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��women's clubs. Author (children's stories, books): King Kindness and the Witch, Miss Topsy— From Brazil, Peeps Into Fairyland, and majiy short stories; contributor to magazines and papers on ethical topics, and others pertaining to farmers' wives and their needs. Mem. Hu- mane Educational Soc, N.Y. State Grange, Soc. for Moral and Social Prophylaxis, Soc. for Pre- vention of Cruelty, Writers' Club, Theatre Club, Rest Club. Congregationalist. Favors woman suffrage; mem. William Uoyd Garrison Suffrage Ass'n.

WELLS, Mary Jane (Mrs. A. R. Wells), Welles- vllle, O.

Born Salineville, O., Nov. 5, 1854; dau. John C. ajid Jane (McLennan) Mcintosh; e(L Pa. Coll. for Women (Pittsburgh), A.B. '75; m. Nov. 6, ISTa, A. R. Wells; children: Edwin, Kenneth, BeuJah, Hugh, Louis, Wallace Nathan. Mem. of literary club and two missionary societies; mem. Board of County Visitors. Club: Twentieth Century (lit- erary). Recreations: Visits to Chautauqua, N.Y. Methodist. Favors woman suffrage. WELLS, Vina Guyer (Mrs. R. C. Wells), Dennl- son, O.

Born Pennsylvania; dau. Isaac Guyer, a grad- uate of Allegheny Coll., Meadville, Pa. Father died in army and she was compelled to leave .school at twelve years of age; m. Dennison, 0., 1894, W. R. C. Wells. At fourteen started out to make her own living, and worked at various occupations. Went to Dennison, O., in 1884, and started on a small scale (capital $300) in the grocery business; afterward added dry goods and millinery; moved to larger quarters and increased steadily until she had the largest store in that saction of Ohio, acquiring valuable property;- re- tired in 1904. Presbyterian. Recreation: Travel. First vice-pres. of tie Review Club; mem. 1902 Club (both literary clubs) ; treas. Playground and Civic Imxirovement Ass'n. Against woman suf- frage. WEI^H, Lillian, Th-e Arundel, Baltimore, Md.

Physician, college professor; b. Columbia, Pa., March 6, 1858; dau. Thomas and Nancy Eunice (Young) Welsh; grad. Pa. State Normal School (Millersville), '75; Woman's Med. College of Pa. (Philadelphia), M.D., '89; post-graduate study in Zurich, Switzerland, 1889-90. Teacher in Pa. public schools, 1875-85; practising medicine in Baltimore since 1891. Professor of physiology and hygiene in Goucher College, Baltimore, since 1894. Mem. of Corporators of Pa. Med. College for Women, Philadelphia. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n., Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Mary land. Mem. College Club of Baltimore. WELT, Ida, IS West Eighty-third St., N.Y. City. Teacher; b. Vienna, Austria; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '91; Univ. of Geneva, Switzerland, Ph.D. '95; private docent, Univ. of Geneva, 1898-99. Ass't and lecturer, Univ. of Geneva, Switzerland, 1895-99; since then teacher in V/ash- ington Irving High School, N.Y. City. Author of thesis for Ph.D., and contributor of articles to chemical journals.

WELTON, Gertrude Webster, Nassau Hospital, Mineola, L.I.

Physician; b. Waterbury, Conn., Feb. 7, 1881; dau. George Richard and Ellen Cornelia (Web- ster) Welton; cd. St. Margaret's School, Water- bury, Conn., 189.0-99; Wellesley Coll., A.B. '03; .V.Y. Training School for Deaconesses, 190.3-05; Univ. of Mich., medical dep't, M.D. '10 (Sigma Xi '10; mem. Alpha Epsilon Iota, Alpha chapter). Interne N.Y. Infirmary for Women and Chil- dren, 1910-11; pathologist Nassau Hospital, Mineola, L.I., 1912. Favors woman suffrage. Protestant Episcopal. Mem. Church Ass'n for Advancement of the Interests of Labor. WELTY, Genevieve Leinhart, R.R. 4, Rockford, 111.

Teacher; b. Monroe, Hi., Aug. 9. 1870; dau. Calvin and Trocclia (Dawson) Welty; grad. Rockford Coil., A.B. '92. Taught since 1898 in various Southern schools for girls; Latin, Lex- ington Coll., Lexington, Mo., 1906-07; taught Latin, Logan Coll. for Girls, Russellville. Ky., 1908-13. Worker in Sunday-school and Y.W.C.A. Bocieties. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage.

