��WEITZ, Nettle Arthur Brown (Mrs. G. Langs-
dorf Weltz), 602 West 137th St., N.Y. City.
Musical composer; dau. Anson H. and Annie E. (Ide) Brown; high school education and pri- vate college course; m. N.Y. City, G. Langsdorf Weltz. After flUlng engagements with Reader In N.Y. and vicinity, playing as accompanist her i>wn compositions, climaxed professional career by giving The Red Fan Recital In Carnegie ?Iall. Composer: The Red Fan (an artistic conception of a true story set to music) ; The Idyl of an Orchard (romance) ; The Sea (humorous sketch of a Newport Girl) ; also several unpublished works; The Song of the Auto; Browning's All's W«ll With the World (from Plppa Passes). Clubs: Mary Arden Shakespeare, N.Y. Theatre, Fed. of Tlieatre Clubs, Oameo, Literary Study, also Nflfw BUigland Soc., Fortnightly Shakespeare Club, Portia Law Club. Recreations: Piano play- ing, aatomobiling. Baptist Favors woman suf- frage; mem. of suffrage organizations. WELCH, Emily Hamilton, 500 Washington Av.,
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Instructor of chemistry; b. Rochester, N.Y., Oct. 22, 1882; dau. Philip Henry and Margaret Wdles (Hamilton) Welch; ed. Proebel Acad., Brooklyn, N.Y., 1889-96; Packer Collegiate Inst., Brooklyn, 1896-1900; Vassar Coll., A.B., 1900-04. Assistant In chemical laboratory, Vassar Coll., 19Ot-06; Instructor In chemistry, Packer Colle- giate InsL, 1905-10; head of dep't of chemistry, Packer Inst., since 1910. Settlement worker at Holy Trinity Guild House, N.Y., 1911-13. As- sistant In Brooklyn playgrounds, 1902-03. Favors woman suffrage Presbyterian. Mem. A.A.A.S., State Science Teachers' Ass'n, Associate Alum- nj6 of Packer Coll. Inst, Vassar Coll. WBIXJH, Mabel Rose, 55 East Fifty-ninth St.,
N.Y. City.
Artist; b. New Haven, Coan.; iau. Follansbee Q. and Rose P. (Merrill) Welch. Sec Am. Soc. of Miniature Painters, the Pa. Soc. of Miniature Painters, Art Students' League of N.Y., Woman's Art Club, Art Workers' Club. Favors woman ffuffrtige. WELCH, Phebe Mumford Lyon (Mrs. George
Cakes Welch), Fergus Falls, Minn.
Club woman; b. Newport, R.I.; dau. James Wheaton and Harriet (Crandell) Lyon; ed. pri- vate and public schools of Newport, R.I.; Nor- mal Sohool, Salem, Mass.; Quincy (Mass.) Train- ing School; m. Quincy, Mass., Sept. 28, 1882, Dr. George Oakea Welch; one son: Geoffrey Wheaton. Vlce-pres. of district and vice-pres. at large for Minn. State Fed. of Women's Clubs (also chair- man Art Dep't); treas. 1308-10, recording sec. 1910-13, Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs. Interested in club work, public libraries In small towns, In- dustrial work for insane women. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage. WELCH, Itoby Anna Cole (Mrs. James A.
Welclii, 15 George fat., Pawtucket, R.I.
Born Seekonk, Maes., Nov. 6, 1872; dau. Will- lam Marchant and Harriet (Perry) Cole; ed. R.I. State Normal School; Pawtucket City Training School for Teachers; m. Pawtucket R.I-, Apr. 24, 1895, James Albert Welch; one son: Leverett Cole Welch. Chairman Civil Service Reform Com. of R.I. State Fed. of Women's Clubs; chairman Com. on Public Interests of Pawtucket Woman's Club; historian Pawtuckot Chapter D.A.R. ; Christian Science Publication Com. for R.I.; clerk FMrst Church of Christ Scientist, of Provi- dence, R.I.; former mem. School Board, City of Pawtucket; Interested in educational and his- torical affairs. Mem. R.I. Normal School Alumni Ass'n, sec. of R.I. D.A.R., Pawtucket Chapter D.A.R., Pawtucket Woman's Club. Recreation: Automobiling. WELLEN8, Helen Miller, 102 W. Montgomery
Av., Ardmore, Pa.
Portrait painter; b. Philadelphia, Pa.; dau. William H. and Mary R. (Welsh) Miller; ed. Glrton School and Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts; win- ner of first Toppan prize; mem. Fellowship Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts. Elxhibltor at annual exhibi- tions at Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts, portraits and landscapes. Favors woman suffrage. Episco-
&allan. Mem. Woman's Missionary and Aux- lary Societies. Needlework Guild.
