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��Ltos Angeles Social Hygiene Soc. Well known throughout the U.S. and Canada as a lecturer and writer on police topics, social hygiene and abolition of the social evil. Congregationalist. Republican. Mem. Friday Morning and Woman's City Clubs, W.C.T.U.

WELLS, Anna Holmes (Mrs. John Edwin Wells\ 2101 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa., and 911 Park Av., Belolt, Wis. Shakespearean recitals; b. Boston, Mass., July 9, 1S79; dau. Dr. Edmund Wales and Anna Keen (Coates) Holmes; ed. Friends' Central High School, Philadelphia, 1894; Nat. School of Elocu- tion and Oratory, Philadelphia, B.E. '95; Swarth- more Collei^e, B.L. 1900; Hiram (Ohio) Coll., M.A. '08; student at Yale Univ., l&lG-ll; m. Philadelphia, Feb. 12, 1904, Prof. John Edwin Wells. Specially active in connection with Shakespearian recitals and training college plays. Writer of several magazine articles. Mem. of literary clubs and societies connected with the institutes of which she is an alumna. Lutheran.

WELLS, Carclyc, Rahway, N.J.

Author; b. Rahway, N.J. ; dau. William Ed- mund and Anna (V/c>ociruff) Wells; ed. in public and high schools of Rahway, N.J. Continuously engaged in literary work from 1SS5. Mem. Colony Club (N.Y. City) ; Lyceum Club (LondonJ. Presbyterian. Bocks: At the Sign of the Sphinx (Vols. I and 11); The Jingle Book; The Story of Betty; Idle Idylls; Mother Goose's Menagerie; Folly in Fairyland; The Merry-Go-Round; A Nonsense Anthology; Children of Our Town; A Phenomenal Fauna; Abeniki Caldwell; Eight Girls and a Dog; The Pete and Poily Stories; Trotty's Trip; Polly in the Fcrest; The Gordon Elopement; A Parody Anthology; The Staying Guest; Folly for the V/ise; A Matrimonial Bu- reau; The Dorrance Domain; A Satire Anthology; ThF. Rubaiyat of a Motor Car; Dorrance Doings; A Whimsey Anthology; Rainy Day Diversions; Emily Erjmins Paperg; Fluffy Ruffles; The Coro- lyu Wells Year Book; The Happy Chaps; Rubaiyat of Bridge; The Clue; Seven Ages of Childhood; Pleasant Day Diversions; The Gold Bag; A Chain of Evidence; The Lovers' Baedeker; also series, The Patty Books, The Marjorie Books, and Dick and Dolly series.

WELLS, Gate Gilbert (Mrs. Charles W. Wells),

910 Jefferson St., Burlington, la.

Born Burlington, la., May 27, 1863; dau. W. Dallam Gilbert {lumber manufacturer and tim- berland owner) and Hetta Wells (Merrill) Gil- bert (descent from Devonshire branch of the English Gilbert family); ed. by private tutors; specialized in music; m. Davenport, la., Jan. 8, 1892, Charles W. Wells (prominent lumber manu- facturer and sec. Nat. Convention of Lumber- men; d:ed June 21, 1SG7) ; children: Gilbert, b. June 13, 1893; Catherine, b. Aug. 9, 1895 (died June 15, 1897). Interested in genealogical re- search, patriotic societies, music, literature, art and travel. Occasional contributor to news- papers and writer of letters of travel from many lands. Congregationalist; much • interested in church activities. Republican. Mem. Stars and Stripes Chapter D.A.R. (many times its regent); many times delegate to Nat. Soc. D.A.R. at Washington; several times State historian Iowa D.A.R.; hon. pres. Norman Circle, The King's Daughters. Recreations: Motoring, boating, en- tertaining young people. Pres. since 1900 of Burlington Musical Club (membership 600); was first chairman and is still mem. Music Com. of Iowa Fed. of Women's Clubs; vice-pres. Bur- lington City Fed. Women's Clubs, Burlington Country Clu'b. Favors woman suffrage.

WELLS, Cora Agnew (Mrs. Wesley Pitt Wells),

24 Convers Av., Zanesvllle, O.

Born Knox Co., Ohio, April 3, 1866; dau. Henry Prathor and Mary Pierce (Bills) Agnew; ed. public schools; m. Oct. 9, 1889, Dr. Wesley Pitt Wells; children: Thomas Agnew, Joseph Brad- ford. Mem. and sec. Muskingum Chapter D.A.R. Ex-pres. Current Events Club, King's Students; mem. Membership Com. of Zanesville City Fed. of Women's Clubs. Recreations: Read- ing, club work, auction bridge. Episcopalian.

