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��nell Unly., A.B. 'C7. High school science teacher at Falrport, N.Y., and college prof, at Maryland Coll., 1910-12 (prof, natural science and higher mathematics). Mem. Presbyterian Church. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Recreation; Out-door sports.

WEEDEN, Aane Tillinghast, 81 Brown St., Providence, R.I.

Teacher of German, writer; b. Providence, R.I., June 9, 1S63; dau. William Grinnell and Mira Ome (Foster) Weeden; grad. Brown Univ., B.A. '94; M.A. '98; studied two yeers at Berlin Univ., Germany. Especially interested in amateur dra- matics; also In agriculture and farming, and law for the protection of animals. Contributor to magazines. Author of pamphlet: The Origin and Development of the Woman's College in Brown Univ.; assoc. editor of German text-book. Con- gregationalist. Mem. Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals; pres. R.I. branch of Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae; pres. Brown Alumnae; mem. New Engiand Modern langruage Ass'n, R.I. Short Story Club, the Players (dramatic club). Has traveled extensively. WEEKS, Herma Letts (Mrs. Frank E. Weeks), 112 N. Byers Av., Joplin, Mo. Born Marshailtown, la., April 13, 1888; dau. Frank Crawford and Minnie (Smith) Letts; ed. Mrs. Somers' School in Washington, D.C. ; Briar- cliffe School at Briarcliffe Manor, N.Y. ; m. Evanston, 111., Oct. 16, 1909, Frank E. Weeks of Chicago; one son: Harvey Crawford, b. Aug. 28, 1912. Interested in Provident Ass'n and Y.W.C.A. Against woman suffrage. Presbyter- Ian. Recreations: Music, reading, golf. Mem. Travel Club, Music Club.

WEEKS, Imogene, 95 S. Mountain Av., Mont- clair, N.J.

Teacher: b. N.Y. City, Oct 10, 1871; dau. John Townsfend and Imogene (Frost) Weeks; grad. Montclair High School, '89; Smith Coll., B.L. '93 (Alpha Soc). Teacher of Latin and English in Montclair High School eleven years; teacher of Latin in Milton (Mass.) Acad, seven years; teacher in charge of dormitory of girls' school, Milton Aoad. Mem. of Exec. Com. of Private School Teachers' Ass'n of Boston. Mem. Con- sumers' League of N.Y. City, Mass. Peace Soc., College Settlements Ass'n of N.Y., Smith College Club of N.Y. Episcopalian. Favors woman suf- frage,

WEEKS, Mary Harmon (Mrs. Edwin R. Weeks), 34 08 Harrison St., Kansas City, Mo. Teacher and editor; b. Warren, O., April 22, 1851; dau. Charles R. Harmon and Mary (Hezlep) Harmon; ed. Warren (O.) schools, Acad, of Sis- ters of St. Joseph; m. Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 24, 1882, Edwin R. Weeks, consulting electrical en- gineer; one daughter: Ruth Mary (author of People's School), b. Feb. 21, 1886. Teacher of literature and mathematics for 17 years in Cen- tral High School, Kansas City, Mo. Editor of book of the Nat. Congress of Mothers, entitled Parents and Their Problems. Work in child Btudy and mother study; has organized hundreds of mothers' clubs and parent-teachers' ass'ns. Works for establishment of kindergartens, and humane education. Favors woman suffrage. Author of pamphlets: How to Organize and Carry On Mothers' Union (translated into Japanese); Mothers' Responsibility (translated Into French); Woman's Mission; Stories and Btory Telling; How to Tell the Story of Reproduction to Young Children; also newspaper articles. Unitarian. Mem. Humane Soc. of kansas City, Mo.; vice-pres. Nat. Congress of Mothers; first pres. Kansas City Athenseum. Mem. Kansas City Mothers' Union; chairman of Kansas City Conference of Parent-Teachers' Ass'ns.

WEEl-S, Bath Mary, S408 Harrison St., Kan- sas City, Mo.

