yerington, Nev.; pres. Nevada State Fed. of Woman's Clubs. Was voter in Colo, and is mem. Nevada Equal Franchise Soc, engaged in work for a woman suffrage amendment to the State Constitution.
WEST, Helen Andrews Stevens (Mrs. Victor J.
West), Park Apartments, Evanston, III.
Bom St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 18, 1SS9; dau. John Walter and Julia Preston (Codding) Stevens; ed. Miss Loomis' private school for girls, St. Paul; m. St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 6, 1911, Victor J. West. Interested in social settlement work, club work, music. Favors woman suffrage. Progressive Democrat Mem. Nathan Hale Chapter D.A.R., Evanston Woman's Club. Recreations: Tennis, sailing, motor-boating.
WEST, Jennie (Mrs. George Cornwallis-West, formerly Lady Randolph Churchill), Salisbury Hall, St Albans, Englajid, and 20 Great Cum- berland PI., London, W., England. Born Brooklyn, N.Y., Jan. 9, 1854; dau. Leonard and (5lara (Hall) Jerome; ed. Paris; m. (1st) Rt. Hon. Lord Randolph Henry Spencer Churchill, third son of the seventh Duke of Marl- borough (died 1895) ; i2d) July 25, 1900, George Cornwallis-West: has two sons by first marriage. Was proprietor and editor Anglo-Saxon Review; vice-pres. Grand Council Primrose League; dec- orated 1885 with Order of the Crown of India; Lady of Grace of St. John of Jerusalem, 1901; Royal Red Cross. 1902. Was chairman In charge of the hospital ship Maine, outfitted for the war In South Africa. Author: Reminiscences of Lady Randolph Churchill, 1908, and of a play: His Bor- rowed Plumes. Clubs: Ladies' Automobile, Ladies' Athenaeum. "WEST, Kenyon" — see Howland, Louise.
WEST, Lillian Clarkson (Mrs. Benjamin Doyle West), 1805 Olive St, St. Louis, Mo. Born Covington, Ky., Feb. IS. 1869; dau. AiisUu Elliott and Lydia (Young) Clarkson; ed. Cin- cinnati Art School and Thorndick Acad.; grad. Chautauqua, N.Y., 1830; m. Mar. 10, 1897, Ben- jamin Doyle West. Organized Gospel Rest Room League ol St Louis, 1905; active in phil- anthropic work since girlhood. Has given ad-