��WELLER, Rebecca Jane Jordan (Mrs. John
Archibald Weller). 211 Lee St.. Tampa, Fla.
Born Waterloo, Can.; dau. Henry D. and Emily P. (Raynold) Jordan; ed. common school; m. St. Louis, Mich., June 29, 1886, John Archibald Weller; children: LeFlie June, b. June 14, 1887; Frederick Henry, b. Dec. 1, 1888; Marguerite Wet- cott, b. Aug. 29, 1890. During Spanish-American War, 1897, when the 60,000 men were mobilized In Tampa, she vas known, because of her minis- trations as Gospel singer and comforter of the sick and dying, as the "little army mother." Following the war aided in founding a rescue home for fallen women, called the Door o* Hope, of which she was at one time pres. In lttU2 founded the music In the public schools c f Tampa, Fla., and v/aa their supervisor for two years; one of the women who helped bring to Justice and conviction the first white slave case tried In Fta. ; active in work for reforms in jail, prison and camp; aaeists with the services iu jail and stockade, regulaily held by the Salva- tion Army. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. M.K. Church. Mem. Friday Morning Musical Soc. as chorus director; pres. Hillsborough Co. Humane Soc., Tampa, Fla.; sup't of Fla, State Humane Ass'n. WELLES, Clara Klntner (Mrs. Fisher Welles),
Wyalusing, Pa.
Born Mehoopany, Pa., Aug. 27, 1865; dau. Moses S. and Elizabeth (Jacoby) Klntner; ed. Mansfleld (Pa.) Normal; m. Mehoopany, Pa., Mar. 27, 1890, Fisher Welles; children: Fisher, Clayton, John R., Clara K., Isabel K. Against woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. of religious societies and Fortnightly Club. W£LL£^ Mary CroweU, Newlngton, Conn.
Sec. Consumers' League of Conn. ; b. New- lngton, Conn., Nov. 1, 1860; dan. Roger and Mercy Deiaao (Arken) Welles; ed. Hartford High School; Smith Coll., A.B. ; Yale Univ., Ph.D.; Univ. of Leipzig (mem. Alpha Soc., Smith). One year's study abroad In Germany and Greece; four months' investigation of trade schools in Ehirope; five years ass't prof, at Goucher Coll., Baltimore; two years instructor at Smith Coll. Nov/ engaged In legislative work, in lecturing iu Conn, on economic question and preparing articles for pillanthropic publlcaUons. Author: A Glance at Some Etiropean and American Vocational Schools (for Consumers' League); Contributions to the Study of Suppletlvwesen (Am. Journal ol Philology). Mem. Archaeological Inst, of Am., Am. Ass'n for Labor Legislation, Nat. Child Liabor Com., Smith Students' Aid Ass'n, Smith College Crinb, College Club of Hartford. Con- gregationalist. Favors woman suffrage. In- dependent in politics. WELLMAN, Mrs. Francis L. — see Juch, Emma
Antonla Joanna.
WELLMAN, Mabel Thacher, Lewis Institute,
Chicago, III.
Assistant prof. In Lewis Inst, Chicago; b. Bos- ton; dau. Joeeph N. and Ellen Maria (Crowell) Wellman; ed. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '95; studied at MasB. In«t. of Technology aad Univ. of Chi- cago (mem. Shakespeare Soc. at Wellesley). Taught in Brookline (Majs.) pal>llc schools, 1895- 1900; liockford Coll., IU., 1902-06; Lewis Inst., Chicago, 1906—. Mem. Am. Home Ecotomlca Ass'n; pres. Chicago Home EJconomics Ass'n, 1911-12. Swedeaborglan. WELLS, Alice Stebbins (Mrs. Frank Wells),
1449 W. Fifty-sixth St, Los Angeles, Cal.
Police woman; b. Manhattan, Kan., June 13, 1873; dau. Homer Pease and Sarah E. (Kinney) Stebbins); grad. High School, Atchison, Kan.; Hart (Conn.) Theological Sem., two years; m. Perry, Okla., Jan. 27, 1906, Frank Wells; chil- dren: Ramona Stebbins, Raymond Stebbins, Gardner Stebbins. Pastor's ass't Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, N.Y.. 1900; student-pastor in Maine during summer of 1901-02; pastor Perry, Okla., 1903-06; was appointed a regular police woman Sept. 13, 1910, having herself secured a passage of necessary legislation creating the po- sition. Looked to as the natural sponsor. Did much to spread and direct the police woman movement. Also founder and vlce-pres. of th«