Teacher: h. Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 21, 1886; dau. Edwin Ruthven and Mary (Harmon) Weeks; ed. Central High School, Kansas City; Vassar Coll., B.A. 'OS; William Borden traveling fellow of Vassar Coll., 1909-10; N.Y. School of Philan- thropy, 1908 (summer term); Soziale Frauen Bchule, Berlin, Germany; winter quarter, 1910; university fellow in rhetoric, Univ. of Mich.,

��1912-13. Engaged in writing and sporadic work in the Woman's Trade Union League, Kansas City; prepared section on industrial education for Kansas City Child Welfare Exhibit. Favors woman suffrage. Author: The People's School, a study in vocational training (Riverside Series of Educational Monographs). Socialist. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Aiumnce, Woman's Trade Union League, Associate Alumna of Vassar Coll., Con- sumer?' League, Phi Beta Kappa, Gamma Phi Beta. Recreation: Tramping. Especially inter- ested in problem of vocational training; spent a year abroad visiting the trade schools of Paris, Berlin and Miinich.

AVEEMS, Daisy Williams (Mrs. A. G. Weems), 3016 Eighth St., Meridian, Miss. Born Okolona, Miss., May 9, 1869; dau. C. C. and Ardena (Fallen) Williams; grad. Ward's Sem., Nashville, Tenn., '86 vreceived the l.OOO Medal," also German honor); m. Meridian, Mass., 1892, A. G. Weems; children: Albert W., Mai- lande W. Much interested in religious, philan- thropic, literary and patriotic work. Was pres. Miss. Fed. of Women's Clubs two years; was pres. Winnie Davis Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy, when that chapter organized the Miss, division U.D.C. Mem. King's Daugh- ters, Old Ladies' Home Ass'n, Euterpian Club, Matinee Musical Club, Woman's Aid and Mis- sionary Soc, Fortnightly Club. Baptist. WEEMS, Elizabeth W., 600 W. Worth Av.. Baltimore, Md.

Teacher; b. Loch Eden, Anne Arundel Co., Md. ; dau. Franklin and Mary M. (Bowie) Weems; ed. private school. Has been teacher in her own private school of shorthand and typewriting for a number of years, and now much interested in teaching Esperanto. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian.

WEGMANN, Sarah J. Boland (Mrs. William M. Wegmann), Bladen, Neb. Physician; b. St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 7, 1905; dau. John Thomas and Virginia Susan (Weatherford) Boland; grad. Central High School, Kansas City '99; Kansas City Hahnemann Medical Coll. '02- m. Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 25, 1905, William M.' Wegmann, M.D. ; one daughter: Virginia Susan. Actively engaged in practice of medicine In Kansas City, 1902-05; since then has practised in Bladen, Neb., confining work to office. Mem. Board of Elducation in Bladen. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Carrol Dunham Med. Soc, of Kansas City, Mo. Recreations: Automobiling, gardening. Mem. Woman's Culture Club of Bladen, Neb. WEICKSEL, Amelia, Perkasie, Bucks Co., Pa.

Physician, teacher, medical gymnast; b. War- ren, Pa., Mar. 21, 1861; dau. Rev. Henry and An- geline (Creager) Weicksel; ed. public school, Ringtown, Pa., and Philadelphia; Normal School Kutztown, Pa., 1881, M.A. ; Sargent's School of Physical Training, Cambridge, Mass., 1892-94; Woman's Med. Coll,, Philadelphia, 1900-04, M.D. Taught nine years in public schools; in private gymnasiums in Washington, D.C, for six years; in summer schools in Cambridge, .Mass., and N.Y. City three years; in Woman's Med. Coll. for two years. Favors woman suffrage. Luth- eran. Recreations: Gardening, music, fencing. WEIDENS.-VLL, Clara Jean, Laboratory of So- cial Hygl*ne, Bedford Hills, N.Y. Psychological research worker; b. Omaha, Neb.; dau. Jacob and Virginia McKennie (Patton) Weidensall; grad. Omaha High School, '99: Vas- sar Coll., A.B. '03; graduate .scholar and fellow in psychology In Univ. of Chicago, 1903-06, 1907- 08, Ph.D. '10. Instructor in psychology, Winona (Minn.) State Normal. 1905-06; demonstrator in psychology, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1906-07; since 1911 director psychological research. Laboratory of Social Hygiene, Bedford Hills, N.Y. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Chicago Chapter Sigma XI, Am. Psychological Ass'n. N.Y. branch of same, Ass'n Collegiate Alumnas. WElIiM.lN, /^dda Josephine (Mrs. Samuel Weidmani, 410 N. Henry St., Madison. Wis. Born Logansville Wis., Jan. 7, 1876; dau Henry L, and Mary Alice (Hulburt) Westen- haver; ed. High School, Richland Center, 1893; grad. Univ. of Wis. School of Music, 1898 (Delta


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