��WELTY, Grace DeWitte, R.R. 4. Rockford, 111. Born Monroe. 111., Oct. 29, 1868; dau. Calvin and Trocelia (Dawson) Welty; grad. Rockford illl.) Coll., A.B. '91; graduate student Univ. of Wis., 1898-99, 1899-1900. Taught English, Clinton Coll., Ky., 1893-94; principal Dunkirk (Ind.) High School, 1894-96. Mem. local school board. Recreations: Skilled horsemanship, riding and driving. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage. WENDELL, May Dwight Foote (Mrs. Ten Byck Wendell), 1639 Connecticut Av., Wash- ington, D.C. ; Bummer, Lakelawn, Cazenovia, Madison Co., N.Y.

Born N.Y. City, July 12, 18<S; dau. Edward and Mary Otis Alger (Tyler) Foote; ed. Boston public school, the Prince School and Miss Fanny Hall's; passed Radcliffe examinations, also Barnard ex- aminations; m. St. Bartholomew's Church, N.Y. City, June 1, 1898, Ten Eyck Wendell; one son: Ten Eyck Jr., b. July 19, 1899. Very musical; has written children's songs, the best known Is Visitors, the words by Mrs. Payne Whitney (Helen Hay), published by Oliver Ditson, Boston. Particularly interested in civic societies and hav- ing the laws of the city enforced, showing what women can do without the vote and do it .well; against woman suffrage. Hon. vice-pres. of the District Ass'n Opposed to Woman's Suffrage, Washington, D.C. Episcopalian. Mem. May- flower Soc; sec. Colonial Dames of America of Chapter III in Washington, D.C. Recreations: Music, psychology, ethics, business laws. WENDEROTH, Fannie BeUe (Mrs. Fred G. Wenderoth), 1021 N. Thirteenth St., Fort Smith, Ark.

Born Montlcello, Ark., Mar. 4, 1863; dau. John Probert and Eimna Virginia (Jordan) Collier; ed. Montlcello and Pine Bluff, Ark., by university- bred tutors; m. Fort Smith, Ark., Fred. G. Wenderoth; children: Collier, Fred, James, Emily. Interested in charitable work, having given many years of gratuitous service to the hospital; was pros. Board of Lady Managers of Sparks Memorial Hospital ten years (resigned on account of ill health); mem. Daughters of the Confederacy and Fortnightly Literary Club. Has written for local papers in interest of the hos- pital and other articles of local interest, includ- ing culinary recipes which have been in family for generations (old Virginia recipes brought over from England).

WENDT, Julia Bracken (Mrs. William Wendt), 2S14 N. SIckel St., Los Angeles, Ca!. Sculptor; b. in Illinois: dau. Andrew and Mary (McNamara) Bracken; studied art at Chicago Art Inst; ass't to Lorado Taft for six years; m. William Wendt, landscape painter. Assisted with decorations for the World's Cclumbian Exposi- tion, and also executed several independent com- missions: The Statue of Illinois Welcoming the Nations, and many others. Favors woman suf- frage. Won prize in poster contest offered by Political Equality League of Los Angeies, Cal., 1911, in campaign which won suffrage for the State, and has written articles for same. In- dependent in politics. Recreations: Gardening, pets and out-door sports. Mem. Soc. of Western Artists, Chicago Soc. of Artists, Municipal Art League, Fed. of Arts, Numismatic Soc., Cal. Art Club, Fine Arts League, Allied Arts Center of Los Angeles.

WENTWORTH, Caroline Young, 75 Lincoln St.. Newton Highlands, Mass.

Physician: b. South Berwick, Me., Sept. 2, 1864; dati. Benjamin F. and Mary E. (Young) Wentworth; ed. high school and" Framingham (Mass.) Normal School; School of Medicine of Boston Univ., Ch.D. '94, M.D. '96. Since medical graduation engaged in practice at Newton High- lauds, Mass. Has served in Out-Patient Dep't of Mass. Homa3opathic Hospital. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homreopatliy, Mass. Homoeopathic Med.. Soc, Boston Homopoi atliic Med. Soc, Mass. Surgical and Gynecological Soc, Am. Health League. Mem. Twentieth Century Club (Boa- ton). Favors woman suffrage.

WEKGEL.VNl), A^neM M., University of Wyo- ming, Laramie. Wyo.

Professor of history and Spanish; b. Norway; came to U.S. 1890; naturalized citizen; £rad.


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