��WELLS, Mrs. Dclphine B., G022 Monroe Av.,

Chicago, 111.

Lecturer; b. Bristol, Conn., Fob. 2, 1847; dau William G. and Josephine L. (Bicknell) Bartholo mew; ed. Kalamazoo (Mich.) Coll.; m. Kalama zoo, 1867, James M. Wells; children: Walter W. Julian P. Teacher in public schools; prin. West minister Sem., Fort Wayne, Ind. ; field sec. Woman's Presbyterian Board of Missions, Chi caigo; lecturer at Chautauquas and summer schools. Interested In missions. Favors woman suffrage. Author of magazine articles and mis- sionary books. Presbyterian. Mem. Chautauqua (N.Y.) Women's Cluib. WELLS, Eaolse Stebbins (Mrs. John W. Wells).

Coudersport, Pa.

Born Coudersport, Pa., May 8, 1870; dau. Pierra A. and Mary E. (Mann) Stebbins; ed. Couders- port public schools; Buffalo Acad.; m. Coudersport, Pa., Sept. 26, 1893, John W. Wells; children: Katharine Mary, Walter Pierre, l-'a- vors woman suffrage. Protestant Episcopal. Mem. church societies, Soc. Hall in the Grova (Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle), D.A.R. Recreations: Bridge, embroidery. Mem. New Century Club, State Fed. Women's Clubs. WELLS, Emilie Louise, Vassar College, Pough-

keepsle, N.Y.

College instructor; b. Saugatuck, Mich.; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '95; Babbott fellow, Univ. of Chicago, 1896-97. Teacher in Kemper Hall, Kenosha, Wis., 1894-96; instructor in economics, Vassar Coll. since 1897. WELLS, Frances Gibson (Mrs. Walter A.

Wells), The Rochambeau, Washington, D.C.

Born in Tennessee, 1876; dau. Judge Henry R. and Frances (Reed) Gibson; ed. private schools in Knoxville, Tenn.; Miss Anable's, Philadelphia; m. Washington, D.C, June, 1899, Dr. Walter A. Wells; children: Eleanor Scoville, Frances Marian. Mem. Ladies' Board of Georgetown Univ. Hospital. Episcopalian. Mem. Washing- ton Club. WELLS, Georgina Betts (Mrs. T. Tileston

Wells), 52 E. Seventy-sixth St., N.Y. City.

Born N.Y. City, Nov. 13, 1868; dau. George F. and Ellen (Porter) Betts; ed. in private schools and by governesses; m. N.Y. (5ity, April 18, 1894, T. Tileston Wells; children: John, Geor- gina Lawrence. Against woman suffrage. Prot- estant Episcopal. WELLS, Haidee Elder (Mrs. Julius E. Wells),

De Van's Bluff, Ark.

Born • "Eldersley," Trenton, Tenn., Sept. 18, 1872; dau. Charles A. and Bell (Bright) Elder (great- great-granddaughter of James E. Slack, at one time vice-pres. of Princeton Coll. and founder of the Univ. of Cincinnati; granddaugh- ter of Joseph Eaton Bright, grad. Miami (O.) Univ.; pres. Brownsville Female Coll., Trenton (Tenn.) Female Inst, and Presbyterian Female Coll. of Jackson, Tenn.); ed. at home; studied music at Conservatory of Music, Chicago, and in Memphis, Tenn.; m. DeVall's Bluff, Ark., Aug. 4, 1898, Julius E. Wells (manufacturer; di- rect descendant of Josiah Bartlett, signer of the Declaration of Independence); children: Charles, Franklin, Julius Ezekiel Jr., Sarah Bright, Joseph Gardner, Joel McClintock. Chairman Health Com. of Prairie County (Ark.) Health Ijeague. Presbyterian-; mem. Home Missionary Soc, Foreign Missionary Soc. (pres. five years); pres. Woman's Club of DeVall's Bluff four years; musical director two years. Recreations: Em- broidery Circle, card parties. Against woman suffrage. WELLS, Helen Butler (Mrs. Helen A. Wells),

24i> West 105th St., N.Y. City.

Lecturer, writer; b. N.Y. State, 1862; dau. Dr. William Chauncey and Eunice (Robinson) Butler; ed. Syracuse High School and private teachers (Delta Delta Delta); m. Syracuse, N.Y. Arthur J. Wells; one son: Bertrand L. Wells. Lecturer for Dep't Agriculture of State of N.Y.; origi- nated the women's institutes iti N.Y. Slate and Delaware modeled after the Ontr.rio women's in- stitutes; organized child culture studii^s, leaflets for N.Y. State Grange; organized the Bands of Mercy in public schools of Syracuse., also many


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